Area name | Price | Sqft | PPSqft | Rental price | Gross yield | Bedrooms | Bathrooms | Features |
Ackers Lane | £ 206,667 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Alder Hey Road | £ 261,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 650 /mo | 2.98 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Alpine Close | £ 196,667 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 875 /mo | 5.34 % | 3 | 1 | 4 |
Balfour Street | £ 87,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 658 /mo | 9.02 % | 2 | 1 | 5 |
Bates Crescent | £ 140,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 600 /mo | 5.14 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Beaumont Avenue | £ 143,333 | 947 | £ 151 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Bewsey Street | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 463 /mo | 0.00 % | 1 | 1 | 6 |
Bonnington Close | £ 136,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 603 /mo | 5.32 % | 2 | 1 | 7 |
Boundary Road | £ 139,475 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 487 /mo | 4.19 % | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Bradshaw Close | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 675 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Bridgeman Street | £ 105,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Broadway | £ 295,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,100 /mo | 4.47 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Bronte Street | £ 86,875 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 690 /mo | 9.53 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Cairo Street | £ 147,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Cambridge Road | £ 127,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 423 /mo | 3.98 % | 3 | 1 | 6 |
Carlow Street | £ 80,083 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 695 /mo | 10.41 % | 2 | 1 | 6 |
Chamberlain Street | £ 181,355 | 3,067 | £ 59 | £ 661 /mo | 4.37 % | 2 | 1 | 6 |
Chatteris Court | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Chisnall Avenue | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Constance Street | £ 125,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 645 /mo | 6.19 % | 2 | 1 | 9 |
Coslett Drive | £ 226,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 800 /mo | 4.25 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Crosby Grove | £ 144,833 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 710 /mo | 5.88 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Crossley Road | £ 211,786 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 676 /mo | 3.83 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Crowther Street | £ 167,375 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 682 /mo | 4.89 % | 2 | 2 | 0 |
Cunningham Court | £ 79,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Dentons Green Lane | £ 321,246 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Derringstone Close | £ 170,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 695 /mo | 4.91 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Devon Street | £ 96,814 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 665 /mo | 8.24 % | 2 | 1 | 8 |
Dilloway Street | £ 165,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 575 /mo | 4.18 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Dodd Avenue | £ 195,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Dorset Road | £ 325,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 3 | 0 |
Douglas Street | £ 98,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Doulton Street | £ 109,900 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 617 /mo | 6.74 % | 2 | 1 | 10 |
Downs Road | £ 169,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Drake Street | £ 91,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Dunriding Lane | £ 135,582 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 641 /mo | 5.67 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Eccleston Gardens | £ 433,333 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Ellison Drive | £ 193,333 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 888 /mo | 5.51 % | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Elm Road | £ 115,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 750 /mo | 7.83 % | 3 | 1 | 7 |
Exeter Street | £ 103,434 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 675 /mo | 7.83 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Factory Row | £ 130,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 750 /mo | 6.92 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Fairclough Road | £ 72,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Fidler Street | £ 97,778 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 758 /mo | 9.30 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Formby Avenue | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Freckleton Road | £ 261,744 | 893 | £ 293 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
French Street | £ 234,464 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 687 /mo | 3.52 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Gibbons Avenue | £ 185,490 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 700 /mo | 4.53 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Gladstone Street | £ 153,495 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 654 /mo | 5.11 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Grafton Street | £ 108,583 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 718 /mo | 7.93 % | 3 | 1 | 3 |
Grange Park Road | £ 139,167 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 887 /mo | 7.65 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Greenall Street | £ 115,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Grosvenor Road | £ 340,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Haywood Gardens | £ 289,950 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Hearne Road | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Hewitt Avenue | £ 271,175 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Holme Road | £ 200,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Hopkins Close | £ 121,633 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 825 /mo | 8.14 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Horace Street | £ 153,250 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 544 /mo | 4.26 % | 2 | 2 | 0 |
Kings Road | £ 39,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 450 /mo | 13.85 % | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Kitchener Street | £ 110,904 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 706 /mo | 7.64 % | 2 | 1 | 10 |
Knowsley Road | £ 204,996 | 879 | £ 233 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Lacey Street | £ 140,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Laurel Road | £ 354,996 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Legion Road | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Lemon Tree Walk | £ 155,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 875 /mo | 6.77 % | 2 | 2 | 0 |
Leslie Road | £ 140,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,005 /mo | 8.61 % | 3 | 1 | 4 |
Liberty Place | £ 229,950 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 2 | 0 |
Lincoln Road | £ 252,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Lingholme Road | £ 133,119 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 775 /mo | 6.99 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Lonie Grove | £ 150,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Lugsmore Lane | £ 107,996 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 587 /mo | 6.52 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Lynn Close | £ 261,950 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Marsden Avenue | £ 208,648 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 775 /mo | 4.46 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Mcfarlane Avenue | £ 180,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Melville Close | £ 297,667 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 3 | 0 |
Mitchell Road | £ 223,990 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Mona Street | £ 132,450 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 775 /mo | 7.02 % | 3 | 1 | 10 |
Morrissey Close | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Moxon Street | £ 243,750 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 800 /mo | 3.94 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Mulberry Avenue | £ 167,483 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 695 /mo | 4.98 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Newfields | £ 224,992 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 713 /mo | 3.80 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Newlove Avenue | £ 161,335 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 688 /mo | 5.12 % | 3 | 2 | 8 |
Norfolk Road | £ 201,238 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Oleander Drive | £ 265,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Oliver Road | £ 362,500 | 934 | £ 388 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Owen Street | £ 139,450 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 692 /mo | 5.95 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Prescot Road | £ 251,831 | 1,117 | £ 225 | £ 885 /mo | 4.22 % | 3 | 2 | 10 |
Queens Road | £ 550,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Ravenhead Road | £ 115,333 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Ravenhead Row | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Regents Road | £ 550,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 6 | 3 | 0 |
Rennie Avenue | £ 177,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Rivington Road | £ 148,433 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Rivington Street | £ 275,833 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 625 /mo | 2.72 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Roby Street | £ 110,413 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 636 /mo | 6.91 % | 2 | 1 | 7 |
Rochester Gardens | £ 220,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Rodney Street | £ 94,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 618 /mo | 7.89 % | 2 | 1 | 6 |
Roscoe Street | £ 75,000 | 861 | £ 87 | £ 592 /mo | 9.47 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Royal Grove | £ 153,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Sculthorpe Close | £ 265,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,000 /mo | 4.53 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
131 results
£ 165,000
Introducing a spacious and versatile five-bedroom mid-terraced house, located in a desirable residential area.
Updated: 2025-03-15
£ 850 /mo
*Deposit Replacement Scheme Available* This spacious end-of-terrace property offers a well-presented living space with three bedrooms and an upstairs bathroom, making it an ideal family home. Freshly decorated in neutral tones and featuring new flooring throughout, the property is ready to...
Updated: 2025-03-15
£ 350,000
Charming 2-bed detached bungalow with modern kitchen, spacious rooms, detached garage, and gardens. Conveniently located with amenities and transport links nearby. Ideal for comfortable living.
Updated: 2025-03-13
£ 210,000
We are proud to offer this Three Bedroom Semi-Detached House – all interest and OFFERS are INVITED.*Guide Price £220,000 - £210,000*
Updated: 2025-03-13
£ 200,000
Charming 3-bed semi-detached with spacious garden, garage, and modern interiors. Convenient location close to amenities and schools, perfect for families and outdoor enthusiasts.
Updated: 2025-03-13
£ 1,200 /mo
** RESERVE TODAY! - LIMITED AVAILABILITY ON SITE ** 3 Bedroom Family Home | No Deposit Option Available | Detached Plot | Integrated Kitchen White Goods | Separate Kitchen & Lounge | Allocated Driveway Parking | Professional Landlord | Secure Long Term Tenancy Available
Updated: 2025-03-13
£ 149,950
A fabulous opportunity to purchase a two bedroomed traditional terraced home in a prime location, this well presented property boasts a brand new kitchen and bathroom and is perfect for first-time buyers or ideal for investment.
Updated: 2025-03-12
£ 725 /mo
** Zero Deposit Guarantee Available ** A traditional, two bedroom end terrace property located within a popular residential area, situated close to all local amenities and only a short distance away from St Helens town centre. The property briefly comprises entrance porch, open plan lounge and d...
Updated: 2025-03-12
£ 125,000
Check out this cosy 2-bedroom mid-terraced house that's just waiting for the perfect buyer to make it their own.
Updated: 2025-03-12
£ 210,000
Welcome to your fully refurbished, three-bedroom mid-terraced house in a sought-after location, perfect for those looking for their ideal first home.
Updated: 2025-03-12
£ 125,000
Spacious 2-bed end of terrace house with well-designed layout, ample storage, low-maintenance garden. Ideal for first-time buyers, investors, or downsizers. No onward chain. Viewing recommended.
Updated: 2025-03-12
David Davies Sales & Lettings Agent are delighted to have the opportunity to bring to the sales market this immaculate one bedroomed apartment, located in a much sought-after area and rarely available position on Newlove Avenue. The property benefits from gas central heating, double gla...
Updated: 2025-03-11
£ 1,100 /mo
** RESERVE TODAY! - AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY ** 3 Bedroom Family Home | No Deposit Option Available | Semi Detached Plot | Integrated Kitchen White Goods | Separate Kitchen & Lounge | Kitchen Skylights | Professional Landlord | Secure Long Term Tenancy Available
Updated: 2025-03-11
£ 100,000
Located within a popular development, this two-bedroom ground floor apartment offers a comfortable and convenient living space. Ideal for first-time buyers, those looking for a buy-to-let investment opportunity or someone looking to downsize, this property presents a perfect blend of modern conve...
Updated: 2025-03-11
This delightful two-bedroom terraced home in St Helens offers a perfect blend of character and modern convenience, ideal for anyone seeking a charming and low-maintenance space. With stylish interiors, a cosy rear yard, and a fantastic location close to amenities, it's ready for you to m...
Updated: 2025-03-10
£ 795 /mo
Cosey Rentals are delighted to offer this two bedroom terraced property on Roscoe Street, St Helens. It is situated in a popular area of West Park, St Helens and is close to local amenities such schools and motorway links, also a stone throw from Taylor Park. The house consists of two spacious ...
Updated: 2025-03-10
£ 169,500
This charming semi-detached house on Downs Road, St. Helens, offers a delightful blend of comfort and modern living. Ideal for first-time buyers, small families, or those looking to downsize, this well-presented property is ready to welcome its new owners. Upon entering, you are greeted by a bri...
Updated: 2025-03-09
1 bedroom property lower ground access Shower over the bath Garden Close to local shops and schools
Updated: 2025-03-07
£ 650 /mo
** Zero Deposit Guarantee Available ** Bridgfords Lettings are proud to present to you this stunning split level apartment to let on Cambridge Road, St Helens. With good transport links and close to the town centre. Suitable for professionals or small families alike.
Updated: 2025-03-07
£ 200 /mo
En Suite bedroom available in shared house close to St Helens town centre. Gas, electric, water, council tax and wifi included. Fully furnished. Shared kitchen. EPC Grade C
Updated: 2025-03-06
£ 600,000
Historic & characterful 1874 property with grand reception hall, working fireplace, unique 'Artelier' room, extensive garden, parking, and storage. Charming blend of period details & modern amenities.
Updated: 2025-03-05
2 Bed Ground floor flat, small rear garden. Double glazed window and gas central heating Close to local amenities. Successful applicants will be subject to a pre tenancy check, affordability check and a successful landlord reference is required. All relevant ID proofs will be needed at this ...
Updated: 2025-03-05
£ 4,500 /mo
This modern, professional workspace is located on Prescot Road. Our facility is currently used as private offices, co-working spaces, and meeting rooms, designed to foster productivity and creativity whether you're a startup, a small team, or an established company, our office spaces are...
Updated: 2025-03-05
£ 135,000
Located in a highly sought-after area, this delightful two-bedroom mid-terraced house presents an excellent opportunity for first-time buyers or investors seeking a lucrative venture in the burgeoning property market. Upon entry, a warm and inviting ambience permeates the space, creating an immed...
Updated: 2025-03-05
£ 750 /mo
We are delighted to offer this 2 bedroom house for rent - Bronte Street, St. Helens. This property consists of - 2 bedrooms, 2 reception areas, 1 upstairs bathroom, kitchen and rear garden. Re... ** Property Reference: 2150560 **
Updated: 2025-03-05
£ 895 /mo
2 Bed Terraced House, Balfour Street, WA10 We are proud to offer this delightful 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom terraced house in a great location. Available to move in from 10 March 2025, this property... ** Property Reference: 2406994 **
Updated: 2025-03-04
£ 1,150 /mo
** RESERVE TODAY! - LIMITED AVAILABILITY ON SITE ** 3 Bedroom Family Home | No Deposit Option Available | Semi Detached Plot | Integrated Kitchen White Goods | Separate Kitchen & Lounge | Allocated Driveway Parking | Professional Landlord | Secure Long Term Tenancy Available
Updated: 2025-03-04
£ 115,000
Please note that the pictures shown are prior to the current tenant moving in, and the property may differ slightly from the images displayed. Situated within a desirable location, this two-bedroom mid-terraced house offers a wonderful opportunity for those seeking a comfortable and stylish home.
Updated: 2025-03-04
Situated on the first floor of a well-maintained building, this 2-bedroom apartment offers a wonderful opportunity for those seeking an ideal first home or a lucrative investment. With a prime location and a range of appealing features, this property is sure to attract a wide range of potential b...
Updated: 2025-03-03
£ 230,000
Charming 3-bed semi-detached house with spacious through lounge, large kitchen, off-road parking. Ideal location near amenities, low-maintenance garden, summer house for versatility - perfect for families or first-time buyers.
Updated: 2025-03-03
A choice of incentives available which could include a 5% deposit worth a staggering £20,000 or flooring packages, stamp duty payments or cashback available on this plot! Enquire today about how you could potentially buy this plot with zero deposit! Show home open every Friday, no appointment ne...
Updated: 2025-03-03
A choice of incentives available which could include a 5% deposit worth a staggering £18,250 or flooring packages, stamp duty payments or cashback available on this plot! Enquire today about how you could potentially buy this plot with zero deposit! Show home open every Friday, no appointment ne...
Updated: 2025-03-03
£ 330,000
Nestled within the thriving community of St Helens, this well-presented three-bedroom detached house exudes elegance and charm, offering a superb opportunity for a discerning buyer. Upon entering, you are greeted by a sense of warmth and sophistication, elegantly understated in its design.
Updated: 2025-03-01
£ 1,025 /mo
** RESERVE TODAY! - LIMITED AVAILABILITY ** 2 Bedroom Family Home | No Deposit Option Available | Terrace Plot | Integrated Kitchen White Goods | Separate Kitchen & Lounge | Allocated Driveway Parking | Professional Landlord | Secure Long Term Tenancy Available
Updated: 2025-02-28
£ 1,100 /mo
** RESERVE TODAY! - AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY ** 3 Bedroom Family Home | No Deposit Option Available | Semi Detached Plot | Integrated Kitchen White Goods | Separate Kitchen & Lounge | Kitchen Skylights | Professional Landlord | Secure Long Term Tenancy Available
Updated: 2025-02-28
£ 1,100 /mo
** RESERVE TODAY! - LIMITED AVAILABILITY ON SITE ** 3 Bedroom Family Home | No Deposit Option Available | Semi Detached Plot | Integrated Kitchen White Goods | Separate Kitchen & Lounge | Allocated Driveway Parking | Professional Landlord | Secure Long Term Tenancy Available
Updated: 2025-02-28
£ 149,950
A traditional three bedroomed semi-detached family home with great potential throughout to put your own stamp on boasting a fabulous rear garden, spacious and easily maintainable!
Updated: 2025-02-27
£ 220,000
Nestled at the head of a peaceful cul-de-sac, this three-bedroom detached family home is an excellent opportunity for buyers looking to put their own stamp on a property. Available with no onward chain, the home offers a well-proportioned layout, ideal for families or those seeking extra space. W...
Updated: 2025-02-27
Three bedroom end-terrace house located in St Helens, providing good transport links in and around the city and within close proximity to local amenities.
Updated: 2025-02-27
£ 105,000
***A SPACIOUS APARTMENT PERFECT FOR A FIRST TIME BUY, BUY TO LET INVESTMENT OR EVEN A QUIET DOWN SIZE*** Brought to market with no onward chain is this first floor apartment ideal for a buyer wanting a peaceful setting and spacious rooms. The apartment has a secure intercom entry system, lift ac...
Updated: 2025-02-27
£ 120,000
A fabulous opportunity to purchase a ground floor two bedroom apartment located on a prime position in a quiet cul-de-sac.
Updated: 2025-02-27
***Zero Deposit Option Available***Situated in Thatto Heath sits this well maintained two bedroom mid terrace house. Neutrally decorated throughout this property is available to view now. Briefly comprising of lounge, dining Room, kitchen, bathroom and two good sized bedrooms. EPC Grade - D - Cou...
Updated: 2025-02-27
Multi-Unit Property | 8 Bedroom HMO + 2 Commercial Units | Large Primary Business Area | Ensuite Bathrooms | Spacious Lounge and Kitchen | Modern and Good Condition
Updated: 2025-02-26
£ 120,000
Chamberlain Street in St. Helens presents a beautifully presented 2-bedroom terraced home that combines modern style with practical living. Step through the double doors into a spacious living room that flows seamlessly into a bright dining area and contemporary kitchen, all on the ground floor. ...
Updated: 2025-02-26
2 Bed first floor flat with bathroom bath over shower. Central heating and double glaze windows. Shared communal entrance/stairs Close to local amenities
Updated: 2025-02-26
This 2 bed terraced house is available to let. The property consists of two well-portioned bedrooms, a single bathroom, two reception rooms, and a fully-equipped kitchen.It falls within council tax band A, which offers a lower charge for residents. The property offers a comfortable living space i...
Updated: 2025-02-26
£ 210,000
Step inside this charming 3 bedroom semi-detached home that is bursting with character!
Updated: 2025-02-26
£ 795 /mo
We are proud to offer for rent this unfurnished, newly decorated, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom home in the quiet residential area of West Park, St.Helens. The property benefits from a large, private ga... ** Property Reference: 2394780 **
Updated: 2025-02-22
£ 750 /mo
**Comfortable Two-Bedroom Home with Modern Kitchen and Spacious Yard** AVAILABLE MAY This cozy two-bedroom home is perfect for those looking for a practical and convenient living space. Situated close to St Helens town centre, it offers easy access to local amenities and excellent public transp...
Updated: 2025-02-21
£ 1,100 /mo
** RESERVE TODAY! - AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY ** 3 Bedroom Family Home | No Deposit Option Available | Semi Detached Plot | Integrated Kitchen White Goods | Separate Kitchen & Lounge | Kitchen Skylights | Professional Landlord | Secure Long Term Tenancy Available
Updated: 2025-02-21
£ 165,000
Nestled in the heart of the highly sought-after Eccleston area, this generously proportioned three-bedroom semi-detached home offers an excellent opportunity for families looking to make their mark in a prestigious location. Positioned on an elevated and spacious corner plot, the property enjoys ...
Updated: 2025-02-21
£ 1,100 /mo
** RESERVE TODAY! - LIMITED AVAILABILITY ON SITE ** 3 Bedroom Family Home | No Deposit Option Available | Semi Detached Plot | Integrated Kitchen White Goods | Separate Kitchen & Lounge | Allocated Driveway Parking | Professional Landlord | Secure Long Term Tenancy Available
Updated: 2025-02-21
£ 125,000
Modern 2-bed mid-terraced house ideal for first-time buyers or investors. Features 2 reception rooms, modern kitchen , 2 bedrooms, private yard, and prime location near town centre and amenities.
Updated: 2025-02-21
£ 1,025 /mo
** RESERVE TODAY! - LIMITED AVAILABILITY ** 2 Bedroom Family Home | No Deposit Option Available | Terrace Plot | Integrated Kitchen White Goods | Separate Kitchen & Lounge | Allocated Driveway Parking | Professional Landlord | Secure Long Term Tenancy Available
Updated: 2025-02-21
A newly refurbished 2-Bed house to RENT in St Helens
Updated: 2025-02-20
£ 1,200 /mo
Belvoir are delighted to present this 4 bedroom 3 storey end mews property in a highly convenient location just off Knowsley Road and close to St Helens town centre.
Updated: 2025-02-19
£ 389,950
Renovated five-bedroom detached house with spacious living areas, en suite, gardens, and scenic views. Located near parks, schools, and transport links for a perfect balance of comfort and convenience.
Updated: 2025-02-19
£ 775 /mo
Three-bedroom terraced house situated in a popular area. The property is ideally located close to local amenities, motorway links, schools and public transport links. Strictly no Pets The pr... ** Property Reference: 2389436 **
Updated: 2025-02-18
Liberty Place is a quiet cul-de-sac location positioned off Knowsley Road. The property is an end-terraced and boasts off road parking for two vehicles. The location of the property is within walking distance to pubs and restaurants as well as both primary and secondary schools. Transport l...
Updated: 2025-02-17
Prescot Road boasts original features and houses a prime location for routes into St Helens or Prescot. Within walking distance there is Taylor Park which is great for dog walkers and families. Amenities such as shops, schools and restaurants are all close by. Set back from the road the pro...
Updated: 2025-02-14
£ 118,000
Barrow and Cook offer for sale this 2 bedroom ground floor apartment in Eccleston. The property is situated close to local schools, shops, public houses and Taylor park with it's lake and children's play areas. With easy access to the East Lancashire Road for commuting to Liverpool and Manches...
Updated: 2025-02-14
Two bedroom Townhouse to rent in Eccleston, St Helens. Cosey Rentals are delighted to offer this well maintained, two bedroom townhouse in the Eccleston area of St Helens. To the ground floor there is a good size lounge with neutral décor and a lovely kitchen/diner with breakfast bar and ...
Updated: 2025-02-14
£ 225,000
A warm welcome awaits you from your new semi-detached family home which offers spacious family living throughout offering fabulous potential to modernise and put your own stamp on, positoned on a quiet cul-de-sac.
Updated: 2025-02-14
£ 190,000
Immaculate 3-bed semi-detached house in sought-after area. Stylish living spaces, modern kitchen, utility area, en-suite master bedroom Ideal for families or professionals seeking contemporary living.
Updated: 2025-02-14
£ 300,000
Located on a popular modern development, Newlove Avenue is a delightful detached family home which offers a perfect blend of comfort and modern living. With an inviting façade and ample parking for up to three vehicles, including a garage and a two-car driveway, this property is both practical an...
Updated: 2025-02-14
£ 140,000
Desirable 3-bed house with spacious living room, kitchen/dining area, conservatory & wet room. Front/rear gardens offer endless potential for outdoor living. No chain, ideal for creating dream home.
Updated: 2025-02-14
£ 1,150 /mo
** RESERVE TODAY! - LIMITED AVAILABILITY ON SITE ** 3 Bedroom Family Home | No Deposit Option Available | Semi Detached Plot | Integrated Kitchen White Goods | Separate Kitchen & Lounge | Allocated Driveway Parking | Professional Landlord | Secure Long Term Tenancy Available
Updated: 2025-02-13
£ 145,000
Beautiful 3-bed end of terrace house in sought-after area. Spacious rooms, two receptions, family bathroom, detached garage. Ideal for families. Close to shops/schools. Book a viewing today.
Updated: 2025-02-13
Auction Sale - 26/02/2025 A three bedroom end of terrace house, benefitting from a rear yard, in need of refurbishment, well located for transport links and amenities, with extension potential subject to requisite consents. Vacant.
Updated: 2025-02-13
£ 99,950
Welcome to Roby Street, St. Helens - This mid-terrace house, built in 1900, boasts a reception room, two bedrooms and a bathroom. The property is located in Toll Bar; a popular residential suburb of St. Helens, just a short drive to the Town Centre providing a wealth of local amenities c...
Updated: 2025-02-12
£ 200,000
A traditional, generous three bedroomed semi detached property on the sought after location of Willow Road with accommodation briefly comprising of: Entrance hall, two lounge offering spacious living throughout, Cloakroom and fitted kitchen, to the first floor are three good sized bedrooms and a lar
Updated: 2025-02-12
£ 140,000
Located in the sought-after Queens Park area, this traditional three-bedroom terraced home enjoys stunning views over Queens Park, offering a scenic and tranquil setting. With no onward chain, this property is an excellent opportunity for first-time buyers or buy-to-let investors. The home is ide...
Updated: 2025-02-12
£ 795 /mo
*Deposit Replacement Scheme Available** A Recently Refurbished THREE bed terraced house to let. Positioned between Prescot Road and Lugsmore Lane, with Thatto shops, station, Taylor & Thatto-Heath Park all within walking distance. Great access routes into the Town Centre and Liverpool Rec...
Updated: 2025-02-11
Offered for sale with the luxury no onward chain, this mid terraced house is a little gem which has been well maintained throughout and we would urge early viewings. Having a gas central heating system complemented by double glazing, the accommodation briefly affords:- Lounge, separate dinin...
Updated: 2025-02-11
£ 775 /mo
*Deposit Replacement Scheme Available** A Beautifully presented two bed terraced house to let In the popular & well sought after area WA10, Eccleston. Positioned within walking distance to local schools and shops, with Taylor park and the Town Centre also just a short stroll away Compris...
Updated: 2025-02-11
£ 1,200 /mo
Belvoir Lettings are delighted to offer for Let, this 3 bedroom detached property located in the area of West Park, St Helens.
Updated: 2025-02-11
£ 1,025 /mo
** RESERVE TODAY! - LIMITED AVAILABILITY ** 2 Bedroom Family Home | No Deposit Option Available | Terrace Plot | Integrated Kitchen White Goods | Separate Kitchen & Lounge | Allocated Driveway Parking | Professional Landlord | Secure Long Term Tenancy Available
Updated: 2025-02-10
£ 180,000
***NO ONWARD CHAIN***IDEAL FIRSTTIME BUY*** This is a fabulous opportunity to purchase a three bedroom semi detached home, offered for sale with no onward chain and affording driveway parking. The ideal first time buy is well presented throughout, and is positioned close to good schools, shops ...
Updated: 2025-02-09
£ 1,150 /mo
** RESERVE TODAY! - LIMITED AVAILABILITY ON SITE ** 3 Bedroom Family Home | No Deposit Option Available | Semi Detached Plot | Integrated Kitchen White Goods | Separate Kitchen & Lounge | Allocated Driveway Parking | Professional Landlord | Secure Long Term Tenancy Available
Updated: 2025-02-07
£ 130,000
Presenting an exceptional opportunity to acquire this charming 2-bedroom terraced house, located in a highly sought-after residential area.
Updated: 2025-02-07
£ 200,000
Underhill Road, St. Helens - A Fantastic Investment or Family Home Opportunity! Situated in the highly sought-after area of West Park, this imposing semi-detached property offers a fantastic opportunity for investors or those looking to create a stunning family home. Currently configured as tw...
Updated: 2025-02-06
A well proportioned and immaculately presented double fronted semi detached family home occupying an enviable plot enjoying a woodland backdrop which is a haven for wildlife and a perfect place to entertain or simply relax.
Updated: 2025-02-06
Taylor Park and a wide range of amenities are nearby together with transport links and access to to the nearby Town Centre. With the benefit of no onward chain, this garden fronted mid terraced offers much scope and potential.
Updated: 2025-02-06
This is rather lovely and we feel perfect for a first time buyer as the interiors are tasteful, bright with spacious ground floor accommodation. The parks are also nearby together with handy amenities, including the vibrant strip at Cambridge Road.
Updated: 2025-02-06
A plot of land adjacent to "Bablake" located on this highly regarded residential district in West Park with ease of access to beautiful Taylor Park and with lovely woodland aspect to the rear.
Updated: 2025-02-06
What a delightful extended semi detached family home. Having undergone a full programme of refurbishment and located off the main Prescot road, you can access Taylor Park with ease together with a wide range of amenities and transport links. We love the light and bright kitchen area on t...
Updated: 2025-02-06
A fabulous corner plot with mature gardens and the benefit of being located with close proximity to highly rated schools and a wide range of amenities. This substantial semi detached home is ideal for a growing family and is rather deceptive indeed.
Updated: 2025-02-06
With the most enviable view over Taylor Park lake to the rear, this substantial semi detached family home carries a wealth of period features and well proportioned rooms throughout.
Updated: 2025-02-06
This imposing detached bungalow is available with no upward chain and would make a beautiful family home, although it needs some modernisation, it is teeming with potential. The property sits on a fabulous plot, adorned with flowers, shrubs and trees, creating a delightful oasis of greenery. S...
Updated: 2025-02-06
Offering a grand scale of living with five bedrooms and four bathrooms, this home is ideal for families. The home is in a tranquil location, boasting public transport links, nearby schools, parks, and walking routes.
Updated: 2025-02-06
With no upward chain, this ground floor studio apartment represents an ideal opportunity to purchase a first home or a rental property if an investor. Located close to Taylor Park and idyllic walks, useful amenities are also closeby.
Updated: 2025-02-06
With the benefit of no upward chain and within close proximity to a vibrant strip of excellent amenities, this id terraced property has recently been redecorated throughout ready for a first time buyer to simply move straight in.
Updated: 2025-02-06
Located close to highly regarded schools, bus routes and plenty of useful amenities, this well presented traditional semi detached home is considered ideal for a first time buyer. Our client has ensured the property is ready to occupy with ease - new flooring and kitchen just two essential poi...
Updated: 2025-02-06
This property boasts an array of attractive features which would ideally suit families or couples seeking a comfortable abode in a convenient location.
Updated: 2025-02-06
Available with no upward chain, this substantial semi-detached property is located in high regarded area and is conveniently situated near to excellent schools, local amenities and Taylor Park, making it a perfect home for families.
Updated: 2025-02-06
This well maintained semi detached home is offered with no upward chain, it is sat on a pleasant corner plot boasting wonderful size gardens and off road parking. It is situated close to all local amenities and is just a stone throw away from the park, perfect for family outings with children ...
Updated: 2025-02-06
TO BE SOLD TO AN INVESTOR ONLY - TENANT IN PLACENestled in the heart of a popular residential area, this desirable two bedroom ground floor apartment would make a perfect investment opportunity or ideal for a first time buyer. Useful amenities are closeby as is Taylor Park.
Updated: 2025-02-06
***To be sold with a tenant in situ - Investors only ***Nestled in the heart of a popular residential area, this desirable two bedroom apartment is available and would make a perfect investment opportunity.
Updated: 2025-02-06
Nestled in the heart of a popular residential area, this desirable two bedroom apartment is available and would make a perfect investment opportunity as there is the option to purchase with a tenant already in situ.
Updated: 2025-02-06
A vibrant range of very useful amenities are a short stroll away from this modern first floor apartment located on the well regarded Cunningham Grange. With two double bedrooms, this is an ideal starter home if looking for ease of living.
Updated: 2025-02-06
An exciting project located in this well regarded residential district close to a great range of amenities, schooling and the bus route. This well proportioned garden fronted terraced property is available with no onward chain.
Updated: 2025-02-06
Located close to supermarkets and quality schooling this garden fronted mid terraced is available with no onward chain. The property is considered suitable for a first time buyer.
Updated: 2025-02-06
A very comfortable starter home located with ease of access to amenities, parks at Thatto Heath and West Park together with transport links. First time buyers could very much consider this an ideal purchase.
Updated: 2025-02-06
A superior extended family home, positioned within a pleasant and highly sought after area. It boasts fabulous living accommodation throughout which is both spacious and versatile, a perfect choice for family living. Presented to the highest standard, this lovely home is a true credit to its c...
Updated: 2025-02-06
What we love about this development is the close proximity to a vibrant range of handy amenities together with link roads to neighbouring towns.
Updated: 2025-02-06
Offered with no upward chain, this pleasant apartment is situated on the first floor and located in a sought after area with good access to amenities and excellent transport links to the surrounding areas.
Updated: 2025-02-06
£ 725 /mo
Belvoir Lettings are pleased to offer this newly decorated 2 bedroom property in a popular residential location within walking distance of the Town Centre and close to good primary and secondary Schools, within easy reach of the East Lancs and Motorway.
Updated: 2025-02-05
*Guide Price: £55,000 +. Public Auction : Thursday, 20 February 2025 at , Virtual Livestream Online Auction GET READY TO BID BY VISITING THE AUCTIONEERS WEBSITE GUIDE PRICES & RESERVE PRICES Guide Price An indication of the seller’s current minimum acceptable price at auc...
Updated: 2025-02-05
@ThePlace is pleased to offer this charming two-bedroom mid-terraced house. It is located on a quiet street in the desirable Ravenhead neighbourhood, only a short distance from the centre of St Helens. The open plan living and dining space of this property is large and welcoming. The mod...
Updated: 2025-02-04
A plot of land adjacent to "Bablake" located on this highly regarded residential district in West Park with ease of access to beautiful Taylor Park and with lovely woodland aspect to the rear.
Updated: 2025-02-03
£ 800 /mo
Deposit Replacement Scheme Available! A modern three-bedroom terraced house is now available to let in the popular residential area of Thatto Heath. This property offers spacious living accommodation and is tastefully decorated throughout. Nestled in a quiet street just off Lugsmore Lane, it ...
Updated: 2025-02-03
£ 550,000
This traditional semi-detached family home offers generous living space and a wealth of potential, perfect for growing families seeking a comfortable and well-connected property in St. Helens. Located in a desirable residential area just off Prescot Road, the home is conveniently close to local a...
Updated: 2025-02-01
£ 140,000
A large 3-double bedroom terraced property for sale with period features. Including 2 reception rooms, a good-sized kitchen, a family bathroom, and a generously sized low-maintenance garden.
Updated: 2025-02-01
£ 200,000
Charming 3-bed semi-detached house in sought-after location. Spacious living, ensuite & downstairs toilet. Large garage & fireplace. Generous bedrooms, well-maintained garden. Ideal family home, viewings recommended.
Updated: 2025-01-30
A choice of incentives available which could include a 5% deposit worth a staggering £18,250 or flooring packages, stamp duty payments or cashback available on this plot! Enquire today about how you could potentially buy this plot with zero deposit! Show home open every Friday, no appointment ne...
Updated: 2025-01-29
A choice of incentives available which could include a 5% deposit worth a staggering £20,000 or flooring packages, stamp duty payments or cashback available on this plot! Enquire today about how you could potentially buy this plot with zero deposit! Show home open every Friday, no appointment nec...
Updated: 2025-01-29
£ 995 /mo
*Deposit Repalcement Scheme Available* Recently Refurbished - A Three-Bedroom Semi-Detached House to Let in Thatto Heath, St Helens This well-presented, spacious home is ideally located in the sought-after Thatto Heath area of St Helens, close to key amenities and within walking distance of Ca...
Updated: 2025-01-29
£ 800 /mo
*Deposit Replacement Scheme Available* A SPACIOUS THREE-BEDROOM VICTORIAN TERRACED HOME WITH LARGE GARDEN Situated in the highly sought-after area of Thatto Heath, St. Helens, this deceptively spacious Victorian terraced property offers the perfect blend of traditional character and modern li...
Updated: 2025-01-28
£ 180,000
This stunning penthouse duplex apartment at Harris Grange, Prescot Road offers an exceptional blend of space, style, and modern living. Boasting three bedrooms and three bathrooms, this impressive home is perfect for those seeking luxury and convenience. The master suite is a true showstopper...
Updated: 2025-01-27
£ 325,000
Nestled in a sought-after location, this charming three-bedroom detached bungalow presents an exceptional opportunity for those seeking comfortable and convenient living. Situated in close proximity to Taylor Park, this property offers a serene setting while also providing easy access to the bust...
Updated: 2025-01-27
£ 270,000
EXP is delighted to offer for sale this immaculately presented three-bedroom semi-detached property situated in a sought-after location in West Park, St. Helens. The interior has been beautifully modernised and tastefully decorated throughout, offering a spacious and contemporary family h...
Updated: 2025-01-24
This charming two-bedroom semi-detached home has undergone an extensive programme of improvements by the current owners and offers a blend of modern comforts and versatile spaces, perfect for family living or working from home. With a spacious kitchen, bright lounge, and a generous rear ...
Updated: 2025-01-24
The property is exclusively available to OWNER OCCUPIERS for the first four weeks of marketing after which the property will additionally be marketed to PRIVATE LANDLORDS accredited by the relevant local authority or who are members of the National Landlords Association. Sutton kersh a...
Updated: 2025-01-24
**** AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, NEWLY REFURBISHED THROUGHOUT **** Arrived on the market it this wonderfully presented two bedroom mid terrace home situated in the highly popular residential are...
Updated: 2025-01-23
LOT 43 **FOR SALE BY ONLINE AUCTION** on 11th February 2025 Six Week Completion or Earlier Freehold House Vacant Possession
Updated: 2025-01-23
£ 115,000
Introducing this one-bedroom end of terrace maisonette, a delightful abode in a sought-after residential locale. This well-maintained property boasts a thoughtful layout comprising a lounge, a spacious kitchen/diner, and a conservatory, offering a comfortable living space perfect for single occup...
Updated: 2025-01-22
£ 229,950
Nestled in a desirable residential area, this charming three-bedroom end of terrace house offers an ideal opportunity for those seeking their first home. Placed within easy reach of local amenities and St Helens Town Centre, this property is not only conveniently located, but also promises a comf...
Updated: 2025-01-21
£ 210,000
Barrow and Cook are delighted to offer for sale this 2 bedroomed semi detached property. Situated at the head of a quiet cul-de-sac close to local primary and secondary schools, local shops and bus route to St Helens town centre. The property comprises - Ground floor - porch, lounge, kitchen/d...
Updated: 2025-01-21
£ 89,950
A fabulous traditional two bedroom mid terraced home offering a wonderful opportunity for investors or first-time buyers to modernise and put their own stamp on. Boasting open plan spacious living and french doors leading into the spacious, full property width kitchen, this residence provides ample
Updated: 2025-01-21
***Zero Deposit Guarantee Available*** This three-bedroom terraced house, ideal for families, boasts a convenient location near public transport, schools, and parks, featuring spacious reception rooms, a kitchen, and a neutral interior, all within a budget-friendly council tax band A.
Updated: 2025-01-20
Chic two-bedroom apartment in sought-after location, spacious layout, well-appointed bedrooms, ample storage, ideal for urban living and entertaining.
Updated: 2025-01-15
This bright and inviting two-bedroom home is the perfect place to start the next chapter of your life! With a spacious ground floor layout and a delightful rear yard that embraces that summer feeling, it has a pleasant and positive...
Updated: 2025-01-14
£ 695 /mo
Two Bedroom terraced to rent in St Helens. Cosey Rentals are delighted to offer this recently refurbished two bedroom terraced located just off Rivington Road, St Helens. The property has previously been fitted with a brand kitchen and bathroom and has all new carpets throughout. To the grou...
Updated: 2025-01-13
£ 120,000
Charming 2-bed terraced house in desirable location. Spacious through lounge, kitchen, bathrooms, no chain. Potential to personalise. Low maintenance garden, great appeal. View now!
Updated: 2025-01-13
This 3-bedroom inner terraced property is located in the Thatto Heath area of St Helens. Boasting park views to the front aspect along with front and rear courtyards, the property offers ideal family accommodation. Briefly comprising: Entrance hallway with neutral décor and modern grey wood effect
Updated: 2025-01-11
£ 169,950
A stunning, newly renovated throughout three bedroomed semi-detached home with tasteful modern decor and boasting a fabulous rear garden, spacious and easily maintainable!
Updated: 2025-01-10
£ 110,000
David Davies Sales & lettings are delighted to welcome to the sales market this two bedroomed terraced property on the highly sought after Rivington Road. The property is perfect for first time buyers to transform and create there dream first home or for an investor. The ground...
Updated: 2025-01-10
Now available to let and located in a modern block of apartments in St. Helens is this spacious two bed upper floor apartment. Cunningham Court is offered for let furnished. The property is situated close to the town centre which offers a wide range of amenities along with public transport links ...
Updated: 2025-01-09
£ 700 /mo
Two Bedroom apartment to rent in Eccleston, St Helens. Coseyrentals are delighted to offer this two bedroom apartment in the popular Eccleston area of St Helens. Recently refurbished the property has been well maintained and is neutral in decor. The apartment consists of two good size bedro...
Updated: 2025-01-08
£ 145,000
Nestled within a sought-after residential area, this three-bedroom semi-detached house presents a wonderful opportunity for those seeking a property offering ample potential. The accommodation comprises a lounge, a kitchen diner, and three bedrooms and bathroom, making it suitable for a variety o...
Updated: 2025-01-08
£ 150,000
NO UPWARD CHAIN INVOLVED Stapleton Derby are delighted to offer for sale this well presented three bedroom semi detached property situated on a popular development. Benefiting from a gas central heating system and double glazing the accommodation briefly comprises of entrance hall, spacious loun...
Updated: 2025-01-06
£ 350,000
Ashtons present to the market this well appointed Four Bedroom Detached family home. The property offers spacious accommodation ideal for a family, the property is located close by to local amenities, schools, transport links and easy access to St Helens Town Centre.
Updated: 2025-01-06
£ 175,000
A traditional three bedroomed semi-detached family home with fabulous potential throughout to modernise and put your own stamp on for sale with no chain above!
Updated: 2025-01-04
£ 120,000
This mid-terrace house offers a fantastic opportunity for investors, first-time buyers, or those looking to create their ideal home through renovation. Situated on Roby Street in the heart of St. Helens, this property is conveniently located close to local amenities, schools, and excellent transp...
Updated: 2025-01-03
This two-bedroom mid-terrace property is an ideal opportunity for first-time buyers looking to create their own home. In fair to good condition, it offers a blank canvas to personalise and modernise, with a spacious living area, a kitchen leading to a rear yard, and a downstairs bathroom. The pro...
Updated: 2025-01-02
David Davies Sales And Lettings Agent bring to the sales market a substantial three bedroomed mid-terrace property with 'NO CHAIN'. With brand new modern interiors throughout (2024) and a popular and convenient location which is just off Prescot Road, in the established Toll Bar area of ...
Updated: 2024-12-31
£ 105,000
A fabulous opportunity to purchase a two double bedroomed mid terraced home boasting so much potential to put your own stamp on in a great location with all original features throughout
Updated: 2024-12-30
£ 155,000
This modern semi-detached house offers a fantastic combination of style, space, and practicality in a sought-after St. Helens location. Perfectly positioned on Whittle Street, the property is within easy reach of local amenities, schools, and excellent transport links, with St. Helens town centre...
Updated: 2024-12-24
£ 220,000
Desirable 3-bed semi-detached home with modern kitchen, spacious bedrooms, and large rear garden. Features a welcoming hallway, convenient downstairs WC, and driveway for off-road parking. Perfect for those seeking contemporary yet homely living in sought-after location. Schedule viewing today!
Updated: 2024-12-23
Offered for sale with the added luxury of no onward chain, this well maintained semi detached house has been improved by the present owner with the addition of a ground floor extension to accommodate a shower room and really must be viewed to be appreciated. Located in the established area o...
Updated: 2024-12-23
£ 165,000
Step inside this freshly refurbished three-bedroom mid-terraced house that is just waiting to become your ideal first family home.
Updated: 2024-12-18
£ 110,000
Fantastic 2-bed mid-terraced house with potential & tenant in place, yielding over 7%.
Updated: 2024-12-17
The property is exclusively available to OWNER OCCUPIERS for the first four weeks of marketing after which the property will additionally be marketed to PRIVATE LANDLORDS accredited by the relevant local authority or who are members of the National Landlords Association. Sutton Kersh ...
Updated: 2024-12-11
£ 850 /mo
We are pleased to announce for let this completely refurbished two bedroom terraced house which is an ideal family home. The property benefits from gas central heating and being UPVc double glazed and briefly comprises of: entrance vestibule, through lounge and dining room, kitchen, inner hall, a...
Updated: 2024-12-10
Presenting a charming terraced house on Grafton Street, West Park this property is in great condition, ready to welcome its new owners. This delightful property features two cosy reception rooms, an ideal setting to create a heart warming living area and a dedicated dining space. The f...
Updated: 2024-12-10
£ 325,000
***SUBSTANTIONALLY EXTENDED, FOUR BEDROOM FAMILY HOME WITH AN IMPRESSIVE OPEN PLAN KITCHEN/LIVING SPACE*** Ideal for the growing family is this extended semi detached family home with four double bedrooms. The property has been upgraded and renovated by the current owners with the addition of a ...
Updated: 2024-12-05
£ 100,000
Fantastic investment opportunity with tenants already in place.Terraced house with spacious reception rooms, modern kitchen, and convenient location near town centre. Ideal buy-to-let or residence
Updated: 2024-12-05
King Property Management are delighted to offer for Let, this 2-bedroom, semi-detached property located within the desirable Old Eccleston area of St Helens. The property is offered on a flexibly furnished basis and briefly comprises: Entrance porch with fitted carpet and composite entrance door.
Updated: 2024-12-05
£ 150,000
***ATTRACTIVE THREE BEDROOM SEMI-DETACHED PROPERTY PERFECT FOR A FTB*** Ideal for a first time buyer or those looking to upsize to gain a third bedroom is this attractive semi-detached family home with three bedrooms. The accommodation briefly comprises of a porch, living room and a kitchen/dine...
Updated: 2024-12-04
£ 315,000
A warm welcome awaits you from your new home, an impressive detached family home which offers generous family living throughout with two reception rooms beautifully presented and tastefully decorated throughout
Updated: 2024-12-04
This charming terraced property in a convenient urban location is now available for sale on Exeter Street. Situated in a sought-after area with excellent public transport links and local amenities, this home is ideal for couples, investors, and landlords alike. The property is in good ...
Updated: 2024-12-03
£ 195,000
A beautiful, well presented three bedroomed semi-detached home finished to a high standard throughout ideal for family living or a perfect first time buyers home!
Updated: 2024-12-02
This delightful three-bedroom semi-detached property is ideal for anyone looking for a well-connected yet peaceful home. With its bright and airy interiors, a modern kitchen, and a spacious garden, this home strikes the perfect balance between contemporary comfort and outdoor enjoyment. ...
Updated: 2024-11-26
Entwistle Green are delighted to market this lovely two bedroom terraced property situated in a sought-after area of St Helens with excellent public transport links and local amenities. In short the property consists of a homely through living/ dining area leading on to the kitchen and...
Updated: 2024-11-26
Boasting no onward chain this first floor apartment has come to the market for sale on Bonington Close, St Helens. Positioned on the fringe of Eccleston this property is within walking distance to Taylor Park, local shops and also transport links into St Helens or Eccleston. This property w...
Updated: 2024-11-23
£ 219,995
Stylish family home in quiet residential estate spread over 3 floors. Modern kitchen, living room with French doors, 3 bedrooms including master with en suite, landscaped garden with bar area and gym.
Updated: 2024-11-20
£ 260,000
This stunning 3-bedroom detached house is truly a gem situated in a highly sought-after location. This property offers excellent access to local amenities, schools, and transport links.
Updated: 2024-11-20
Offered for sale with the luxury of no onward chain, this spacious garden fronted mid terraced house is located in a popular area close to all amenities including shops, schools and transport links, bringing the North West and beyond within easy reach. Having a gas central heating system com...
Updated: 2024-11-19
£ 315,000
Welcome to this charming four-bedroom detached family home that offers a cosy retreat in the heart of a vibrant community. Step inside to discover a well-presented interior designed to accommodate modern family living with ease.
Updated: 2024-11-19
£ 115,000
A fabulous, traditional two bedroomed end terraced home, ideal for the first time buyer or investment opportunity
Updated: 2024-11-19
PERFECT FIRST TIME BUYER HOME or INVESTMENT PROPERTY This property is currently a buy to let, however, it can be sold with vacant occupancy. The property is an ideal investment property due it being situated in an ideal location with many local amenities and parking. This...
Updated: 2024-11-15
£ 100,000
Charming 2-bed mid-terraced house ideal for first-time buyers or investors. Modern kitchen, spacious lounge, ground floor bathroom/shower. Sought-after location, chain-free. Viewing recommended!
Updated: 2024-11-15
£ 220,000
Stapleton Derby are delighted to bring to the market this well-presented three-bedroom townhouse situated in a private cul-de-sac As you step inside, you are greeted by a warm and inviting atmosphere. Benefiting from a gas central heating system and double glazing the accommodation bri...
Updated: 2024-11-13
£ 750 /mo
Belvoir Lettings are pleased to offer this fully refurbished two bedroom mid terraced property located in the West Park area of St Helens.
Updated: 2024-11-07
Entwistle Green are delighted to bring to market this immaculately presented 3 bedroom semi detached property in a sought after location of St.Helens. With the added benefit of NO ADDED CHAIN, this property oozes potential for a family home or a first time buyer alike. Having been kept to a high ...
Updated: 2024-11-07
£ 280,000
This desirable large period property offers contemporary design blended with original features. Two reception rooms, modern kitchen, three bedrooms, study, and contemporary bathroom. Low-maintenance rear garden. Stylish and practical living in a sought-after location. Schedule a viewing today!
Updated: 2024-11-07
£ 80,000
Nestled in a quaint neighbourhood, Scenic views overlooking Thatto Heath park. This charming 2-bedroom mid-terrace property presents an exciting opportunity for first-time buyers to create their dream home. With a canvas ready for transformation, this residence offers the perfect blend of potenti...
Updated: 2024-11-07
Occupying a quiet cul-de-sac in a sought after area close to all amenities, this pristine detached dwelling was constructed by Redrow Homes with high quality fixtures and fittings throughout and really must be viewed internally in order to be fully appreciated. An absolute credit to the pres...
Updated: 2024-11-04
£ 50,500
Welcome to Kings Road in St. Helens, Merseyside, WA10 3HT. This delightful studio flat offers a cozy and practical living space, perfect for those seeking a convenient and low-maintenance lifestyle. Upon entering, you are welcomed by a functional entrance hall, setting the tone for this well-des...
Updated: 2024-11-01
£ 395,000
David Davies Sales & Lettings is delighted to welcome to market this impressive Victorian three-storey terrace home, boasting a total of five bedrooms. This terraced house would be perfect for those looking for ample living space with a growing family or seeking extra accommodation options. <...
Updated: 2024-10-30
£ 425,000
Fantastic 5 bed semi-detached house in sought-after location. 3 reception rooms, 3 bathrooms, spacious kitchen & utility, off-road parking, close to amenities & green spaces. Spacious gardens. Enjoy modern family living in this convenient and comfortable home.
Updated: 2024-10-30
David Davies Sales And Letting Agent bring to the sales market this two bedroomed 'Victorian' mid-terraced property. Situated on the highly sought after Dentons Green Lane area, is set back from the pavement with a low retaining wall, has a paved front garden area and paved rear garden ...
Updated: 2024-10-29
£ 120,000
This charming two bed mid-terraced property near town centre boasts two reception rooms, practical layout with ground floor bathroom, and chain-free status. Ideal for investors or first-time buyers seeking convenience and potential for personalisation.
Updated: 2024-10-25
£ 140,000
Presenting this Three bedroom semi-detached house, an ideal residence for those seeking a cosy and inviting home environment. Situated in a desirable location, this property offers a perfect blend of comfort and convenience.
Updated: 2024-10-25
£ 150,000
***A SPACIOUS SEMI DETACHED AT THE HEAD OF A QUIET CUL DE SAC WITH GARDENS FRONT, SIDE & REAR OFFERING SO MUCH POTENTIAL*** Offered with no onward chain and occupying a prominent position at the head of a quiet cul de sac is this well sized three bedroom semi detached home. The plot itself i...
Updated: 2024-10-23
£ 189,950
Barrow and Cook welcome to the market this 2 bedroom semi detached property. Located in a quiet cul de sac, closed to primary and secondary schools, local shops and bus route to St Helens Town Centre. Ground floor comprising - Inner Porch, Reception Room, Kitchen, Family Room. Firs...
Updated: 2024-10-23
£ 129,950
Barrow and cook are delighted to offer for sale this 3 bedroom semi detached property, the property situated on Knowsley Road is in an ideal location for the local schools, shops and Taylor Park, also giving easy access to the East Lancashire road for commuting to Liverpool & Manchester. T...
Updated: 2024-10-21
£ 475,000
Welcome to Eccleston Gardens, St. Helens - a highly regarded area where this detached property is waiting to become your new home! This charming home boasts not only a fantastic location but also generous accommodation making it ideal for a growing family. This property has been well cared for b...
Updated: 2024-10-16
Lugsmore Lane is a popular location as it is within walking distance to Taylor Park, local transport links and Thatto Heath village offering amenities such as shops, train station and park. This immaculate ground floor flat is available with no onward chain and ready to move into! Not only ...
Updated: 2024-10-15
Ideal for a first time buyer this two bedroom, garden fronted terraced boasts no onward chain and is ready to move into! Rivington Street is a popular location as the property is within walking distance to amenities such as shops, leisure facilities, schools and St Helens town centre. With ...
Updated: 2024-10-15
£ 220,000
Nestled in a sought-after residential area, this exquisite three-bedroom semi-detached house presents an exceptional opportunity for those seeking a comfortable and well-connected home. As you step inside the property, you are welcomed by a spacious hallway that sets the tone for the rest of the ...
Updated: 2024-10-12
Leslie Road is a fabulous traditional terraced property boasting original features and spacious accommodation throughout. Positioned in Thatto Heath this property is close to all amenities, such as train station, Thatto Heath Park, shops, schools and also local transport links through to either R...
Updated: 2024-10-11
£ 95,000
This is an excellent turn-key investment opportunity to purchase a modern, two-bedroom, purpose-built apartment situated in a popular and convenient area. Currently tenanted, the property generates a reliable rental income of £660 per month, offering investors a solid return on investment fr...
Updated: 2024-10-11
£ 220,000
A stunning, traditional semi-detached family home, extended to the rear boasting open plan spacious living throughout in a prime quiet, cul-de-sac position
Updated: 2024-10-09
This traditional bay fronted semi detached house offers an excellent investment opportunity as requires complete modernisation and refurbishment throughout, a fact reflected in the asking price and we would therefore encourage early internal inspections in order to avoid any possible disappointme...
Updated: 2024-10-07
£ 239,950
A stunning, substantial semi-detached family home boasting open plan spacious living throughout and newly refurbished to a high standard Fitted with high specification fixtures and fittings throughout, the accommodation briefly comprises to the ground floor of a spacious and welcoming ent
Updated: 2024-10-05
£ 168,000
Stylish three bed terraced house in prime location. Spacious interior with 3 reception rooms. Generously sized bedrooms, modern bathroom. Large rear garden for outdoor entertainment. Ideal family home. View now.
Updated: 2024-10-04
£ 345,000
Free Hold ( The Vendor Is In The Process Of Purchasing The Freehold ) Exquisite four bed detached house in desirable area. Spacious, sophisticated living spaces, modern kitchen, luxurious en suite, landscaped gardens, detached garage. Close to amenities, schools, transport. Elegant, stylish, har...
Updated: 2024-10-04
£ 170,000
***DECEPTIVELY SPACIOUS, MODERN THREE BEDROOM SEMI-DETACHED WITH OFF ROAD PARKING*** Built in 2015 is this modern semi-detached family home, well-presented throughout the accommodation briefly comprises to the ground floor of; entrance hall, living room, spacious kitchen/diner with a variety of ...
Updated: 2024-10-03
£ 500,000
This elegant period detached home in a sought-after location features four bedrooms, three reception rooms, a modern kitchen, stunning garden, and master suite with en-suite. Ideal blend of charm and modernity for sophisticated buyers seeking distinction and comfort.
Updated: 2024-09-27
£ 95,000
Welcome to this charming one-bedroom flat Holly Mount located on Laurel Road. This delightful property is perfect for a first-time buyer. Situated in a peaceful setting, this spacious apartment boasts a secure intercom system and well-maintained grounds, providing both comfort and secur...
Updated: 2024-09-18
Occupying an impressive corner plot, this bay fronted semi detached dwelling is not directly overlooked to the front or rear and offers spacious accommodation throughout. Located in an established and sought after position in Old Eccleston, this residence is well placed for all amenities and...
Updated: 2024-09-12
£ 110,000
Introducing this Two Bedroom Mid Terrace property, located in a desirable neighbourhood and offering a comfortable and convenient lifestyle.
Updated: 2024-08-23
£ 130,000
***A WONDERFUL END TERRACE ON A GENEROUS CORNER PLOT WITH NO ONWARD CHAIN AND PLENTY OF FURTHER POTENTIAL*** For those wanting outside space in abundance and off road parking too, it is hard to find a property that comes close to what this home offers. The home is well presented throughout, the ...
Updated: 2024-08-17
This charming semi-detached property on Norfolk Road, offers a fantastic opportunity for those looking to add their personal touch. With 3 bedrooms, including 2 double bedrooms and 1 single bedroom, this home is ideal for families, couples, and first-time buyers alike. Situated in a ...
Updated: 2024-08-08
**GROUND FLOOR TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT** Harris Grange is a popular development on Prescot Road which is within walking distance to Taylor Park and over looking a golf course. This two bedroom apartment would be perfect for a first time buyer or investor as previously has been rented out.
Updated: 2024-08-07
£ 130,000
A beautifully presented, deceivingly spacious mid terraced home ideal for a first time buyer
Updated: 2024-07-31
£ 260,000
Charming four bed semi-detached house in sought-after location. Features two reception rooms, spacious kitchen, utility, landscaped garden with summer house. Ideal family home with freehold title and ample parking. Peaceful area near amenities and schools. Book a viewing today!
Updated: 2024-07-27
Nestled within a sought-after location, this 5-bedroom semi-detached Victorian residence exudes elegance and charm. Boasting a striking bay frontage, this property offers a functional layout spread across three well-appointed floors.
Updated: 2024-07-23
£ 89,950
A fabulous project for someone to put there own stamp on, this two double bedroomed mid terraced home boasting so much potential throughout
Updated: 2024-07-20
£ 274,000
Nestled on a sought-after residential road, this charming three-bedroom semi-detached house offers a wonderful opportunity for first-time buyers or families seeking a comfortable and well-appointed home.
Updated: 2024-07-16
£ 100,000
***A PERFECT FIRST TIME BUY OR BUY TO LET INVESTMENT JUST A STONES THROW FROM THE TOWN CENTRE*** New to the sales market is this lovely mid terrace home that iis perfect for a first time buyer or a savvy investor. For those looking to invest, the rental income PCM for a property like this is com...
Updated: 2024-07-05
This three-bedroom semi-detached home presents an exciting opportunity for those looking to create their dream living space. While requiring some renovation, the property boasts a spacious layout with ample natural light. The ground floor features a generous living area, a kitchen with potential ...
Updated: 2024-06-19
£ 50,500
Welcome to Kings Road in St. Helens, Merseyside, WA10 3HT. This delightful studio flat offers a cosy and practical living space, perfect for those seeking a convenient and low-maintenance lifestyle. Upon entering, you are welcomed by a functional entrance hall, setting the tone for this well-des...
Updated: 2024-06-09
Welcome to this charming semi-detached property, a fabulous opportunity for first-time buyers, families, or couples. Nestled in the lively West Park area, this home is in good condition and ready to move into. The property boasts three well-sized double bedrooms. The first bedroom boa...
Updated: 2024-06-05
Captivating 5-bed terraced house in desirable area. Elegant period features combined with modern amenities. Three reception rooms, sleek kitchen, master suite, eave storage, and charming garden. Ideal blend of classic design and convenient living.
Updated: 2024-06-03
£ 145,995
A traditional three double bedroomed semi-detached home in a great location within walking distance to local amenities and schools, with great potential throughout to be a beautiful family home or an ideal investment opportunity
Updated: 2024-06-03
Entwistle Green are delighted to be offering for sale this three bedroom detached property located on Ravenhead Road, just off Prescot Road is this no chain property which is ready for any buyer to move in! Ideally positioned for access to the town centre where you will find a vast array of shops...
Updated: 2024-05-15
This terraced property is located in a desirable area, offering excellent public transport links and close proximity to nearby schools and local amenities. Ideal for families, couples, investors, and first-time buyers, this property is sure to appeal to a wide range of potential homeowners. ...
Updated: 2024-03-06
£ 120,000
Offered to the market with no onward chain is this well-presented Two-Bedroom Mid Terrace Property.
Updated: 2024-01-08
***STUNNING DETACHED HOME***DETACHED GARAGE*** This is a fabulous opportunity to purchase a beautifully presented detached home, affording a detached garage & modern contemporary décor throughout. The three bedroom home is positioned on the highly desirable Haywood Gardens, a well established est...
Updated: 2023-10-10
£ 180,000
***BTL ONLY, TENANT IN SITU @ £850PCM*** Little Estate Agents are delighted to bring to the market this modern build end town house which is the largest design and layout on the development. The property is offered with a long term tenant in place @ £850 PCM, and benefits from being ...
Updated: 2022-08-10