Area name | Price | Sqft | PPSqft | Rental price | Gross yield | Bedrooms | Bathrooms | Features |
Lakeview Court | £ 373,750 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 820 /mo | 2.63 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Lark Rise | £ 190,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Lasham Court | £ 183,750 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,250 /mo | 8.16 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Lawson Crescent | £ 253,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,200 /mo | 5.68 % | 3 | 1 | 8 |
Leatherworks Way | £ 274,048 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,193 /mo | 5.22 % | 3 | 2 | 4 |
Leben Square | £ 250,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,150 /mo | 5.52 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Lismore Close | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Lockcroft Square | £ 216,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Long Mallows Rise | £ 211,667 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Longmead Court | £ 199,250 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Lowlands Close | £ 254,995 | 940 | £ 271 | £ 950 /mo | 4.47 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Maidencastle | £ 171,250 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,025 /mo | 7.18 % | 3 | 1 | 7 |
Malesoure Walk | £ 72,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 2 | 0 |
Manor Farm Road | £ 581,667 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 3 | 0 |
Marburg Street | £ 75,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Melbury Lane | £ 219,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Melbury Place | £ 196,238 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,200 /mo | 7.34 % | 3 | 1 | 10 |
Middlemarch | £ 320,000 | 854 | £ 374 | £ 1,000 /mo | 3.75 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Millbank | £ 352,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,150 /mo | 3.91 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Morgan Close | £ 254,833 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 942 /mo | 4.44 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Mortar Pit Road | £ 233,889 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,092 /mo | 5.60 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Mushroom Field Road | £ 183,333 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 900 /mo | 5.89 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Nether Jackson Court | £ 180,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 680 /mo | 4.53 % | 3 | 3 | 0 |
Newstead Close | £ 220,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 1 | 0 |
Normead Square | £ 200,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 950 /mo | 5.70 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Oat Hill Drive | £ 208,333 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 6 |
Old Carpenters Close | £ 640,000 | 2,658 | £ 240 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Olden Road | £ 218,750 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 862 /mo | 4.73 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Old School Terrace | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Oleander Crescent | £ 244,642 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,250 /mo | 6.13 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Oransay Close | £ 238,600 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Overstone Lane | £ 350,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Paddock Mill Court | £ 180,989 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,200 /mo | 7.96 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Palmer Square | £ 231,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 8 |
Parkside | £ 278,332 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Penfold Drive | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 0 | 0 |
Penfold Gardens | £ 465,450 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,600 /mo | 4.13 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Penfold Lane | £ 498,571 | 1,250 | £ 398 | £ 1,900 /mo | 4.57 % | 4 | 3 | 6 |
Pennycress Place | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Pikemead Court | £ 180,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,200 /mo | 8.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Pilton Close | £ 241,063 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Pound Lane | £ 592,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 895 /mo | 1.81 % | 3 | 3 | 0 |
Prescott Close | £ 481,667 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Pritchard Close | £ 245,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,063 /mo | 5.21 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Raisins Field Close | £ 335,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,142 /mo | 4.09 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Rectory Way | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Ridgewalk | £ 750,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 5 | 4 | 0 |
Riley Close | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,100 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Riverwell | £ 340,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 1 | 0 |
Sallow Avenue | £ 0 | 1,600 | £ 0 | £ 1,600 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Saltwell Square | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Shadowfax Drive | £ 200,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 875 /mo | 5.25 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Sharrow Place | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Sheerwater Drive | £ 358,333 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Shepperton Close | £ 498,333 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 3 | 0 |
Shire Place | £ 218,333 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Slipton Walk | £ 194,887 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 592 /mo | 3.65 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Snowbell Square | £ 190,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 1 | 0 |
Spinneyside Walk | £ 170,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,498 /mo | 10.57 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Standing Stones | £ 740,692 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 5 | 3 | 0 |
Station Close | £ 395,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Station End | £ 137,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Station Mews | £ 183,999 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Station Road | £ 344,167 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,200 /mo | 4.18 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Strawberry Hill | £ 275,625 | 742 | £ 371 | £ 1,650 /mo | 7.18 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Talan Rise | £ 212,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,200 /mo | 6.78 % | 3 | 1 | 4 |
Tavistock Close | £ 225,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,000 /mo | 5.33 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Thornapple Close | £ 232,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Thornfield | £ 233,900 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,050 /mo | 5.39 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Three Mile Walk | £ 320,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 3 | 0 |
Thurspit Place | £ 204,998 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 538 /mo | 3.15 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Tinsley Close | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Tiptoe Close | £ 228,250 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 759 /mo | 3.99 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Valentine Way | £ 400,864 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,750 /mo | 5.24 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Vantage Meadow | £ 355,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Vicarage Farm Drive | £ 345,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Viscount Road | £ 231,250 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Waingrove | £ 205,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 8 |
Wellingborough Road | £ 576,667 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 5 | 2 | 0 |
Whiteheart Close | £ 330,000 | 1,279 | £ 258 | £ 798 /mo | 2.90 % | 4 | 5 | 0 |
Wildacre Drive | £ 305,555 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 875 /mo | 3.44 % | 4 | 2 | 6 |
Willow Brook Square | £ 179,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Wimborne Close | £ 243,332 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Windflower Place | £ 180,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,000 /mo | 6.67 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Winnington Close | £ 160,667 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 855 /mo | 6.39 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Woburn Gate | £ 285,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Worcester Close | £ 349,444 | 1,287 | £ 271 | £ 1,067 /mo | 3.66 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
187 results
£ 525 /mo
Room in a Shared House, Thurspit Place, NN3 We are proud to offer these 2 delightful rooms in a 6 bedroom, 2 bathroom shared house in a great location. Available to move in from 20 March 2025, t... ** Property Reference: 2415018 **
Updated: 2025-03-20
O'Riordan Bond is proud to offer this end terraced home, situated within the popular area of Ecton Brook. The property has been re-decorated and has new carpets throughout. The accommodation comprises entrance hall, sitting room, kitchen/dining room, three well proportioned bedrooms and a
Updated: 2025-03-19
£ 270,000
Offered with no onward chain, this family home is set in this popular location. The ground floor includes an entrance porch, a bright lounge, a separate dining room with patio doors leading to the garden, and a kitchen. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms and a family bathroom. Outside, the fro...
Updated: 2025-03-19
Offered to the market in great condition throughout is this first floor apartment in the popular Little Billing area.
Updated: 2025-03-18
£ 195,000
Jackson Grundy are delighted to bring to the market this extended two double bedroom mid terrace home with additional downstairs shower room within the extension.
Updated: 2025-03-18
Copper Violet are pleased to offer to the market this good size two bedroom ground floor flat, with gas central eating, double glazing
Updated: 2025-03-18
£ 1,250 /mo
This spacious three bedroom end terrace property is situated in Northampton. In brief the property comprises of an entrance hall, kitchen diner, lounge, downstairs toilet, storage cupboard under s... ** Property Reference: 2421479 **
Updated: 2025-03-18
£ 1,195 /mo
We are proud to offer this delightful 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom/Toilet and 1 Toilet downstairs, semi-detached house in a great location. The property is newly refurbished at very high specification... ** Property Reference: 2420838 **
Updated: 2025-03-17
A well-presented two bedroom end terrace property located in Bellinge, close to Weston Favell Shopping Centre. The area offers excellent road links, with easy access to the A43, A45, and M1, making it ideal for commuters and families.
Updated: 2025-03-17
Jackson Grundy are delighted to bring to the market this excellently presented three bedroom mid terrace house situated in the popular village of Little Billing.
Updated: 2025-03-17
£ 1,250 /mo
A beautifully decorated and spacious semi-detached property with three bedrooms, open-plan kitchen, outdoor space, and close to local amenities and schools, perfect for families and couples.
Updated: 2025-03-14
Jackson Grundy are delighted to bring to the market this excellently presented three bedroom town house situated in the popular village of Little Billing.
Updated: 2025-03-13
Jackson Grundy bring to the market an end of terrace, three bedroom home situated on the popular Cherry Lodge estate, close to the A45 and Weston Favell Shopping Centre.
Updated: 2025-03-13
Jackson Grundy are delighted to bring to the market a well presented three bedroom semi detached property situated in the ever popular Cherry Lodge development.
Updated: 2025-03-13
* RARELY AVAILABLE * An extremely well presented two bedroom apartment located within a cul de sac position within close proximity of all amenities. Accommodation briefly comprises of entrance hall, kitchen, lounge, two bedrooms and a family bathroom. Further benefits include allocated parking, d...
Updated: 2025-03-13
£ 305,000
This modern three-bedroom detached family home is on the market with no upward chain. The current owner has extensively refurbished the property, featuring a newly fitted kitchen and bathroom, replacement internal doors, and a recently laid lawn. The accommodation includes a hallway, downstair...
Updated: 2025-03-12
£ 250,000
A well presented semi detached property situated on a Corner Plot within the popular Ecton Brook area of Northampton.
Updated: 2025-03-11
DETACHED BUNGALOW SET ON LANDSCAPED PLOT OF 0.2 ACRES IN THIS POPULAR LOCATION AND OFFERED WITH VACANT POSESSION 8 Station Road, Great Billing is a mature detached bungalow offered with vacant possession and standing on a good sized landscaped plot of 0.2 acres. Upon enterin...
Updated: 2025-03-11
£ 700 /mo
***NO DEPOSIT OPTION AVAILABLE*** This charming 1-bedroom detached home is located in a peaceful residential area. The property boasts a cozy living space, a modern kitchen, and a private garden, perfect for relaxing or entertaining. Ideally situated close to local amenities, shops, and transport...
Updated: 2025-03-10
Edward Knight Estate Agents are delighted to offer to the market this immaculately presented and extended four bedroom detached family home situated in this popular small cul-de-sac location within Great Billing. This very well presented home has been much updated recently and briefly comprise...
Updated: 2025-03-10
We are pleased to offer for let this refurbished two bedroom terraced property located in Rectory Farm. The accommodation offers: Entrance hall, Kitchen with cooker, Lounge/diner, two bedrooms and family bathroom with shower & separate WC. There is a private garden to the rear . Offered as ...
Updated: 2025-03-08
£ 350,000
Huge Potential, 4 Bed Dectached Family Home. Short onward chain confirmed. Quiet cul-de-sac location with fantastic travel links. Home Bar & Hot Tub!
Updated: 2025-03-07
£ 350,000
Huge Potential, 4 Bed Dectached Family Home. Short onward chain confirmed. Quiet cul-de-sac location with fantastic travel links. Home Bar & Hot Tub!
Updated: 2025-03-07
A well presented four bedroom detached family home, situated in the popular location of Great Billing Village, offered to the market in fantastic condition and must be seen to be appreciated. The property provides good access to many local amenities and nearby schooling. The generous living accom...
Updated: 2025-03-07
£ 240,000
A extended end terraced property, offering versatile living, situated within a cul de sac location within Ecton Brook, in close proximity of all good amenities, schools and road links.
Updated: 2025-03-06
£ 1,400 /mo
Nova Estate Agents are delighted to present this well maintained three bedroom home, offering a unique layout and spacious living throughout. As you step inside the welcoming hallway provides access to a cloakroom and a stylish lounge. The homeās distinctive split-level design leads up t...
Updated: 2025-03-06
A WELL PRESENTED FOUR BEDROOM DETACHED FAMILY HOME STANDING IN LARGE, PRIVATE GARDENS IN A QUIET LOCATION The property offers well planned living accommodation with generously proportioned rooms and an exceptionally large plot. The house stands on a development of similar quality homes...
Updated: 2025-03-05
A modern two double bedroom terraced property situated in the popular area of Woodfields. The property provides good access to many local schools and Weston Favell Shopping Centre. The accommodation comprises entrance hall with walk-in store room, sitting room, fitted kitchen and a dining room. T...
Updated: 2025-03-05
An outstanding character Grade II Listed stone property full of character and charm with a mix of modern living features. Offered to the market with no onward chain, situated in the heart of Great Billing village, the property is within walking distance to local schools and the village pub. This ...
Updated: 2025-03-05
An outstanding six bedroom detached family home, set on a substantial plot, in the highly sought after location of Standing Stones, Great Billing. This home is in show home condition and offers fantastic size living accommodation, private landscaped garden and detached double garage. Accommodatio...
Updated: 2025-03-04
£ 285,000
Belvoir Estate Agents are delighted to offer for sale this extended four bedroom semi detached family home that occupies a larger than average corner plot. The property is nicely positioned in the corner of a quiet cul-de-sac on this private estate. The accommodation briefly comprises entrance po...
Updated: 2025-03-04
£ 1,150 /mo
A three bedroom family home located due East from Northampton Town Centre offering excellent road links to A43 & A45. The property comprises an entrance hallway, spacious lounge/dining room, attractive kitchen and downstairs cloakroom. The first floor offers two double bedrooms, a third smaller b...
Updated: 2025-03-04
Jackson Grundy are pleased to market this extended family home having been modernised by the current owners.
Updated: 2025-03-03
£ 485,000
A very well presented four bedroom detached property overlooking a spinney set on a private driveway at the head of a cul-de-sac. The accommodation comprises; galleried reception hall, cloakroom, dual aspect sitting room, separate dining room currently used as a lounge, kitchen/breakfast room and...
Updated: 2025-03-03
Jackson Grundy are pleased to be the chosen agent to bring to the market and rarely available and excellently presented three bedroom detached dormer bungalow situated in the desirable village of Great Billing on the outskirts of Northampton.
Updated: 2025-03-01
A modern four bedroom detached property presented in immaculate condition throughout, set in a quiet cul-de-sac location, in the popular area of Little Billing which is within walking distance to local shops, schools and Weston Favell Shopping Centre. The accommodation comprises entrance hall, cl...
Updated: 2025-02-28
£ 1,250 /mo
O'Riordan Bond Lettings are pleased to market this three bedroom detached family home in the Cherry Lodge area of Northampton. The accommodation comprises in brief, entrance porch, lounge, dining room, kitchen. three bedrooms and family bathroom. Further benefits include UPVc double glazing and g...
Updated: 2025-02-27
A modern end-of-terrace property with accommodation comprising an entrance hall, sitting room, refitted kitchen, two bedrooms and a refitted bathroom. Outside are gardens to the front, side, and rear, as well as allocated parking. Further benefits include uPVC double glazing. **AGENTS ...
Updated: 2025-02-27
£ 190,000
The Estate Agents are pleased to present this spacious and versatile 3/4 bedroom property in a popular residential area of Northampton. The property is located within easy reach of Weston Favell shopping centre, schooling for all ages and access to A43 and A45.
Updated: 2025-02-26
**Available March** A very well presented three bedroom semi detached house situated in this cul-de-sac position in Ecton Brook. The accommodation comprises reception room with wood flooring, a fitted kitchen with oven, hob and breakfast bar. The first floor has two bedrooms and a modern fitted b...
Updated: 2025-02-26
An extended and well presented three/four bedroom semi-detached home situated in this popular location. The property provides good access to local schools including Northampton Academy and Weston Favell Shopping Centre. The accommodation comprises entrance porch, refitted kitchen, sitting room, d...
Updated: 2025-02-25
£ 1,550 /mo
This excellent 3 bed townhouse in popular residential area of Little Billing offers light and spacious accommodation over 3 floors, with a superb master suite on the 2 nd floor with dressing area... ** Property Reference: 2349966 **
Updated: 2025-02-25
£ 360 /mo
** PROFESSIONAL Houseshare ** SINGLE OCCUPANCY ONLY ** Council Tax, Utility Bills & Cleaning of communal areas INCLUDED in rent ** VIRTUAL and PHYSICAL Viewings Available ** Documents can be signed electronically on your tablet ** Great access to main road links
Updated: 2025-02-21
A rarely available three storey end terraced property, formally five bedrooms but now four with dressing room, offered to the market in need of light refurbishment, situated in Maidencastle within Blackthorn. The accommodation comprises entrance hall, utility room/WC, fitted kitchen, sitting/dini...
Updated: 2025-02-20
£ 115,000
50% Shared Ownership. An excellently presented, ground floor maisonette with two double bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, lounge/dining room leading to a patio area and spacious hallway.
Updated: 2025-02-20
Jackson Grundy are pleased to bring to the market this well presented and extended three bedroom mid terrace family home.
Updated: 2025-02-20
£ 240,000
This charming three-bedroom semi-detached property, available for sale with no onward chain, is nestled in a peaceful cul-de-sac in the desirable Ecton Brook area of NN3.
Updated: 2025-02-19
£ 215,000
Edward Knight Estate Agents are pleased to offer to the market this spacious three bedroom mid terraced property situated in the Woodfields development. The property briefly comprises; entrance hall, lounge, kitchen/diner, utility/WC. To the first floor there are three bedrooms and a bathroom....
Updated: 2025-02-19
3 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Semi Detached House with 2 parking spaces and a Garage available to rent from the 1st of March 2025.
Updated: 2025-02-19
Jackson Grundy are delighted to bring to the market a well presented and extended four/five bedroom mid terrace situated in Rectory Farm.
Updated: 2025-02-18
Jackson Grundy are pleased to bring to the market this stunning recently modernised four bedroom detached family home with double garage.
Updated: 2025-02-18
Offered to the market with no onward chain is this well presented three bedroom detached family home, situated within a quiet cul de sac, providing off-street parking for several cars and leading to a single garage. The property benefits from UPVc double glazing, gas radiator central heating, a d...
Updated: 2025-02-14
£ 350,000
For sale with NO CHAIN, we are delighted to offer this rarely available four-bedroom detached family home is located in a quiet cul-de-sac in Ecton Brook, NN3. The property has been refurbished by the current owner and features a new kitchen and bathroom, rewiring, a brand-new alarm system, re...
Updated: 2025-02-14
Jackson Grundy are delighted to bring to the market a stylish art deco style property, situated in the popular area of Little Billing.
Updated: 2025-02-13
A rarely available stone built three bedroom semi-detached property, arranged over three floors, situated in the highly sought after conservation village of Great Billing. The property provides good access to Weston Favell Shopping Centre and nearby Elwes Arms Public House. The accommodation comp...
Updated: 2025-02-13
An outstanding three bedroom detached bungalow, situated in the corner of this sought after cul-de-sac location within Berrydale, with great size living accommodation, large private garden and double garage. The accommodation comprises entrance hall, lounge with log burner, modern fitted kitchen/...
Updated: 2025-02-11
£ 400 /mo
We are proud to offer this delightful room in a 7 bedroom, 3 bathroom shared house in a great location. Available to move in from 02 February 2025, this property benefits from garden access. Prop... ** Property Reference: 2372717 **
Updated: 2025-02-11
Jackson Grundy are delighted to bring to the market an excellently presented three bedroom semi detached property situated in a quiet cul-de-sac in the ever popular Cherry Lodge development.
Updated: 2025-02-11
Situated on a generous plot within a quiet cul-de-sac, this bungalow is offered with no onward chain. The well-appointed accommodation features an inviting entrance hall, a bright dual-aspect lounge, a modern refitted kitchen, a spacious conservatory, two bedrooms, and a wet room. Outside, the p...
Updated: 2025-02-10
£ 230,000
Situated in a highly sought-after area, this well-maintained three-bedroom home offers a perfect blend of comfort and convenience. Ideal for families or professionals, the property provides ample living space with modern features throughout. The heart of the home is the bright and airy k...
Updated: 2025-02-10
Offered with NO CHAIN is this very well presented three bedroom semi detached house situated in this cul-de-sac position in Ecton Brook. The accommodation comprises reception room with wood flooring, a fitted kitchen with oven, hob and breakfast bar. The first floor has two bedrooms and a modern ...
Updated: 2025-02-09
£ 200,000
Offered for sale with no upward chain is this three bedroom end of terrace property situated in the popular location of The Maltings, The property benefits from off road parking, double glazed windows, gas radiator central heating, front and rear gardens. A great first time buy or investment oppo...
Updated: 2025-02-08
£ 1,100 /mo
Interested in this property but can't view it? Don't worry, we have a virtual tour available! Please contact us on for more information. ** RESIDENCY MEMBERSHIP AVAILABLE FOR TENANTS including our NO DEPOSIT OPTION, GREATER PROTECTION FOR LANDLORDS - please call for more information **
Updated: 2025-02-08
A three/four bedroom 1930s detached red brick house with off street parking, a pool house and a private stone walled garden in the conservation area of Great Billing. The property has approximately 2,315 sq. ft. of versatile accommodation which includes a dining hall with an open fire, a fitted k...
Updated: 2025-02-07
£ 205,000
This charming three-bedroom home in Northampton presents an excellent investment opportunity. With a bright living area, modern kitchen, and private garden, it promises strong rental potential and is situated in a prime location for tenants.
Updated: 2025-02-07
Jackson Grundy bring to the market this rarely available two bedroom semi detached bungalow situated at the end of a cul-de-sac in Ecton Brook. In brief the property comprises entrance hall, lounge, kitchen, shower room, two bedrooms and conservatory.
Updated: 2025-02-07
£ 190,000
A two bedroom semi-detached property located in a quiet street, with a good size rear garden and off road parking to the front, offered with no upper chain. With accommodation comprising in brief; entrance hall, lounge, and kitchen/diner to the ground floor, with two bedrooms and a bathroom to th...
Updated: 2025-02-07
A well presented three bedroom terraced property situated within close proximity to Weston Favell Shopping Centre. The property benefits from a refitted kitchen, bathroom, uPVC double glazing and gas radiator heating. The accommodation comprises entrance hall, refitted cloakroom/utility room, lar...
Updated: 2025-02-06
£ 950 /mo
O'Riordan Bond Lettings are pleased to market this two bedroom semi detached bungalow situated in the popular area of Ecton Brook. The accommodation comprises in brief, entrance porch, lounge/dining room, kitchen. two bedrooms and a wet room. Outside there is a low maintenance rear garden which l...
Updated: 2025-02-06
£ 1,250 /mo
**Zero Deposit Available** *** ZERO DEPOSIT GUARANTEE OPTION AVAILIABLE *** William H Brown are pleased to offer to the market this three bedroom property in NN3. This property comprises of an entrance hall, downstairs w/c, modern open plan kitchen/living area and French doors leading to the ampl...
Updated: 2025-02-06
A 1930's three bedroom semi-detached family home situated in sought after Great Billing village. Offered to the market in fantastic condition and within close walking distance to local shops, pub and schools, the property is the perfect mix of character, charm and modern open plan family living. ...
Updated: 2025-02-06
£ 435,000
A beautifully presented four bedroom detached family home with detached double garage, situated in a quiet cul-de-sac, on this sought after estate. The property provides good access to many local schools, Weston Favell Shopping Centre, Riverside Retail Park as well as good transport links to Well...
Updated: 2025-02-06
Jackson Grundy are delighted to bring to the market an exceptionally well presented three bedroom detached family home situated in the desirable Ecton Brook development on the outskirts of Northampton.
Updated: 2025-02-05
A generously spacious four bedroom detached family home, situated in the popular area of Great Billing, offered to the market in immaculate condition with double garage and no onward chain. The accommodation comprises entrance hall. cloakroom/WC, dual aspect sitting room with bay window, dining r...
Updated: 2025-02-05
£ 210,000
*View the virtual tour* This three bedroom family home is in a popular cul-de-sac location close to local amenities and with easy access to good road links including the A43 & A45. Offering a well presented spacious, open plan living/dining room, a modern kitchen with tasteful high g...
Updated: 2025-02-05
A rarely available one bedroom cluster style property located in Cherry Lodge on the Eastern side of Northampton. The property is offered in neat & tidy condition and is offered as unfurnished: Refitted kitchen with cooker, refitted contemporary shower room with double walk in shower, double...
Updated: 2025-02-04
A four bedroom detached family home offering great size living accommodation with off road parking and single garage. Situated in the popular area of Cherry Lodge, the property provides good access to local schools and Weston Favell Shopping Centre. In need of a light renovation, the accommodatio...
Updated: 2025-02-04
£ 210,000
Connells are excited to present this beautifully presented, spacious three-bedroom end-of-terrace property located in the sought-after Blackthorn area of Northampton. Offered for sale with no upward chain, this home is ready for you to move in and enjoy!
Updated: 2025-01-31
Offered to the market with no onward chain is this three bedroom terraced property benefiting from off-road parking. Upon entry to the property, you are greeted by the spacious living room, the fitted kitchen with a range of eye and base level cupboards alongside the cloakroom/w.c. Upstairs, ther...
Updated: 2025-01-31
£ 495,000
This very well presented modern three storey four bedroomed house at the end of a quiet cul de sac adjacent to an area of pocket park woodland. The accommodation includes three reception rooms together with an 18' long kitchen/breakfast room, a master bedroom with shower room ensuite, family bath...
Updated: 2025-01-30
A superbly presented, three bedroom end of terrace property in the Rectory Farm area of Northampton that has been modernised and updated by the current owners. The accommodation is on a split level floor plan with accommodation comprising; an entrance hall, lounge and a cloakroom W.C. on the lowe...
Updated: 2025-01-27
A two double bedroom terraced property located in the popular area of Ecton Brook. The property is offered for sale with no onward chain and is located close to Ecton Brook Primary School whilst providing good access to Weston Favell Shopping Centre and the A45. The accommodation comprises entran...
Updated: 2025-01-24
An exceptionally well presented four bedroom detached family home situated in the popular Rectory Farm development on the edge of Northampton. Accommodation comprises entrance hall, lounge, kitchen / dining room, conservatory, utility room and WC on the ground floor. To the first floor the main bedr
Updated: 2025-01-23
**For Sale By Public Auction 12th February 2025 09:00 AM To inspect the legal documents for this property go to our website to download the legal pack** A Vacant Three Bedroom Mid Terrace House Freehold Guide Price = Ā£75,000+ Location The property is sit...
Updated: 2025-01-22
* NO UPPER CHAIN * A well presented three bedroom family home located in the popular Overstone Lodge area. Accommodation briefly comprises of entrance hall, cloakroom, kitchen/diner and a lounge. First floor comprises of three well proportioned bedrooms and a family bathroom. Further benefits inc...
Updated: 2025-01-21
£ 450 /mo
MK Property are pleased to present this single furnished first floor flat room in shared house, located in the Great Billing area of Northampton. Available to move immediately.
Updated: 2025-01-20
£ 475 /mo
Updated: 2025-01-20
A well presented three bedroom semi-detached property situated in this popular location in Cherry Lodge. Offered for sale with no onward chain, the accommodation comprises entrance hall, sitting room, dining room and a newly refitted 'Wren' kitchen. The first floor offers three bedrooms and a ref...
Updated: 2025-01-15
£ 220,000
We are proud to offer this Three Bedroom Terraced House ā all interest and OFFERS are INVITED.*Guide Price Ā£230,000 - Ā£220,000*
Updated: 2025-01-15
£ 475,000
We highly recommend an immediate viewing of this immaculately presented 4-bedroom detached home, which occupies a commanding position in a prestigious cul-de-sac of similarly high-quality properties. The spacious and well-appointed accommodation includes an inviting entrance hall, cloakr...
Updated: 2025-01-15
£ 250,000
*** No Chain *** Ideal first home or investment property. Unique size and layout for the area! Four double bedrooms and a "Cinema Room"!!!
Updated: 2025-01-15
A well presented four bedroom detached family home located on a quiet cul-de-sac in Little Billing. Offered for sale with no onward chain, the property is within easy access to Weston Favell Shopping Centre, local schooling and the A45. The accommodation comprises entrance hall, cloakroom/WC, lar...
Updated: 2025-01-13
Chelton Brown are delighted to present to the market this well presented three bedroom detached house, located in the popular area of Rectory Farm, on a corner plot.
Updated: 2025-01-13
An exciting opportunity to purchase a two double bedroom home, in need of light renovations situated in the heart of Great Billing with no onward chain. The property offers great size living accommodation and large garden with the opportunity for extension, subject to planning. The property brief...
Updated: 2025-01-11
£ 699,995
Nestled at the end of a highly desirable cul-de-sac in Great Billing, this stunning and spacious family home spans over 3,000 square feet. The property features five reception rooms, a modern kitchen equipped with Neff and Samsung appliances, a large pantry, and an impressive conservatory with an...
Updated: 2025-01-10
Jackson Grundy are delighted to bring to the market a rarely available and excellently presented four bedroom detached property with detached garage.
Updated: 2025-01-09
A well presented two bedroom semi-detached bungalow situated on the ever popular Cherry Lodge estate in Northampton. The property provides good access to Weston Favell Shopping Centre and the A45. The accommodation comprises entrance hall, sitting room, inner hall, kitchen, two bedrooms and a fam...
Updated: 2025-01-09
An immaculate and vastly extended four double bedroom semi-detached home offering fantastic size living accommodation throughout. The property is situated on a corner plot, within a quiet cul-de-sac, with off road parking for six plus cars, carport and garage. This home must be seen to appreciate...
Updated: 2025-01-06
£ 150,000
Oscar James have an ideal investment opportunity with this great size property in need of renovation. Offering fantastic accommodation throughout and situated on a corner plot with no onward chain. This property has the potential to be made into a lovely home with a little vision, please ca...
Updated: 2025-01-03
A modern semi-detached property, situated in a cul-de-sac, within the popular Cherry Lodge area. The property provides good access to Weston Favell Shopping Centre and local schools. The accommodation comprises entrance hall, sitting room open to dining room, a newly fitted kitchen within the las...
Updated: 2025-01-03
A modern two bedroom semi-detached property, situated in the popular location of Ecton Brook, within close proximity to local schools and shops. This home would make a great first time buy or investment purchase and is presented in great condition throughout. Offered with no onward chain, the acc...
Updated: 2025-01-02
We are pleased to offer for rent this spacious two bedroom apartment located close to local amenities, including schools and Weston Favell Shopping Centre.
Updated: 2024-12-30
£ 219,995
This extended and well presented property includes an entrance porch, lounge dining room, kitchen and office/utility room, with three generous bedrooms, bathroom and WC upstairs. South facing, low maintenance rear gardens and use of a communal car park. Near to schools, shops and major road links.
Updated: 2024-12-27
A well presented and improved three bedroom semi-detached home situated in Great Billing. The property is offered to the market in fantastic condition with a newly fitted kitchen and off road parking. The accommodation comprises entrance porch, sitting room with newly fitted log burner, modern fi...
Updated: 2024-12-13
A modern semi detached property, in need of some updating, situated in the Great Billing area of Northampton, offered with vacant possession and no upper chain. The accommodation comprises: an entrance porch, sitting room and a kitchen on the ground floor, with three bedrooms and a bathroom on t...
Updated: 2024-12-10
Set within a cul de sac with views over a pocket park, is this well presented four bedroom detached family home with integral single garage The property benefits from UPVc double glazing, gas radiator central heating, re-fitted en-suite and kitchen. On entering the property, there is a spacious h...
Updated: 2024-12-09
Offered for sale with no onward chain is this three bedroom mid terrace property, nicely positioned at the end of a cul-de-sac.
Updated: 2024-12-06
£ 1,100 /mo
Edward Knight Lettings are delighted to offer for rent this three bedroom house with off road parking for two cars. The accommodation briefly comprises entrance porch, hallway, kitchen, dining room, lounge/diner. To the first floor landing, three bedrooms and a bathroom. The property further b...
Updated: 2024-12-06
£ 325,000
Smartamove are pleased to offer to the market for sale this corner plot, freehold four bedroom detached house in a cul-de-sac location in Rectory Farm. It offers convenient access to the A45 providing links to Wellingborough and Northampton, as well as local amenities including shops and Rectory ...
Updated: 2024-12-04
£ 399,950
A well maintained and spacious four bedroomed detached period cottage situated on a quiet lane in the heart of Great Billing Village. The accommodation comprises; entrance hall, cloakroom/shower room, lounge with multi-fuel log burner, dining room and kitchen/breakfast room. To the first floor ar...
Updated: 2024-11-29
Jackson Grundy are delighted to bring to the market a rarely available semi-detached family home situated in the popular village of Great Billing.
Updated: 2024-11-25
£ 230,000
Connells are pleased to offer to the market this THREE BEDROOM semi-detached house situated in the popular Blackthorn area. The property benefits from gardens to the front and rear with communal PARKING available to the side. Contact us today for further details and to view.
Updated: 2024-11-19
£ 140,000
A stunning two bedroom apartment built by Taylor Wimpy less than three years ago and is located in the popular area of Little Billing. The property boasts well fitted kitchen and bathroom, two bedrooms & allocated parking. Would be ideal for investment or first time buyers.
Updated: 2024-11-12
A modern two bedroom semi-detached property situated in the popular area of Little Billing. Offered for sale with no onward chain, the property provides good access to both Northampton Academy and Weston Favell Shopping Centre. The accommodation comprises entrance hall, sitting/dining room, moder...
Updated: 2024-11-11
£ 345,000
A spacious three/four bedroom detached home, built to a unique open plan design with double height ceilings, situated in a quiet cul-de-sac with a private rear garden close to woodland. With accommodation comprising in brief; entrance hall, lounge, dining room, kitchen, downstairs wc, and a study...
Updated: 2024-11-11
A spacious four bedroom semi-detached property, situated in the popular Great Billing area, near Ecton Brook Primary School and good access to Weston Favell Shopping Centre and Northampton Academy. The accommodation comprises entrance hall, sitting room, fitted kitchen, study, conservatory, four ...
Updated: 2024-11-08
Jackson Grundy are delighted to bring to the market a beautiful three storey, two bedroom, character cottage located within the popular Great Billing Village.
Updated: 2024-11-05
The Estate AgentsĀ are pleased to present this three bedroom property which is in need of complete refurbishment, located in a popular residential area of Northampton.
Updated: 2024-11-05
£ 250,000
* GARDEN ROOM * An extremely well presented three bedroom semi detached family home located in the desirable area of Rectory Farm. Accommodation briefly comprises of entrance hall, cloakroom, lounge, refitted kitchen and dining room with doors leading onto the garden. First floor comprises of thr...
Updated: 2024-10-28
A four bedroom end terrace property with two bathrooms situated in the popular area of Blackthorn. Offered to the market with on onward chain, the property provides good access to local amenities and local schools. The accommodation comprises entrance hall, cloakroom/WC, sitting room, kitchen/din...
Updated: 2024-10-18
£ 365,000
LESS THAN 1% offer this lovely four bedroom, detached home boasting two reception rooms, conservatory, kitchen, separate utility, downstairs WC, integral garage, en-suite shower room, family bathroom, good sized rear garden and a driveway to the front. Call LESS THAN 1% to view...
Updated: 2024-10-17
An improved three bedroom end terraced property, situated in the popular area of Ecton Brook, with good access to Weston Favell Shopping Centre, local amenities and local schooling. The accommodation comprises entrance hall, cloakroom/WC, sitting room open to a refitted kitchen/dining room, three...
Updated: 2024-10-17
£ 550,000
This detached family home offers a blend of comfortable living and modern convenience, featuring three living rooms, four bedrooms, two of which have an en-suite bathrooms. With off-street parking with direct access to an integral double garage. Additional highlights include double-glaze...
Updated: 2024-10-14
£ 190,000
This spacious home, situated at the end of a cul-de-sac, is available with no onward chain. The ground floor features an entrance hall, a lounge, a spacious kitchen/diner, and a utility room. Upstairs, you'll find two large double bedrooms, a family bathroom, and a separate W.C. The property a...
Updated: 2024-10-10
Offered to the market with no onward chain is this third floor apartment in the popular development of Wildacre Drive. The property is presented with neutral decor throughout and benefits from allocated parking, double glazing, and gas central heating. The property is entered via a communal entra...
Updated: 2024-10-10
£ 240,000
A spacious three storey terraced property situated in a cul-de-sac location within Bellinge. Offered for sale with no onward chain, the property is situated near to both Bellinge Primary School and Ecton Brook Primary. The accommodation comprises entrance hall, bedroom four/study, cloakroom/WC, k...
Updated: 2024-10-05
£ 243,995
BEAUTIFULLY APPOINTED CORNER PLOT END OF TERRACED PROPERTY. SPACIOUS KITCHEN DINING AREA. GOOD SIZED BEDROOMS. DOWNSTAIRS WC. WELL STOCKED SOUTH FACING REAR GARDEN. Entrance Hall, WC, kitchen/breakfast room. First floor 2 double bedrooms, single bedroom and family bathroom. Rear Garden well m...
Updated: 2024-10-03
WONDERFULLY LOCATED EXTENDED MODERN DETACHED FAMILY HOME WITH AN ATTRACTIVE ASPECT TO THE REAR OVER A POCKET PARK AND WOODLAND Located at the end of a peaceful cul-de-sac, this beautifully positioned detached family home overlooks a pocket park and has been cherished by its current own...
Updated: 2024-09-26
Winkworth Estate Agents are delighted to bring to the market this four bedroom three storey end of terrace family home. The property was built in 2014 as part of a unique 'Art Deco' style development. The property is ideally located to Northampton Academy, Weston Favell Shopping Centre and other ...
Updated: 2024-09-26
£ 220,000
A three bedroom semi-detached dormer bungalow, situated on the outskirts of Great Billing village, offered to the market with no onward chain. The property provides good access to many local schools and the A45. The accommodation comprises entrance porch, sitting/dining room, fitted kitchen, two ...
Updated: 2024-09-25
£ 200,000
A terrace house with two double bedrooms situated in a cul-de-sac, with off road parking and a garage to the side, and the added benefit of no upper chain. With accommodation comprising in brief; entrance porch, lounge/diner, and kitchen to the ground floor, with two bedrooms and a bathroom to th...
Updated: 2024-09-20
£ 750,000
An individually built double bay fronted extended detached property situated on a private road within the sought after area of Great Billing.
Updated: 2024-09-13
Presented to a high standard throughout and having been meticulously updated through the years, is this two double bedroom semi detached bungalow with garage. Located on a corner plot, a particular feature of the bungalow is a beautifully landscaped rear garden. The accommodation, briefly c...
Updated: 2024-09-09
£ 280,000
Edward Knight Estate Agents are delighted to offer to the market this well presented three bedroom detached family home situated at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac location within the sought after Ecton Brook. The accommodation briefly comprises; entrance hall, WC, lounge, diner, kitchen and con...
Updated: 2024-08-29
£ 165,000
A modern top floor two bedroom apartment, converted from one of the original buildings of the Pearce Leatherworks factory, retaining many art deco character features whilst offering light and contemporary living. With accommodation comprising in brief; entrance hall with fitted storage, an open p...
Updated: 2024-08-28
FINE INDIVIDUAL FAMILY HOME OFFERING SPACIOUS EXTENDED ACCOMMODATION LOCATED IN A POPULAR RESIDENTIAL LOCATION OF SIMILAR STYLE HOUSES This beautifully presented modern family home is situated in a desirable cul-de-sac within a popular estate, offering a spacious and versatile living e...
Updated: 2024-08-22
An ideal opportunity for a first time buyer/rental investor to acquire this modern detached FREEHOLD Coach House situated within this popular location being close to many amenities. The spacious accommodation comprises entrance hall, lounge/dining room, open plan kitchen with integrated oven a...
Updated: 2024-08-12
An excellently presented/refurbished semi-detached family home comprising entrance porch, hall, lounge, kitchen/dining room and conservatory. To the first floor is a family bathroom and two double bedrooms and a further single bedroom.
Updated: 2024-08-08
Jackson Grundy are pleased to bring to the market this recently built stylish three bedroom detached family home situated close to great road links and local amenities.
Updated: 2024-08-08
Jackson Grundy bring to the marketĀ this three bedroom semi detached home with garage, situated in a quiet cul-de-sac in Ecton Brook.
Updated: 2024-08-07
A modern, stylish three bedroom semi-detached property situated in a quiet cul-de-sac, within the popular Cherry Lodge area, offering great size living accommodation and presented in immaculate condition throughout. The property provides good access to Weston Favell Shopping Centre and local scho...
Updated: 2024-07-22
£ 320,000
An immaculately presented three bedroom semi-detached home, located in the popular NN3 area of Northampton, close to local amenities, shops and schools. This modern family home is offered to the market with no onward chain. The accommodation over three floors comprises entrance hall with cloakroo...
Updated: 2024-07-08
£ 189,995
This wonderful two-bedroom semi-detached property is located in a quiet cul-de-sac in Ecton Brook, Northampton, providing convenient access to local schools, bus routes, and road links. It is an excellent choice for first-time buyers or as an investment. The interior boasts a modern living roo...
Updated: 2024-07-08
£ 220,000
A well presented extended end terraced property, offering versatile living, situated within a cul de sac location within Ecton Brook, in close proximity of all good amenities, schools and road links.
Updated: 2024-07-04
***UTILITY BILLS INCLUDED*** COUNCIL TAX INCLUDED***FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM*** first floor furnished room within a five bedroom HMO licensed house to include communal facilities and all utility bills.
Updated: 2024-06-19
£ 185,000
* NO UPPER CHAIN * A rarely available three bedroom semi detached family home located on the outskirts of the desirable area of Great Billing. In need of refurbishment and accommodation briefly comprises of entrance hall, lounge and kitchen/diner. First floor comprises of three well proportioned ...
Updated: 2024-05-08
£ 250,000
Fabulously presented two-double bedroomed semi-detached house Built in 2018 and benefits from NHBC guarantee until 2028 Located within a quiet new build cul-de-sac, close to local amenities and abuts local park Ideal first-time buyer or small family looking for a cozy new home Open plan kitchen ...
Updated: 2024-04-07
£ 325,000
Edward Knight Estate Agents are delighted to offer to the market this well presented Art Deco style four bedroom family home. Situated on the popular "Leatherworks" Development and built by Lagan Homes in 2015. The accommodation comprises; entrance hall, WC, kitchen/breakfast room, lounge. To ...
Updated: 2024-03-25
£ 380,000
VIEWING HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! This lovely 4 bedroom detached home offers great family accommodation featuring a stunning open plan kitchen/dining/family room. Situated in a quiet cul- de-sac location very close to Overstone Golf Course and Sywell Country Park.
Updated: 2024-01-12
Edward Knight Estate Agents are delighted to offer to the market this beautifully presented barn conversion offering three double bedrooms within the immaculately presented family home with a further bedroom in the detached annex, situated on a private road inĀ Great Billing Village. In b...
Updated: 2023-09-11
£ 230,000
A charming 3 bedroom family home benefitting from a large garden, driveway for a number of cars and a garage situated in the popular area of Cherry Lodge. The accomodation comprises of a large Lounge/Diner, Kitchen, Three bedrooms, Bathroom, Front and Rear Gardens and a Garage.
Updated: 2023-06-13