
NameUintPriceSqftPPSqftRental priceBedroomsBathroomsFeaturesSales
1 £ 975,0000.005001
11 £ 640,0000.005002
12 £ 520,0000.004001
1A £ 735,0000.000001
2 £ 245,0000.000001
3 £ 700,0000.000001
5 £ 1,180,0000.004002
6A £ 410,0000.005001
6B £ 700,0000.005004
6C £ 420,0000.004002
7 £ 278,0000.000001
8 £ 265,0000.000001
9 £ 452,5000.000001
Spinney Side £ 550,0000.004001
The Old Stables £ 590,0000.004002
The Woodlands 4 £ 1,140,0000.000003
The Woodlands 3 £ 890,0000.000001
The Woodlands 1 £ 950,0000.000001
The Woodlands 2 £ 942,5000.000002