
NameUintPriceSqftPPSqftRental priceBedroomsBathroomsFeaturesSales
8 £ 129,9500.004001
Alexander Villa 2 £ 165,0000.000001
Highfield House £ 87,0000.000002
Holly Bank £ 130,0000.007001
Talbot House £ 503,0000.000001
Talbot Lodge £ 215,0000.002004
Talbot Manor The Old Coach House £ 500,0000.000001
Talbot Manor Arundel House £ 675,0000.000001
Talbot Manor Talbot House £ 875,0000.000001
Talbot Manor Howard House £ 680,0000.000001
The Beeches £ 249,9990.003001
The Firs £ 575,0001,900.005001
The Poplars £ 775,0000.006003