
NameUintPriceSqftPPSqftRental priceBedroomsBathroomsFeaturesSales
33A £ 1,325,0000.000001
Arcadia House £ 3,500,0000.000002
Avalon £ 2,800,0000.000002
Beech Corner £ 1,475,0000.000001
Beech House £ 1,300,0000.005002
Belvedere £ 1,275,0000.003003
Birch House, 46 £ 4,150,0000.000002
Bracken £ 650,0000.006001
Bracken, 40 £ 2,750,0000.000002
Braehead £ 1,325,0000.006002
Buckthorn £ 1,312,5000.000004
Burford House £ 1,900,0000.000002
Cedar House £ 1,725,0000.005001
Compass House £ 3,150,0000.000003
Court House, 56A £ 800,0000.000001
Courtlands £ 1,450,7100.006002
Craighall Heights, 68 £ 1,950,0000.000002
Delamere, 64 £ 1,875,0000.000002
Dendrons £ 2,200,0000.000002
Devere House, 63 £ 2,250,0000.000002
Farleigh House, 61 £ 2,250,0000.000001
Ferndale £ 315,0000.000001
Findings £ 1,190,0000.000002
Firethorn £ 785,0000.000004
Fourwinds £ 695,0000.000001
Garfield £ 230,0000.000001
Harcroft £ 1,650,0000.000001
Harlequin £ 325,0000.000001
Hazelbirch £ 1,587,5000.005002
Homestead £ 450,0000.000001
Hoyland Down £ 350,0000.000002
Kingswood Warren Park Flat 4 The Mansion £ 1,215,0000.000002
Kingswood Warren Park Flat 3 The Mansion £ 1,600,0000.000002
Kingswood Warren Park Walton House £ 2,850,0000.000001
Kingswood Warren Park Flat 5 The Mansion £ 1,450,0000.000002
Kingswood Warren Park Brookfield House £ 2,000,0000.000001
Kingswood Warren Park Flat 7 The Mansion £ 1,610,0000.000001
Kingswood Warren Park Ashton House £ 2,850,0000.000001
Kingswood Warren Park Flat 2 The Mansion £ 1,650,0000.000001
Kingswood Warren Park Beaumont House £ 2,900,0000.000001
Kingswood Warren Park Oakridge House £ 2,200,0000.000001
Kingswood Warren Park Flat 6 The Mansion £ 940,0000.000001
Kingswood Warren Park Kingswood House £ 2,100,0000.000002
Kingswood Warren Park Bramber House £ 1,920,0000.000002
Kingswood Warren Park Meadow House £ 2,750,0000.000002
Kingswood Warren Park Porchester House £ 1,865,0000.000002
Kingswood Warren Park Flat 8 The Mansion £ 715,0000.000004
Kingswood Warren Park Portland House £ 2,500,0000.000003
Kingswood Warren Park Springfield House £ 2,650,0000.000002
Lime Trees, 42 £ 1,325,0000.000002
Linden Cottage £ 1,750,0000.000007
Litchfield £ 590,0000.000002
Litchfield Cottage £ 485,0000.000002
Little Hale, 56 £ 3,000,0000.000002
Little Oaks £ 2,800,0000.000003
Little Warren £ 630,0001,308.003003
L'Ondine £ 750,0000.004002
Longbourn, 33 £ 2,200,0000.000001
Lynne Cottage £ 1,050,0000.005003
Maycot £ 1,200,0000.000002
Meadcombe Grange, 62 £ 1,700,0000.000002
Minstrels £ 910,0000.000001
Mirastelle £ 610,0000.005002
Mylesdown £ 1,800,0000.000001
Noor, 70 £ 2,100,0000.000003
Oak Apple Cottage £ 1,678,0000.005003
Old Trees £ 2,112,5004,463.006003
Orme House £ 3,050,0000.000002
Pinetrees £ 1,600,0007,016.006002
Pooks Hill £ 934,0000.006001
Rushtead House, 66 £ 2,180,0000.000002
Ruskin House £ 2,000,0000.006002
Rusper £ 2,100,0000.000002
Shepherds Cot £ 945,0000.000001
Sheridan £ 2,750,0000.000002
Spring House, 44 £ 1,262,5000.000004
St. Audries £ 2,650,0000.000001
Staverton £ 820,0000.004001
The Brayle £ 192,0000.000001
The Croft £ 2,050,0000.000001
The Estate Office £ 140,0000.000001
The Vicarage £ 1,800,0000.000003
The White House £ 2,200,0000.006003
Tokai £ 1,990,0000.000003
Touchwood £ 1,300,0000.005004
Warren Cottages 1 £ 810,0000.000003
Warren Cottages 2 £ 360,0000.000002
Warwick Lodge £ 750,0000.000001
Weavers £ 812,5000.005002
Wentworth £ 975,0000.000001
Westacre £ 2,600,0000.000002
Weyhaven £ 770,0000.006002
Willow Lodge £ 1,450,0000.005003
Woodbury £ 970,0000.000005
Woodend £ 935,0000.005006
Woodlands £ 1,350,0000.006001
Woodlawn £ 1,150,0000.005002