
NameUintPriceSqftPPSqftRental priceBedroomsBathroomsFeaturesSales
12 £ 697,5000.004004
14 £ 435,0000.003002
3 £ 715,0000.003005
4 £ 300,0000.000002
5 £ 625,0000.003001
7 £ 275,0000.000001
7A £ 500,0000.000002
Gate House £ 90,0000.000001
Little Elms £ 550,0000.000001
Millway Cottage £ 590,0000.000002
Millway Cottage, 10 £ 875,0000.000001
Pinkneys Way £ 695,0000.000002
Stable House £ 725,0000.000003
The Stables 4 £ 337,0000.000002
The Stables 3 £ 500,0000.000001
The Stables 2 £ 650,0000.000002
The Stables 1 £ 540,0000.000001
The Stables £ 14,8750.000001
Thyme Cottage £ 455,0000.003002