
NameUintPriceSqftPPSqftRental priceBedroomsBathroomsFeaturesSales
2 £ 322,0000.004003
3 £ 180,0000.002002
4 £ 210,6000.003001
5 £ 54,5000.000001
6 £ 162,5000.000001
Ameland £ 322,5000.004002
Ashleigh £ 345,0000.000001
Baguio £ 210,0000.000001
Bien-Venue £ 192,0000.000001
Broads Cottage £ 315,0000.006001
Broads Venture £ 240,0000.003002
Cairn £ 233,0000.000001
Dulce-Domum £ 162,0000.000004
Greenbanks £ 275,0000.003001
Hedges £ 74,9500.002001
Malthouse Farmhouse £ 545,0000.005002
Oakleigh £ 245,0000.000001
Old Control Tower £ 90,0770.000001
Summerseat £ 175,0000.002001
Sunnydene £ 300,0000.000001
The Bungalow £ 225,0000.003001
The Oaks £ 385,0000.000001
Wind Rush £ 280,0000.000001