
NameUintPriceSqftPPSqftRental priceBedroomsBathroomsFeaturesSales
1 £ 245,0000.003001
2 £ 250,0000.003002
3 £ 180,5000.003001
April Cottage £ 287,5000.000003
Berachah £ 243,0000.000001
Brookfield £ 330,0000.003002
Byways £ 331,0000.000001
Celandines 1 £ 263,0000.000002
Chalet House £ 365,0000.000001
Coombe £ 194,5000.000001
Helmore Villa £ 294,2500.000003
Hoboken £ 190,0000.000001
Ingleside £ 335,0000.004003
Jacaranda £ 285,0000.000003
Lorenzo £ 77,5500.000001
Merriemeade £ 220,0000.000002
Oberau £ 340,0000.000002
Redlands £ 410,0000.000001
Springfield £ 249,0000.000001
St Georges Well House £ 395,0000.000002
The Coach House £ 155,0000.002002
The Trap House £ 105,0000.000004
Vanlor £ 220,0000.000002
Windrush £ 232,0000.000002
Windwhistle £ 337,0000.000003