
NameUintPriceSqftPPSqftRental priceBedroomsBathroomsFeaturesSales
10 £ 180,0000.002003
17 £ 170,0000.002002
21 £ 144,0000.003002
21A £ 208,0000.002006
25 £ 67,9950.003001
5 £ 215,0000.003002
Acorn £ 150,0000.000002
Alpha £ 180,0000.000001
Benru £ 107,5000.004001
Dawn Cottage £ 59,0000.002001
Golden Dawn £ 245,0000.000001
Happy Days £ 50,0000.000001
Highlands £ 130,0000.000003
Ivy Leaf, 18 £ 215,0000.000001
Oakdene £ 90,0000.001001
Robins Lodge £ 128,0000.003001
Rosewood £ 178,0000.004002
Ryedale £ 175,0000.002001
Southside £ 115,0000.000002
The Peartree £ 185,0000.000002
The Willows £ 146,0000.003001