
NameUintPriceSqftPPSqftRental priceBedroomsBathroomsFeaturesSales
Bernice Lodge £ 395,0000.004002
Bircham £ 108,0000.000001
Brackpools £ 400,0000.000001
Burnt Heath Cottages 2 £ 420,0000.000003
Burnt Heath House £ 249,5000.000001
Elizabeth Cottage £ 222,0000.000001
Fairview £ 47,0000.000001
Hop Robyns £ 214,0000.000001
June £ 210,0000.004002
May £ 395,0000.000003
Nursery House £ 501,0000.003003
Orchard House £ 237,0000.000001
Peace £ 372,5000.003005
Peacehaven £ 405,0000.003004
Redcot £ 140,0000.000002
Strutts Cottages 2 £ 185,0000.000001
Sunnyholme £ 298,0000.000001
The Landbase 1 £ 1,0000.000001
The Landbase 2 £ 155,0000.000002
The Lindens £ 90,0000.000001
The Old Stables £ 640,0000.000002
Vinces Farm £ 682,5000.005001
Woodpeckers £ 65,0000.000001