
NameUintPriceSqftPPSqftRental priceBedroomsBathroomsFeaturesSales
1 £ 155,0000.002002
2 £ 186,0000.003002
4 £ 195,0000.003007
4 Wissey Cottage £ 125,0000.000001
6 £ 64,9500.000001
6 £ 155,0000.000001
7 £ 117,5000.000002
8 £ 64,9500.004001
8 £ 67,0000.002002
9 £ 106,5000.000003
Beechcroft £ 365,0000.000001
Bramwoods House £ 410,0000.000001
Brilie £ 400,0000.005001
Bungalow 2 £ 154,0000.000001
Burnlea House £ 305,0000.003002
Carriers Cottage £ 210,0000.003005
Crispins £ 155,0000.002002
Flint Cottage £ 380,0000.005004
Glendor £ 250,0000.003001
Harvest Lodge £ 490,0000.000002
Kendell £ 129,9950.000001
Li' Chanca £ 142,9500.000001
Little Orchard £ 500,0000.000001
Orchard House £ 325,0000.005001
Robin Hood House £ 335,0000.000002
Rose Cottage £ 232,0000.004003
Rosedene Cottage £ 245,0000.000001
Sandlewood £ 50,0000.000001
Sandyblack £ 360,0000.004001
Shiralee £ 249,9500.004002
Stone Cottage £ 248,0000.003002
The Cottage £ 55,0000.000002
The Old Chapel £ 151,8000.003005
The Vines £ 480,0000.006002
Vine Cottage £ 208,7500.003002
White House £ 89,0000.004001