Area name | Price | Sqft | PPSqft | Rental price | Gross yield | Bedrooms | Bathrooms | Features |
Goran Avenue | £ 343,750 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,465 /mo | 5.11 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Gorricks | £ 371,667 | 905 | £ 410 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 1 | 0 |
Gotland Avenue | £ 489,167 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 2,050 /mo | 5.03 % | 5 | 3 | 0 |
Guernsey Crescent | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
H1 Ridgeway | £ 350,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 2 | 0 |
H4 Dansteed Way | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Hale Avenue | £ 287,143 | 1,121 | £ 256 | £ 1,383 /mo | 5.78 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Hallikar Drive | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,750 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Hariana Close | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Hastings | £ 353,750 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,200 /mo | 4.07 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Hawkins Close | £ 690,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Hayes | £ 280,833 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,048 /mo | 4.48 % | 3 | 2 | 10 |
Hebridean Court | £ 580,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,850 /mo | 3.83 % | 4 | 2 | 5 |
Henders | £ 0 | 925 | £ 0 | £ 1,288 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 2 | 0 |
Hendrix Drive | £ 324,250 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,295 /mo | 4.79 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Herdwick Avenue | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Hereford Way | £ 353,333 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,650 /mo | 5.60 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Heren Lane | £ 321,563 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,707 /mo | 6.37 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
High Street | £ 432,302 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,199 /mo | 3.33 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Holliday Close | £ 282,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,482 /mo | 6.30 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Holly Close | £ 223,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Holstein Crescent | £ 587,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 5 | 3 | 0 |
Horn Lane | £ 557,550 | 846 | £ 659 | £ 1,249 /mo | 2.69 % | 3 | 2 | 9 |
Horsefair Green | £ 370,086 | 1,006 | £ 367 | £ 1,256 /mo | 4.07 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Jacob Grove | £ 237,333 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Joplin Court | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Jubilee Terrace | £ 141,167 | 816 | £ 172 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Julius Place | £ 368,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Juno Lane | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 2,798 /mo | 0.00 % | 5 | 3 | 0 |
Katahdin Grove | £ 300,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 2,500 /mo | 10.00 % | 4 | 3 | 0 |
Keaton Close | £ 262,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,410 /mo | 6.46 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Kidd Close | £ 272,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,171 /mo | 5.17 % | 2 | 1 | 10 |
King George Crescent | £ 303,333 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Kingston Avenue | £ 325,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
King Street | £ 255,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,149 /mo | 5.41 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Kinnear Close | £ 0 | 1,473 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 0 | 0 |
Kuri Close | £ 159,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Laelia Drive | £ 259,556 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,333 /mo | 6.16 % | 2 | 2 | 9 |
Lamva Court | £ 355,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Latimer | £ 468,750 | 1,429 | £ 328 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Laurel Close | £ 246,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Legion Close | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,950 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Lennon Drive | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Limousin Avenue | £ 700,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 5 | 2 | 0 |
London Road | £ 386,773 | 1,545 | £ 250 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Longhorn Drive | £ 473,684 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,542 /mo | 3.91 % | 3 | 2 | 5 |
Lower Weald | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Lucius Lane | £ 414,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,750 /mo | 5.07 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Lynott Close | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,125 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Madura Gardens | £ 461,667 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,948 /mo | 5.06 % | 3 | 3 | 0 |
Magdalen Close | £ 287,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,200 /mo | 5.01 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Magnus Grove | £ 406,818 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Maia Way | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 4,000 /mo | 0.00 % | 5 | 4 | 0 |
Malletts Close | £ 259,786 | 1,001 | £ 259 | £ 965 /mo | 4.46 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Malvern Drive | £ 261,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,582 /mo | 7.26 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Manse Close | £ 600,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 3 | 0 |
Manshead Court | £ 298,333 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Manx Road | £ 218,833 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Marcellus Way | £ 340,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 2,210 /mo | 7.80 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Marino Boulevard | £ 445,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Marius Grove | £ 525,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Market Square | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 950 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 0 | 0 |
Martina Close | £ 335,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Masham Way | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,800 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Maximus Court | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,450 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Middle Weald | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Milford Avenue | £ 389,056 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Mill Lane | £ 387,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,475 /mo | 4.57 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Monro Avenue | £ 329,400 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,279 /mo | 4.66 % | 3 | 1 | 1 |
Montadale Drive | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 2,000 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 1 | 0 |
Moorfoot | £ 174,300 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Morrison Court | £ 466,665 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,600 /mo | 4.11 % | 4 | 2 | 8 |
Mursley Court | £ 317,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Nelore Close | £ 384,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,750 /mo | 5.47 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Nelson Close | £ 370,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Nero Grove | £ 557,750 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 2,150 /mo | 4.63 % | 4 | 2 | 0 |
New Street | £ 241,125 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,145 /mo | 5.70 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Normande Crescent | £ 675,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 4 | 0 |
Oakhill Lane | £ 336,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,395 /mo | 4.98 % | 2 | 2 | 0 |
Odell's Yard | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Old Bakehouse Yard | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Orbison Court | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 4 | 0 | 0 |
Orkney Way | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 2,125 /mo | 0.00 % | 5 | 3 | 0 |
Orkon Avenue | £ 427,714 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Ousebank Way | £ 756,000 | 883 | £ 856 | £ 1,363 /mo | 2.16 % | 3 | 2 | 10 |
Oxford Street | £ 475,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Panama Drive | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Parda Alpina Drive | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Park Road | £ 440,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,154 /mo | 3.15 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Pembroke Lane | £ 468,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 2,250 /mo | 5.77 % | 3 | 3 | 0 |
Pentlands | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 0 | 0 |
Pineywoods Lane | £ 380,789 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,650 /mo | 5.20 % | 3 | 3 | 0 |
Pliny Lane | £ 290,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 2,755 /mo | 11.40 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Polwarth Way | £ 660,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 5 | 2 | 0 |
Pompeii Grove | £ 415,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,300 /mo | 3.76 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Portland Avenue | £ 332,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 2 | 0 |
Presley Way | £ 0 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Prospect Road | £ 355,000 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Queen Eleanor Street | £ 255,909 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 0 /mo | 0.00 % | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Queen Street | £ 272,500 | 0 | £ 0 | £ 1,130 /mo | 4.98 % | 2 | 1 | 6 |
272 results
OFFERED FOR SALE WITH NO UPPER CHAIN!! IDEAL FOR FIRST TIME BUYERS AND INVESTORS! Constructed by David Wilson homes in 2016, AN EXCEPTIONALLY WELL PRESENTED TWO bedroom top floor apartment is situated in what has already become one of the city's newest and popular locations. The accom...
Updated: 2025-03-20
A well presented and popular 1930's style 3 bedroom end of terrace house with front & rear gardens - located on the sought-after Calverton Road. The property has accommodation set over two floors comprising entrance hall, cloakroom, separate living room, with a feature fireplace, op...
Updated: 2025-03-19
£ 1,200 /mo
2 Bedroom Maisonette for Rent in the coaching town of Stony Stratford with MODERN KITCHEN & BATHROOM. Available for rent from MONDAY 1ST APRIL 2025 a rarely available modern 2 bedroom maisonet... ** Property Reference: 2423371 **
Updated: 2025-03-19
£ 1,695 /mo
A beautifully presented 3 bedroom semi detached house built in 2016 and located at the end of the road, next to parkland and a bridleway. The property has immaculate accommodation set over two floors comprising; an entrance hall, cloakroom, living room, inner hallway and a fitted kitchen...
Updated: 2025-03-19
£ 1,575 /mo
**Zero Deposit Available** ***ZERO DEPOSIT OPTION AVAILABLE - UPON SUCCESSFUL REFERENCING*** Connells Lettings are pleased to present to the rental market this beautiful two-bedroom, two-bathroom maisonette situated in the sought after area of Fairfields. Located in close proximity to loca...
Updated: 2025-03-19
Situated in the popular area of Crownhill is this four-bedroom detached property, which is an ideal family home within an excellent school catchment. The ground floor comprises an entrance hall, living room, kitchen/breakfast room, dining room, utility, study and downstairs cloakroom. The first f...
Updated: 2025-03-19
£ 2,995 /mo
This spacious family home set over 3 floors is situated in the sought after area of Fairfields, and briefly comprises of 5 bedrooms, 2 en suite (one with a sauna), a family bathroom and a spacious living area overlooking the rear garden. Available immediately
Updated: 2025-03-19
SUPERBLY PRESENTED, first floor retirement apartment with STUNNING COUNTRYSIDE VIEWS. The apartment further benefits from a WALK-IN WARDROBE and PURPOSE BUILT WET ROOM. ALLOCATED CAR PARKING SPACE. The development offers EXCELLENT COMMUNAL FACILITIES, including on-site Restaurant and Commu...
Updated: 2025-03-18
£ 2,995 /mo
Cauldwell Property Services are delighted to offer to let this well presented FIVE DOUBLE BEDROOM DETACHED HOUSE in the sought after location of Fairfields which benefits from a SAUNA and TWO EN-SUITE SHOWER ROOMS. This wonderful property briefly comprises; entrance hall, DOWNSTAIRS CLAOKROOM, li...
Updated: 2025-03-18
Updated: 2025-03-18
OFFERED FOR SALE WITH NO UPPER CHAIN!! An exceptionally well presented three bedroom semi detached family home. The accommodation downstairs comprises of entrance hall, WC, lounge, kitchen diner across the back. Upstairs has three bedroom with built in wardrobe space, a family bathroom...
Updated: 2025-03-18
This ground floor apartment has a large open plan kitchen/living space with a balcony giving you access to outside space, as well as having an ensuite bathroom.
Updated: 2025-03-17
£ 1,275 /mo
Modern 2-bed semi-detached house, available now. The property includes 2 bedrooms, Ensuite and family bathroom, drive way parking and a garage! Call Taylor Walsh on !
Updated: 2025-03-17
£ 2,300 /mo
AVAILABLE NOW! This fantastic Unfurnished 5 Double Bedroom detached house is now available for you to secure today! See below for more details...
Updated: 2025-03-17
£ 1,500 /mo
AVAILABLE NOW - Three Bedroom Semi-Detached Family home located within Crownhill that has been RE-DECORATED and new FLOORING and CARPETS throughout. The Property comprises Entrance Hallway, Cloakroom, Living Room and Kitchen/Diner. The first floor comprises Three Bedrooms and a Family Bathroom wi...
Updated: 2025-03-17
We are proud to offer this delightful 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom ground floor flat in a whitehouse location.Perfectly situated in a prime location with excellent primary and secondary school options, t... ** Property Reference: 2418877 **
Updated: 2025-03-17
£ 1,500 /mo
MK Property are excited to present this newly refurbished semi-detached 3 bedroom house available to rent, lcoated in Crownhill, Milton Keynes.
Updated: 2025-03-17
£ 312,500
This charming three-bedroom terraced property, situated on the desirable Wolverton Road in Stony Stratford, offers an exciting opportunity for first-time buyers or investors alike
Updated: 2025-03-17
A rare opportunity to purchase a 3 bedroom detached bungalow in arguably one of the most sought after locations in the town with the benefits of a good size gardens and a riverside location with fabulous views. The bungalow has accommodation set on a single level comprising an entrance h...
Updated: 2025-03-15
Welcome to this charming apartment located in the heart of the picturesque town of Stony Stratford. This delightful property is exclusively available for ages 70 and over and offers 24-hour emergency assistance, providing you with peace of mind and security. When looking for a peaceful place to r...
Updated: 2025-03-14
***FREEHOLD COACH HOUSE WITH ENSUITE SHOWER-ROOM*** Pleasantly situated in the popular location of Fairfields, this two bedroom coach-house is offered for sale in great condition throughout with benefits including an ensuite shower room, gated off-street parking and courtyard garden.
Updated: 2025-03-13
This THREE bedroom, SEMI-DETACHED property situated in Mursley Court, offers a fantastic opportunity for family living and ready to move in. With its ideal location in Stony Stratford and the potential for further expansion, this home is a must-see!
Updated: 2025-03-13
***BRAND NEW 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT***INCENTIVES AVAILABLE***READY TO MOVE IN TO***This brand-new, contemporary 1-bedroom apartment is located in the highly sought-after Whitehouse Park, Milton Keynes.-Offering the pe...
Updated: 2025-03-13
£ 1,250 /mo
An unfurnished two bedroom cluster home, one double bed and one single. Fitted kitchen with white goods, enclosed rear garden and allocated parking. Available Mid-March.
Updated: 2025-03-13
*** Competitively Priced by a Motivated Seller *** A one bedroom apartment in the sought-after Elizabeth House development offering retirement living for those aged 70 and over. The apartment is located on the first floor with access via a lift and it has private accommodation c...
Updated: 2025-03-13
£ 2,250 /mo
Thomas Connolly Estate Agents are delighted to offer exclusively for rent this furnished five bedroom family home in the sought after new development of Whitehouse Park, set in a quiet cul-de-sac within popular school catchment and close proximity to the park and local amenities.
Updated: 2025-03-13
1120 The Hazel: We'll give you £20,000 towards your deposit + we'll include flooring throughout + BOSCH kitchen appliances: an oven, hood, gas hob, integrated fridge freezer, dishwasher & washing machine!* This home benefits from a garden shed! 1120 The Hazel is an attractive SEM...
Updated: 2025-03-13
Shenley Apartments is a brand new, chain free & energy efficient home featuring an OPEN-PLAN kitchen, living & dining room, PRIVATE BALCONY & a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^ for peace of mind.
Updated: 2025-03-13
Updated: 2025-03-13
Be the first to live in this brand-new property. Built to modern specifications by reputable developer Taylor Wimpey in the highly sought-after location of Whitehouse.Ground floor briefly comprising of entrance hall, lounge, kitchen/ diner and cloakroom. First floor...
Updated: 2025-03-12
£1620 RENT CREDIT ON MOVE IN! | WIFI INCLUDED | Energy Efficient | Professionally Managed | Smart Tech | Pet Friendly | WC, Family Bathroom, Two En Suites | EV Charging Point | DEPOSIT FREE option available for qualifying applicants.
Updated: 2025-03-12
£1620 RENT CREDIT ON MOVE IN! | WIFI INCLUDED | Energy Efficient | Professionally Managed | Smart Tech | Pet Friendly | WC, Family Bathroom, Two En Suites | EV Charging Point | DEPOSIT FREE option available for qualifying applicants.
Updated: 2025-03-12
Beautiful new homes & community! EPC A! | Extra Office Room | Award Winning Landlord | Smart Tech | Parking | WC, Family Bathroom, Two En Suite Bathrooms | EV Charging Point | Garden | DEPOSIT FREE option available for qualifying applicants.
Updated: 2025-03-12
Beautiful new homes and community! | Bluetooth Locks | Award Winning Landlord | WC, Family Bathroom, En Suite Bathroom | EV Charging Point | Garden | DEPOSIT FREE option available for qualifying applicants.
Updated: 2025-03-12
Beautiful new homes and community! | EPC:A | Energy Efficient | Award Winning Landlord | Smart Tech | WC, Family Bathroom, En Suite Bathrooms | EV Charging Point | Garden | DEPOSIT FREE option available for qualifying applicants
Updated: 2025-03-12
1159 The Chestnut. This home benefits from a garage with driveway! Everyone needs their own space, and that's exactly what you get with 1168 The Chestnut II. There's room for the whole family to relax in the sitting room, and plenty of space to work in the study. The open-plan kitchen...
Updated: 2025-03-12
1158 The Chestnut II. This home benefits from a garage with driveway! Everyone needs their own space, and that's exactly what you get with 1158 The Chestnut II. There's room for the whole family to relax in the sitting room, and plenty of space to work in the study. The open-plan kitc...
Updated: 2025-03-12
1157 The Cypress: This home benefits from a garage with driveway. 1157 The Cypress is a modern take on a traditional design. This stunning DETACHED house is a home everyone will love. Your family will love the light, airy living room, and well-proportioned bedrooms. Your guests will l...
Updated: 2025-03-12
638 The Spruce II: This DETACHED home benefits from a garage with driveway! 638 The Spruce II is a contemporary home full of great features. The sitting room and kitchen/dining area span the full length of the property making them light, airy and very spacious - ideal for entertainin...
Updated: 2025-03-12
636 The Spruce II: This semi-detached home benefits from a garage with driveway! 636 The Spruce II is a contemporary home full of great features. The sitting room and kitchen/dining area span the full length of the property making them light, airy and very spacious - ideal for entert...
Updated: 2025-03-12
£ 1,200 /mo
** Zero Deposit Guarantee Available ** This charming 1-bedroom annexe offers a unique living space in the sought after area os Stony Stratford. Located within easy reach of local ammenities, shops and transport links providing the perfect blend of privacy and convenience.
Updated: 2025-03-11
Nestled in the charming neighbourhood of Fairfields, Milton Keynes, this delightful semi-detached house on Cornelius Crescent offers a perfect blend of comfort and modern living. With three well-proportioned bedrooms, this property is ideal for families or those seeking extra space. The layout in...
Updated: 2025-03-11
Modern 2-Bedroom Apartment in Milton Keynes – Perfect for Short & Mid-Term Stays (1-6 Months)Discover the ideal stay in our stylish Milton Keynes apartment, designed for professionals, contrac... ** Property Reference: 2413000 **
Updated: 2025-03-10
£ 2,100 /mo
We are proud to offer this delightful 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom semi-detached house in a great location. Available to move in from 05 April 2025, this property benefits from - 3 storey semi-detache... ** Property Reference: 2238268 **
Updated: 2025-03-10
Welcome to this beautiful, newly constructed detached house featuring 4/5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Perfectly situated in a prime location with excellent school options, this residence offers a sh... ** Property Reference: 2412545 **
Updated: 2025-03-10
£ 1,650 /mo
Stunning Brand-New 2-Bedroom End-Terraced Home in Whitehouse Park, Milton Keynes – Available Immediately We are delighted to present this brand-new, high-specification 2-bedroom, 2-ensuite end-ter... ** Property Reference: 2392797 **
Updated: 2025-03-10
Aztec Lettings are delighted to offer this lovely four bedroom detached house for rent based in the sought after location of Fairfields, Milton Keynes.This property is a recent built by Barratt Homes. The property is built to a high spec, with integrated whi...
Updated: 2025-03-06
A substantial 5-6 bedroom detached family house with around 2,562 ft.² of accommodation, plus a double garage and good size plot, with a large frontage and gardens. The property was built in the early 1980’s and is located on this exclusive self-build development of individual and simil...
Updated: 2025-03-06
Bright and spacious apartment with access to a PATIO AREA enjoying GARDEN VIEWS. Modern kitchen, TWO DOUBLE BEDROOMS, contemporary SHOWER ROOM and GUEST CLOAKROOM. The development offers EXCELLENT COMMUNAL FACILITIES including a restaurant, function room, landscaped gardens and communal loung...
Updated: 2025-03-06
£ 385,000
**VIEWINGS TAKING PLACE ON FRIDAY 14th** Rare 2-bed Semi-Detached bungalow with loft extension potential. Off-road parking & detached garage. No upper Chain!
Updated: 2025-03-06
The Ashtead is a two-storey terraced house in a traditional layout. Its appeal over period properties, however, is the fact that this is a two bedroomed property with both a main bathroom and a second en suite bathroom. Downstairs, a combined living and dining room provides an entertai...
Updated: 2025-03-06
A HIDDEN GEM! Located just off the High Street of Stony Stratford an exceptionally spacious and rarely available two bedroom house! The accommodation on entrance level comprises of entrance hall, kitchen WC, on the first floor is an incredibly sized living area with exposed beams. The ...
Updated: 2025-03-06
£ 1,395 /mo
A stunning, newly converted, large apartment with accommodation of around 1200 ft.² set on three levels - located on the High Street. Property is newly converted with brand-new fittings and appliances to the kitchen, two new bathrooms and cloakroom. It has a combination of varnished fl...
Updated: 2025-03-05
***50% Shared Ownership. 100% can be purchased*** This Spacious Two Double Bedroom home benefits from Private Rear Garden, Allocated Parking Space and overs over 900SQFT of living Accommadation.
Updated: 2025-03-05
£ 1,650 /mo
**Zero Deposit Available** *** ZERO DEPOSIT OPTION AVAILABLE- UPON SUCCESSFUL REFERENCES*** Connells lettings are thrilled to present to the rental market this beautiful three-bedroom house situated in the sought after area of Fairfield’s located in close proximity to local schools and ame...
Updated: 2025-03-05
A beautifully presented 2 bedroom Ground floor Maisonette property Located in the desirable area of White house Milton Keynes.Its a 60% Shared ownership.The property comprises, Two Bedrooms, a family bathroom, open plan living and Kitchen area with access to your own front door a...
Updated: 2025-03-05
£ 190,000
80% Shared Equity - Affordable Housing Scheme with No Rent to Pay We are excited to introduce this exceptional 2-bedroom upper floor apartment in the highly desirable Fairfields area, located just on the outskirts of the charming market town of Stony Stratford
Updated: 2025-03-05
£ 650,000
Cauldwell are delighted to offer for sale a stunning four double bedroom detached home nestled in a picturesque setting of Whitehouse, Milton Keynes, this exceptional home offers the perfect blend of contemporary living and parkland views to the front. With a thoughtfully designed layout and high...
Updated: 2025-03-04
Northwood are delighted of offer for let this two bedroom terrace bungalow property , located in the historic town of Stony Stratford located within walking distance of the town centre.
Updated: 2025-03-04
* 90% DISCOUNTED FIRST TIME BUYER SCHEME - THREE BEDROOM SEMI-DETACHED WITHIN WHITEHOUSE * Urban & Rural Milton Keynes are delighted to the favoured agents in bringing to the market this immaculatley presented. three bedroom semi-detached family residence which has been very carefu...
Updated: 2025-03-04
£ 2,175 /mo
***FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY - £1200 RENT CREDIT OFFER - PET FRIENDLY - 150MBPS WIFI INCLUDED*** Cauldwell Property Services are delighted to offer to let this BRAND NEW beautiful FOUR bedroom new build home set over three levels with private garden. The ground floor consists of entrance hal...
Updated: 2025-03-04
£ 1,650 /mo
We are proud to offer this delightful 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom detached house in a great location. Available to move in from 15 April 2025, this property benefits from available parking, and garden... ** Property Reference: 2405887 **
Updated: 2025-03-03
£ 675,000
Beasley & Partners are delighted to offer this spacious, DETACHED, FOUR-BEDROOM property in Whitehouse, North West of Milton Keynes. Ideally located with easy access to the A5 and excellent transport links.
Updated: 2025-03-03
£ 1,250 /mo
2 Bed Semi-Detached House, Nelson Close, MK8 We are proud to offer this delightful 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom semi-detached house in a great location. Available to move in from 02 March 2025, this pr... ** Property Reference: 2403290 **
Updated: 2025-03-02
£ 1,775 /mo
Thomas Connolly Estate Agents are delighted to offer exclusively for three bedroom family home in the sought after development of Whitehouse Park, offering close proximity to the park and schooling.
Updated: 2025-03-01
An impressive family home with character-rich interiors and a wealth of outbuildings. The Orchard House is a remarkable family home with character rich interiors and an extensive range of amenities and outbuildings. The main house was traditionally built in 2005 with stone, brick, a slate roof a...
Updated: 2025-03-01
"Attention First Time Buyers & Investors" Potential rental income of £1,300 pcm! Situated on the popular Whitehouse development and built by the reputable builder Bellway Homes in 2019, this fantastic modern apartment boasts a high standard finish throughout, three bedrooms and ...
Updated: 2025-03-01
The Leigh is a three bedroom family home spread over three floors. The top floor hosts a generously sized main bedroom and en suite bathroom. While the two bedrooms on the first floor share a family bathroom. The downstairs, provides a kitchen and separate living-dining area that can a...
Updated: 2025-03-01
The Hexham is the ideal family home, a four bedroom property spread over three floors. The top floor hosts two double bedrooms, a single bedroom and family bathroom. The first floor has the main bedroom and en suite along with a sepearte living room featuring a Juliet balcony. Downstai...
Updated: 2025-03-01
NEW RELEASE! - This home is freehold tenure - Service charge - £200 per year - New build, so council tax band to be determined - Dwelling type: Semi Detached House - Construction Method: Traditional Brick & Block Please note, the digital illustrations are for illustrati...
Updated: 2025-03-01
OPEN HOUSE - 8TH OF MARCH 9.30AM - 10.30AM CALL TO BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT. PLEASE NOTE THIS PROPERTY REQUIRES MODERNISATION AND UPDATING THROUGHOUT. Mason's Residential are please to offer for sale this spacious two bedroom home benefitting from doubl...
Updated: 2025-02-28
£ 2,495 /mo
Cauldwell Property Services are delighted to offer to let this well presented five bedroom DETACHED HOUSE in the sought after location of Whitehouse which benefits from TWO RECEPTION ROOMS and CONVERTED DOUBLE GARAGE. This wonderful property briefly comprises; entrance hall, DOWNSTAIRS CLOAKROOM,...
Updated: 2025-02-28
Beautiful new homes & community! EPC A! | Extra Office Room | Award Winning Landlord | Smart Tech | Parking | WC, Family Bathroom, Two En Suite Bathrooms | EV Charging Point | Garden | DEPOSIT FREE option available for qualifying applicants.
Updated: 2025-02-28
Beautiful new homes and community! | Bluetooth Locks | Award Winning Landlord | WC, Family Bathroom, En Suite Bathroom | EV Charging Point | Garden | DEPOSIT FREE option available for qualifying applicants.
Updated: 2025-02-28
Beautiful new homes and community! | EPC:A | Energy Efficient | Award Winning Landlord | Smart Tech | WC, Family Bathroom, En Suite Bathrooms | EV Charging Point | Garden | DEPOSIT FREE option available for qualifying applicants
Updated: 2025-02-28
£ 1,850 /mo
An exceptional three double bedroom unfurnished family home in Fairfields This modern detached home comprises, entrance hall, bedroom 2 with an en suite, bedroom 3 and a family bathroom to the ground floor, upstairs to the first floor is the main living area consisting of kitchen with white goods...
Updated: 2025-02-28
With flexible open-plan living space and generously sized bedrooms, the Romsey is an attractive family home. The downstairs benefits from a substantial, bright and airy living room. A versatile kitchen-dining area with ample space for relaxation or play is ideally suited to family life...
Updated: 2025-02-28
Situated in the highly sought-after White House Park development, this beautifully presented three-bedroom semi-detached home is perfect for those seeking a quick and hassle-free move, as it is offered with a complete upper chain. The property boasts spacious and well-designed accommodat...
Updated: 2025-02-27
£ 470,000
* FOUR BEDROOM SEMI DETACHED FAMILY HOME - GARAGE & DRIVEWAY - UPGRADED THROUGHOUT * Urban & Rural Milton Keynes are delighted to the favoured agents in bringing to the market this immaculately presented, four bedroom semi-detached family residence which has been very carefully...
Updated: 2025-02-27
Situated in the sought-after Whitehouse development in Milton Keynes, this stunning semi-detached property offers a versatile and flexible layout across three beautifully appointed floors, making it the perfect family home. The property boasts five bedrooms, thoughtfully designed to prov...
Updated: 2025-02-27
A modern and well presented two bedroom duplex apartment age exclusive for the over 55's which is situated on the site of an old mill in the heart of this sought after market town. The apartment has lovely views over the river and riverside meadows and benefits from communal facilities.
Updated: 2025-02-27
Welcome to this charming four-bedroom semi-detached property located on Dexter Drive in the sought-after Whitehouse area of Milton Keynes. This inviting home boasts a perfect blend of modern living and comfortable space, making it ideal for families or professionals seeking both style and conveni...
Updated: 2025-02-26
£1620 RENT CREDIT ON MOVE IN! | WIFI INCLUDED | Energy Efficient | Professionally Managed | Smart Tech | Pet Friendly | WC, Family Bathroom, Two En Suites | EV Charging Point | DEPOSIT FREE option available for qualifying applicants.
Updated: 2025-02-26
£1620 RENT CREDIT ON THIS PROPERTY! Beautiful New Homes! | Energy Efficient | Professionally Managed | Smart Tech | Parking | WC, Family Bathroom, Two En Suite Bathrooms | EV Charging Point | Garden | DEPOSIT FREE option available for qualifying applicants.
Updated: 2025-02-26
OFFERED FOR SALE WITH TENANT IN SITU!! 999 YEAR LEASE AND LOW SERVICE CHARGE!! A well presented one bedroom maisonette perfect for first time buyers or investors. The accommodation comprises of open plan living, one DOUBLE bedroom and bathroom. This property also benefits from off str...
Updated: 2025-02-26
Located within the highly desirable location of Whitehouse this four bedroom semi-detached family home is offered to the market with many benefits including a kitchen/diner, lounge, en-suite to main bedroom, family bathroom & additional downstairs cloakroom, front and rear gardens, garage and...
Updated: 2025-02-25
This unique property offers an exciting opportunity for homeowners and developers alike. The existing three-bedroom semi-detached bungalow provides spacious and versatile living, while planning permission has already been granted to construct a two-bedroom detached bungalow on the adjacent land.
Updated: 2025-02-25
The Ambleside offers all the benefits of a traditional town house, but is designed to suit twenty-first century lifestyles. It features a generous ground floor kitchen, living and dining space, and on the first floor, a separate living room - perhaps for more formal entertaining ...
Updated: 2025-02-25
This spacious two bedroom coach house is arranged over nearly 830 sq.ft. of accommodation and comes with two large double bedrooms, energy saving solar panels and private parking.
Updated: 2025-02-24
Elevation are pleased to present for sale this immaculate two double bedroom apartment in the desirable location of Whitehouse. In short this property comprises of entrance hall, two bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen/ living room with a large balcony . This property also benefits from allocated p...
Updated: 2025-02-24
OFFERED FOR SALE WITH NO UPPER CHAIN!! 999 YEAR LEASE AND LOW SERVICE CHARGE!! A well presented one bedroom maisonette perfect for first time buyers or investors. The accommodation comprises of open plan living, one DOUBLE bedroom and bathroom. This property also benefits from off str...
Updated: 2025-02-24
King Lettings are delighted to offer this charming one bedroom studio which is perfect for a single occupant. It features an open-plan living room and kitchen, a separate shower room and a small priva...
Updated: 2025-02-21
Mason Kelly Property Consultants are pleased to offer for RENT this very well presented top floor TWO DOUBLE bedroom apartment located in the popular development of Fairfields. Located on the west side of Milton Keynes with easy access to the historic town of Stony Stratford and the Central Milton
Updated: 2025-02-21
£ 2,350 /mo
Impressive 4-bed semi-detached house in sought-after Whitehouse area. Outstanding school catchment, driveway, garage, low maintenance garden with artificial lawn, and generous patio area.
Updated: 2025-02-21
A large extended 4/5 bedroom detached family home with versatile accommodation offering the scope for ground floor annex accommodation. The property has been extended with a two story side extensions and a single story rear extension. It comprises; an entrance porch, hall, cloakroom, 4 r...
Updated: 2025-02-21
A brick under tile two bedroom (one double one single) mid terrace property which benefits from extensive refurbishment, including new carpets, a brand new fitted kitchen, and fully painted throughoutThe property extends to an impressive 559 sq. ft of accommodation with a ...
Updated: 2025-02-21
**RENOVATION OPPORTUNITY!** Two Bed mid terrace in the heart of Stony Stratford, sold through Modern Method of Auction.
Updated: 2025-02-20
£ 345,000
CAULDWELL are pleased to offer for sale this stunning and rarely available modern detached property, situated within the sought after location of Fairfields. Fairfields is one of the most recent developments in Milton Keynes and is proving popular with families, as the highly rated Denb...
Updated: 2025-02-20
**Sold with tenant in situ** Are you looking for an investment? Wilson Peacock have been given the opportunity to market this property for sale. Can be purchased as part of a portfolio or as an individual property for investment. ** Further Details to follow ...
Updated: 2025-02-19
Rarely available, a well presented four bedroom semi detached home with detached garage in this popular area. The property benefits from a downstairs cloakroom, double glazing, gas to radiator heating. Viewing is highly recommended.
Updated: 2025-02-19
£ 1,600 /mo
Set in a cul de sac, this very well presented 3 bedroom property is offered unfurnished. Entrance hall with w/c. Open plan lounge/diner, modern fitted kitchen. 2 double bedrooms, 1 single bedroom. White suite bathroom. Rear garden. Garage and driveway. UPVC double glazed.
Updated: 2025-02-19
The Philosopher is an impressive 4-bedroom home featuring an OPEN-PLAN kitchen, dining, and family area with French doors, a STUDY, and an EN SUITE. 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2025-02-19
£ 1,400 /mo
**Zero Deposit Available** ***ZERO DEPOSIT OPTION AVAILABLE - UPON SUCCESSFUL REFERENCING*** Connells Lettings are thrilled to present to the rental market this newly built two-bedroom apartment situated in the sought after area of Fairfields, located in close proximity to lots of great shops ...
Updated: 2025-02-18
£ 1,150 /mo
Carters Rentals present this cosy, 2-bedroom, top floor flat, in the centre of Stony Stratford. Comprising an entrance hallway, bathroom with 3pc suite, lounge, kitchen with some white goods and 2 good sized bedrooms with residential car parking at the rear. Available from 31/1...
Updated: 2025-02-18
*** SOUGHT AFTER LOCATION * NO CHAIN *** A well presented and spacious two bedroom apartment in the ever-popular Fairfields development in Milton Keynes. This new development is part of the western expansion, located just off Watling Street, MK11 area. In brief this lovel...
Updated: 2025-02-18
Spacious Double Bedroom for Rent - MK11 2AB.A well-presented double bedroom is available for single occupancy in a peaceful and well-maintained home. The room is fully furnished and offers a comfortable living space. Private Parking.Garden Access. Bills Included (Except WiFi.
Updated: 2025-02-18
Spacious Double Bedroom for Rent - MK11 2AB. A well-presented double bedroom is available for single occupancy in a peaceful and well-maintained home. The room is fully furnished and offers a comfortable living space. Private Parking.Garden Access. Bills Included (Except WiFi).
Updated: 2025-02-18
£1620 RENT CREDIT ON MOVE IN! | WIFI INCLUDED | Energy Efficient | Professionally Managed | Smart Tech | Pet Friendly | WC, Family Bathroom, Two En Suites | EV Charging Point | DEPOSIT FREE option available for qualifying applicants.
Updated: 2025-02-18
Beautiful new homes and community! | Bluetooth Locks | Award Winning Landlord | WC, Family Bathroom, En Suite Bathroom | EV Charging Point | Garden | DEPOSIT FREE option available for qualifying applicants.
Updated: 2025-02-18
This is a lovely one-bedroom first floor apartment located in the popular new development of Whitehouse. The accommodation comprises an entrance hall with open-plan lounge with a balcony , kitchen, good size bedroom, and bathroom. Outside there is allocated parking for one vehicle. The housing...
Updated: 2025-02-18
**VIRTUAL VIEWING AVAILABLE please email branch to request** RESIDENCY MEMBERSHIP AVAILABLE FOR TENANTS including our NO DEPOSIT OPTION, GREATER PROTECTION FOR LANDLORDS - please call for more information ** WELL PRESENTED throughout and SITUATED IN A GREAT LOCATION, boasting a LARGE lounge/dine...
Updated: 2025-02-17
*** We are hosting SCHEDULED viewing APPOINTMENTS on SATURDAY 22nd FEBRUARY from 11.00am - 1.00pm : ENQUIRE via E-MAIL to REGISTER your INTEREST *** - 3 Bedroom FAMILY HOME - FAMILY / DINING room - RE-FITTED KITCHEN with integrated appliances - Benefiting from TWO BATHROOMS
Updated: 2025-02-17
Call now to view this two bedroom first floor apartment in the desirable location of Fairfield's. Available soon this property comprises of entrance hall with storage, two double bedrooms, family bathroom, living room with access to the balcony and separate kitchen. Th...
Updated: 2025-02-17
MUST BE SEEN! IDEAL FAMILY HOME! QUIET SOUGHT AFTER LOCATION & SCHOOLING AREA! VERSATILE LIVING! WELL PROPORTIONED ROOMS! HUGE MASTER BEDROOM! GARAGE! THE LIST GOES ON & ON... Stunning Four-Bedroom Semi-Detached Family Home in the Sought-After Whitehouse Area Nestled in the heart of the popular...
Updated: 2025-02-16
A Grade II listed four/five bedroom house, part of a converted mill with versatile accommodation, a private garden, driveway parking and a garage, with river and countryside views and planning permission for an extension and a double car port. The property dates from circa 1850 and has 2,105 sq. ...
Updated: 2025-02-14
AN EXCEPTIONALLY WELL PRESENTED AND RARELY AVAILABLE DETACHED CHALET BUNGALOW! The accommodation downstairs comprises of entrance hall, re fitted kitchen, lounge, generously sized bedroom and bathroom. Upstairs benefits from a further DOUBLE bedroom and bathroom. Outside has a generously siz...
Updated: 2025-02-14
£ 2,200 /mo
A detached family home located in Fairfields. The property boasts double glazing, gas radiator central heating and solar panels. The accommodation comprises entrance hall, downstairs cloakroom, lounge, kitchen/diner with built in appliances, master bedroom with en suite, three further bedrooms an...
Updated: 2025-02-14
£ 230,000
Looking for your first home or a Buy-to-Let opportunity? This superb ground floor apartment in the sought-after Fairfields development features two double bedrooms, a family bathroom, and an open-plan lounge, kitchen, and diner. With great rental potential, call Haart Estate Agents today!
Updated: 2025-02-14
Presenting to the market this spacious terraced property located in the sought-after area of Whitehouse, offering a perfect blend of modern living and convenience. Whitehouse is a recent development and very popular. This stunning residence features four bedrooms, including an en-suite t...
Updated: 2025-02-14
£ 1,745 /mo
**ZERO BILLS- PETS WELCOME - 150 mbps WIFI INCLUDED ** Cauldwell Property Services are delighted to offer to let this BRAND NEW TWO DOUBLE BEDROOM home known as 'The Shetland', it is a stunning semi-detached, new build home, set over two levels with a private rear garden. The ground floor consist...
Updated: 2025-02-13
A very well presented 3 bedroom Victorian terrace house, benefiting from two reception areas and two bath/shower rooms – just a short walk from the town centre. The property has accommodation set on three floors comprising; an entrance hall, 2 reception areas which can be used as one if ...
Updated: 2025-02-13
£ 1,900 /mo
We are proud to offer this delightful 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom detached house in a great location. Available to move in from 25 March 2025, this property benefits from available parking, and garden... ** Property Reference: 2376274 **
Updated: 2025-02-13
£ 300,000
OFFERED FOR SALE WITH NO UPPER CHAIN!! FOUR bedroom semi-detached house close to Stony Stratford. The accommodation comprises of entrance hall, lounge, kitchen diner and downs stairs WC. Upstairs benefits from FOUR bedrooms and family bathroom. Outside has off street parking, GARAGE and a priv
Updated: 2025-02-13
A very well presented and characterful Grade II Listed eighteenth century terraced house located at the north end of Stony Stratford's High Street - just a short walk to the town center shops and riverside meadows . The property is thought to date from the middle of the 1700s and has cha...
Updated: 2025-02-13
£ 599,995
CAULDWELL are delighted to offer for sale this exceptional four double bedroom detached family home, situated in a quiet cul-de-sac in the sought after location of Whitehouse. This stunning property boasts a study, stylish modern kitchen/dining/family room with Bi-fold doors, double carport with...
Updated: 2025-02-13
£ 460,000
* FOUR BEDROOM SEM-DETACHED, UPGRADED KITCHEN/DINER - UTILITY ROOM & GARAGE * Urban & Rural Milton Keynes are delighted to the favoured agents in bringing to the market this truly stunning four bedroom semi-detached family residence which has been very carefully maintained and...
Updated: 2025-02-12
£ 260,000
Chain Free in Stony! Looking for your first home or an investment opportunity? This gorgeous terrace house is ideally located in the heart of the historic town, just a short walk from local amenities. With open-plan living, two bedrooms, and a private garden – viewing is a must! Call haart today!
Updated: 2025-02-12
***PERFECT FAMILY HOME***IDEAL FIRST TIME PURCHASE***INCENTIVES AVAILABLE***This spacious and beautifully presented 3-bedroom detached home, located in the sought-after Whitehouse area of Milton Keynes, offers over...
Updated: 2025-02-12
This three bedroom, semi detached home offers a fantastic opportunity for first time byers or young families. With a good sized South West facing garden and side by side parking for two cars.
Updated: 2025-02-12
Welcome to this beautifully presented, detached three-bedroom home, located in the sought-after Crownhill area of Milton Keynes. Perfectly suited for a young family, this property has been thoughtfully upgraded by the current owners, both inside and out, offering a blend of style and functionalit...
Updated: 2025-02-12
£ 1,650 /mo
WHAT'S NOT TO LIKE.... A stunning two double bedroom new build second floor apartment in Whitehouse Park
Updated: 2025-02-12
*** GLORIOUS THREE-BEDROOM SEMI-DETACHED FAMILY HOME *** Connells Oxley Park are proud to bring Keaton Close to the market! Situated in the heart of Crownhill, this property is in a perfect location for a family home!
Updated: 2025-02-12
£ 1,750 /mo
We are proud to offer this delightful 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom detached house in a great location. Available to move in from 10 February 2025, this property benefits from available parking, and gard... ** Property Reference: 2383092 **
Updated: 2025-02-11
***OPEN DAY SATURDAY 22ND FEBRUARY 2025 FROM 10AM UNTIL 11:30AM***VIEWINGS BY APPOITMENT ONLY***Mason Kelly Property Consultants are pleased to offer for sale this well presented and modern FOUR bedroom semi detached town house located in the sought after area of Whitehouse. The accommodation comp
Updated: 2025-02-11
FOR SALE WITH NO UPPER CHAIN AND EQUIPPED WITH A SELF-CONTAINED ANNEX. An extended and exceptionally well presented FIVE/SIX-bedroom family home! The accommodation downstairs comprises of entrance hall, lounge, recently refitted kitchen, a second sitting room, wet room and bedroom whic...
Updated: 2025-02-11
£1620 RENT CREDIT ON THIS PROPERTY! Beautiful New Homes! | Energy Efficient | Professionally Managed | Smart Tech | Parking | WC, Family Bathroom, Two En Suite Bathrooms | EV Charging Point | Garden | DEPOSIT FREE option available for qualifying applicants.
Updated: 2025-02-11
£ 1,745 /mo
**ZERO BILLS- PETS WELCOME - 150 mbps WIFI INCLUDED ** Cauldwell Property Services are delighted to offer to let this BRAND NEW TWO DOUBLE BEDROOM home known as 'The Shetland', it is a stunning semi-detached, new build home, set over two levels with a private rear garden. The ground floor consist...
Updated: 2025-02-11
* FOUR BEDROOM DETACHED HOME - AVAILABLE TO MOVE INTO STRAIGHT AWAY - UNFURNISHED * URBAN & RURAL MK are delighted to be the favoured agent in marketing this stunning four bedroom detached family home located down a quiet and traffic free cul-de-sac nestled within Fairfields. Fairf...
Updated: 2025-02-11
This two double bedroom detached coach house comes with a garden, energy saving solar panels and a separate kitchen. There is the option to purchase the freehold of this property from the original builder, more details available on request.
Updated: 2025-02-10
A well presented 3 bedroom Victorian terrace house in this sought after location, just off the town centre, and a minutes walk to riverside meadows and walks. The property has characterful accommodation set on two floors comprising; an entrance hall, open plan lounge and dining areas wit...
Updated: 2025-02-10
Northwood are delighted to bring to the market this spacious three bedroom end of terraced property perfectly located within a short drive to central Milton Keynes and the historic town of Stony Stratford.
Updated: 2025-02-10
£ 1,395 /mo
DEFINITELY TOP DRAWER.... **AVAILABLE WITH NO DEPOSIT** A David Wilson built modern apartment in the popular development of Fairfields, Milton Keynes
Updated: 2025-02-10
This rarely available four bedroom town house is situated only a 5 minute stroll into the picturesque and very desirable town centre of Stony Stratford as well as close to the river Ouse. Presented in very good condition, the decor is neutral throughout and most flooring is tiled or laminate. The...
Updated: 2025-02-08
IMPOSING FIVE/SIX BEDROOM DETACHED HOME * FULLY UPGRADED THROUGHTOUT * GENEROUS REAR GARDEN * Urban & Rural Milton Keynes are delighted to the favoured agents in bringing to the market this truly stunning five double bedroom detached family residence which has been very carefully m...
Updated: 2025-02-07
£1200 RENT CREDIT ON THIS PROPERTY! Beautiful New Homes! | Energy Efficient | Professionally Managed | Smart Tech | Parking | WC, Family Bathroom, Two En Suite Bathrooms | EV Charging Point | Garden | DEPOSIT FREE option available for qualifying applicants.
Updated: 2025-02-07
New homes and Community | Award Winning Landlord | WC | Bluetooth Keys | EV Charging Point | Garden | DEPOSIT FREE option available for qualifying applicants.
Updated: 2025-02-07
Beautiful new homes and community! | Bluetooth Locks | Award Winning Landlord | WC, Family Bathroom, En Suite Bathroom | EV Charging Point | Garden | DEPOSIT FREE option available for qualifying applicants.
Updated: 2025-02-07
A particularly well presented, three bedroom semi detached family home, with ensuite and conservatory. The accommodation briefly comprises: entrance hall, lounge, cloakroom, kitchen/diner and conservatory. The first floor offers landing, three bedrooms including master bedroom with ensuite shower...
Updated: 2025-02-07
The Windsor is a sizeable family home with five double bedrooms, two bathrooms, study, separate utility room and substantial living spaces. The open plan kitchen, dining and family room features French doors which open out into the rear garden. Bay windows provide elegance, interest an...
Updated: 2025-02-06
£ 1,350 /mo
Brown and merry are pleased to offer this two bedroom terraced home in the desired location of Stony Stratford. The property has a living room, dining room and kitchen breakfast/utility to the ground floor. Upstairs there is a double bedroom a single bedroom and a bathroom with roll top bath an...
Updated: 2025-02-06
£ 1,350 /mo
Cauldwell Property Services are delighted to offer to let this well presented TWO DOUBLE BEDROOM TOP FLOOR APARTMENT in the sought after location of Whitehouse which benefits from EN-SUITE SHOWER ROOM and BALCONY. This wonderful property briefly comprises; communal entrance hall via INTERCOM SYST...
Updated: 2025-02-06
*EXTREMELY WELL PRESENTED FOUR BEDROOM FAMILY HOME* Set over THREE floors, this property offers generous size bedrooms, perfect for a family home! AMAZING condition rear garden and allocated parking!
Updated: 2025-02-06
* STUNNING THREE BEDROOM TERRACED HOME WITHIN FAIRFIELDS - AVAILABLE FROM 15TH MARCH * URBAN & RURAL MK are delighted to be the marketing this stunning three bedroom mid-terrace family home located down a quiet and traffic free cul-de-sac nestled within Fairfields. Fairfields is ...
Updated: 2025-02-06
£ 78,000
This property is being advertised on behalf of Fairhive Homes. Please do not call us. Please email your enquiry and we will pass this on to Fairhive and they will contact you directly. The photographs and floorplan are examples only Brand new one bedroom shared ownershi...
Updated: 2025-02-06
A well presented, two bedroom, retirement GROUND FLOOR maisonette. Located just off the highly popular Stony Stratford High Street, the accommodation briefly comprises: Entrance hall, lounge diner, recently refitted kitchen, two bedrooms, recently refitted shower room and private balcony. There ...
Updated: 2025-02-05
637 The Hazel: This home benefits from a garden shed! 637 The Hazel is an attractive semi-detached home with looks to impress. The house has impressive features, such as separate hall and sitting room and a superb naturally lit kitchen/dining with French doors. With enough space for th...
Updated: 2025-02-05
£ 600,000
A beautifully presented and spacious 5 bedroom detached townhouse on this sought after development. The property has accommodation set over three floors comprising an entrance hall, cloakroom, living room and a large open plan kitchen/dining room with a full range of integrated appl...
Updated: 2025-02-04
*Reduced Cost Home - 10% Discount* Unique three-bedroom, two bathroom end-terrace home with flexible living across three floors and parking. Available at a lower than market rate price, our three-storey home, The Parham, is perfect for growing families and first-time buyers.<...
Updated: 2025-02-04
This incredibly well presented family home boasts a large, modern kitchen/diner, spacious lounge, two en suite bathrooms plus family bathroom, downstairs cloakroom, single garage and off road parking. Enquire now to book your viewing.
Updated: 2025-02-04
Elevation Estate Agents are delighted to present this stunning five-bedroom detached family home, perfectly positioned in the sought-after Whitehouse development, boasting picturesque views over greenery and parkland. This modern and spacious home is designed for contemporary family living. Th...
Updated: 2025-02-04
£ 112,000
Welcome to this charming two-bedroom coach house located in the desirable area of Maximus Court, Fairfields Milton Keynes. This purpose-built apartment offers a wonderful opportunity for those seeking a modern living space in a vibrant community. Upon entering, you will find a spacious rece...
Updated: 2025-02-04
OFFERED FOR SALE WITH NO UPPER CHAIN!! An exceptionally well presented and rarely available four-bedroom detached house with a double garage. The accommodation downstairs comprises of entrance hall, downstairs shower room with granite,tiles, a generously sized lounge, a high-quality refitted...
Updated: 2025-02-04
OPEN HOUSE WEEKEND 11th & 12th MAY! Call office for further details. A particularly spacious two bedroom first floor retirement apartment, beautifully situated close to the town and alongside the river. The block benefits from a lift and the accommodation comprises: communal hallway, ent...
Updated: 2025-02-04
£ 2,400 /mo
THE EPTIMONE OF ELEGANCE.... **AVAILABLE WITH NO DEPOSIT** New to the market is this four bedroom detached property in Fairfields, Milton Keynes
Updated: 2025-02-04
Save up to £10,000 with Ashberry. Brand new, chain free and energy efficient, The Orchid boasts an OPEN-PLAN kitchen & dining area with French doors to the garden, living room with a bay window, EN SUITE to bedroom 1 & a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^.
Updated: 2025-02-03
Save up to £15,000 with Ashberry. The Willow is set over three floors, with a kitchen & dining room, TWO SETS of French doors to garden, FOUR DOUBLE BEDROOMS & en suite to bedroom 1. Plus, is new, chain free & comes with a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2025-02-03
Save up to £10,000 with Bellway. The Cartwright is a beautiful family home with French doors to the garden, a second-floor shower room, and a stylish family bathroom. Chain free with a 10-year NHBC buildmark policy^
Updated: 2025-02-03
Save up to £15,000 with Bellway. The Hornbeam is set over three floors, with an OPEN-PLAN living & dining area with doors to the garden & EN SUITE to bedroom 1. Plus, is new, chain free & comes with a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^ for peace of mind.
Updated: 2025-02-03
Save up to £25,000 with Bellway. The Luthier is a stunning 4-bedroom home with an OPEN-PLAN LAYOUT, French doors to the rear garden, a front-facing living room, a STUDY, and an en suite to bedroom 1. Includes a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2025-02-03
Save up to £15,000 with Bellway. The Alnwick is set over three floors with a kitchen & dining area, TWO sets of French doors to the garden, FOUR DOUBLE BEDROOMS & an en suite. Plus, is brand new, chain free & comes with a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2025-02-03
The Willow is set over three floors, with a kitchen & dining room, TWO SETS of French doors to garden, FOUR DOUBLE BEDROOMS & en suite to bedroom 1. Plus, is new, chain free & comes with a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2025-02-03
Situated within easy walking distance of Stony Stratford's vibrant town centre, this property offers access to local amenities, excellent schools, and scenic riverside walks. Viewing is highly recommended to fully appreciate all this charming home has to offer.
Updated: 2025-02-03
TOTAL FLOOR AREA - 74 Sq.m. A three bedroom semi detached house offered for sale with no upper chain. The property benefits from UPVC double glazing, gas to radiator heating, driveway and garage. The accommodation briefly comprises entrance hall, utility room, lounge, kitchen, dining roo (cont.)
Updated: 2025-02-03
One-bedroom first floor apartment in the area of Hayes Mews on the perimeter of Stony Stratford. Boasting entrance hall with built-in storage cupboards, lounge and separate fitted kitchen with appliances. Double bedroom and stylish bathroom. Outside is private off road parking. This is an idea...
Updated: 2025-02-03
***** PROJECT OPPORTUNITY ***** Impressive family home at the end of a cul-de-sac, in need of some TLC. Large rear garden, separate reception rooms, plenty of natural light and a single garage.
Updated: 2025-02-03
£ 1,650 /mo
** Zero Deposit Guarantee Available **
Updated: 2025-02-03
1163 The Hazel: Step onto the property ladder in Milton Keynes with Milton Keynes Connected! We are offering an excellent opportunity for buyers if you live or work in Milton Keynes. *Purchasing criteria apply. Price shown is the reduced price. 1163 The Hazel is an attractive semi-de...
Updated: 2025-02-01
1164 The Hazel: Step onto the property ladder in Milton Keynes with Milton Keynes Connected! We are offering an excellent opportunity for buyers if you live or work in Milton Keynes. *Purchasing criteria apply. Price shown is the reduced price. 1164 The Hazel is an attractive semi-de...
Updated: 2025-02-01
1173 The Hazel: Step onto the property ladder in Milton Keynes with Milton Keynes Connected! We are offering an excellent opportunity for buyers if you live or work in Milton Keynes. *Purchasing criteria apply. Price shown is the reduced price. 1173 The Hazel is an attractive end-ter...
Updated: 2025-02-01
Ground Floor - Two Rooms, Kitchen, Bathroom, First Floor - Two Bedrooms , Basement , Rear Garden , Well located for the amenities of Stony Stratford and Milton Keynes , Video Tour Below
Updated: 2025-01-31
£ 1,695 /mo
**ZERO BILLS- PETS WELCOME - 150 mbps WIFI INCLUDED ** Cauldwell Property Services are delighted to offer to let this BRAND NEW TWO DOUBLE BEDROOM home known as 'The Shetland', it is a stunning semi-detached, new build home, set over two levels with a private rear garden. The ground floor consist...
Updated: 2025-01-31
Thomas Connolly Estate Agents are delighted to present this three bedroom family home, situated in the desirable location of Fairfields. This area is perfectly positioned for commuters, with easy access to the A5 and Milton Keynes Central train station only a short drive away. The station offe...
Updated: 2025-01-31
A Grade II listed 19th century five bedroom town house situated towards the Northern end of Stony Stratford High Street with off street parking and views across to the Mary Magdalene Church. The property has 2,634 sq. ft. of accommodation set over four floors and has been upgraded by the current ...
Updated: 2025-01-31
*80% SHARED EQUITY- DISCOUNTED HOUSING SCHEME WITH NO RENT TO PAY* * Offered for sale by Connells estate agents, this 80% Shared Equity two bedroom first floor apartment is located in the popular area of Fairfields.
Updated: 2025-01-31
£ 125,000
**Existing 50% share but 100% purchase option available if preferred** Located in the sought after Fairfields area of Milton Keynes is this bright, spacious, modern two bedroom ground floor apartment which is being sold under the popular shared ownership scheme. In full the property comprises: en...
Updated: 2025-01-31
** VIEWING RECOMMENDED ** Situated in the popular town of Stony Stratford, this truly stunning three bedroom detached home is offered for sale by Connells Estate Agents. This family home benefits from a good size, private rear garden,2 reception rooms and a spacious kitchen/ breakfast room.
Updated: 2025-01-30
£ 2,300 /mo
Taylors are delighted to present this beautifully refurbished five-bedroom detached home, situated in a highly desirable cul-de-sac in Crownhill.
Updated: 2025-01-30
OFFERED FOR SALE WITH NO UPPER CHAIN!! An exceptionally well presented three bedroom semi-detached house close to Stony Stratford. The accommodation comprises of entrance hall, lounge, kitchen diner and downs stairs WC. Upstairs benefits from three good size bedrooms and family bathroo...
Updated: 2025-01-30
£ 1,400 /mo
**Zero Deposit Available** 2 BEDROOM HOME** The property benefits from a low maintenance PRIVATE GARDEN, off street parking for residents. Located in this historic coaching town, with country walks and established restaurants and cafes, the property has double glazing and gas central heating and ...
Updated: 2025-01-29
£ 1,450 /mo
**Zero Deposit Available** Zero Deposit Guarantee option available***FABULOUSLY LOCATED AND AVAILABLE IN JANUARY !
Updated: 2025-01-29
A well presented three bedroom end terrace Victorian style property benefiting from garage and good sized rear garden. *** OPEN DAY SATURDAY 1ST FEBRUARY 11AM ***
Updated: 2025-01-29
Aztec Lettings are delighted to present this brand new modern and stylish ground floor flat located in the vibrant city of Milton Keynes, within the newly developed area of Fairfields. This new build property offers comfort and convenience with its two bedrooms, includ...
Updated: 2025-01-28
CAULDWELL are pleased to offer for sale a modern one bedroom home, situated within the sought after location of Fairfields. Fairfields is one of the most recent developments in Milton Keynes and is proving popular with families, as the highly rated Denbigh School has a second campus, Wa...
Updated: 2025-01-28
£ 1,830 /mo
**ZERO BILLS- PETS WELCOME - 150 mbps WIFI INCLUDED ** Cauldwell Property Services are delighted to offer to let this BRAND NEW TWO DOUBLE BEDROOM home known as 'The Shetland', it is a stunning semi-detached, new build home, set over two levels with a private rear garden. The ground floor consist...
Updated: 2025-01-28
This four-bedroom house in Stony Stratford is a rare and beautifully preserved example of a late mid-century courtyard house.
Updated: 2025-01-28
The Tenterer is a brand new, chain free & energy efficient family home with an OPEN-PLAN kitchen & dining area with French doors to the garden, utility room, EN SUITE to bedroom 1 & a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^.
Updated: 2025-01-27
Updated: 2025-01-27
Nestled on the peaceful and sought-after Manx Road in Whitehouse, MK8 1ET, this charming two-bedroom end-of-terrace home presents an ideal opportunity for modern living. With 40% ownership and the option to staircase to full ownership at £320,000, it offers a flexible path to homeownership....
Updated: 2025-01-23
Thomas Connolly Estate Agents are delighted to present this three-bedroom family home, situated in Whitehouse, Milton Keynes. Whitehouse offers an array of local amenities, such as parks and green spaces, an on-site health centre complete with a doctors surgery and chemist, and Whitehouse...
Updated: 2025-01-22
A delightful family home in the sought after area of Fairfeilds, just a short distance from the historic town of Stony Stratford and close to Central Milton Keynes. Milton Keynes has everything you need from a large shopping centre, cinemas, football stadium, leisure facilities, bars, re...
Updated: 2025-01-22
Well presented 1 bed ground floor maisonette with private garden &! Modern kitchen, Neutral decor & flooring, double glazed & gas boiler! Within walking distance of STONY STRATFORD High Street. Available unfurnished & ready NOW!
Updated: 2025-01-22
£ 1,725 /mo
**ZERO BILLS- PETS WELCOME - 150 mbps WIFI INCLUDED ** Cauldwell Property Services are delighted to offer to let this BRAND NEW TWO DOUBLE BEDROOM home known as 'The Shetland', it is a stunning semi-detached, new build home, set over two levels with a private rear garden. The ground floor consist...
Updated: 2025-01-21
Updated: 2025-01-21
***VIRTUAL TOUR AVAILABLE*** Situated on the first floor, this apartment offers a modern and stylish interior. The apartment is fitted with UPVC double glazing, ensuring a warm and energy-efficient living environment.
Updated: 2025-01-21
£ 1,830 /mo
** PET FRIENDLY - Energy Rating 'A' - 150 mbps WIFI INCLUDED ** Cauldwell Property Services are delighted to offer to let this BRAND NEWThe Dartmoor. It is a stunning, three-bedroom new build home, set over two levels with a beautiful private rear garden. The ground floor consists of an entrance ...
Updated: 2025-01-21
The Ashtead is a two-storey terraced house in a traditional layout. Its appeal over period properties, however, is the fact that this is a two bedroomed property with both a main bathroom and a second en suite bathroom. Downstairs, a combined living and dining room provides an entertai...
Updated: 2025-01-21
The Ashtead is a two-storey terraced house in a traditional layout. Its appeal over period properties, however, is the fact that this is a two bedroomed property with both a main bathroom and a second en suite bathroom. Downstairs, a combined living and dining room provides an entertai...
Updated: 2025-01-21
A Victorian four bedroom semi detached house which has been extended by the current owners, with an integral garage, driveway parking and an enclosed rear garden, for sale with no upper chain. The property has 1,547 sq. ft. of accommodation over three floors which includes an entrance hall with a...
Updated: 2025-01-20
This stylish two-bedroom apartment, located in the popular Whitehouse development, offers a contemporary living space that is perfect for modern living. The accommodation comprises a spacious open-plan living area that seamlessly integrates a fully equipped kitchen, ideal for both entertaining...
Updated: 2025-01-20
*** We are hosting EARLIEST OPPORTUNITY of SCHEDULED viewing APPOINTMENTS on SATURDAY 25th FEBRUARY from 10.00am - 12.00 noon : ENQUIRE via E-MAIL to REGISTER your INTEREST *** - A 3 bedroom SEMI DETACHED home - with RE - FITTED kitchen & bathroom - Situated ON A CORNER PLOT
Updated: 2025-01-20
£ 510,000
Impressive 4-bed detached house in sought-after area. Generous living space over 3 floors, 18' kitchen, 2 en-suites, garage, park view, easy access to green spaces.
Updated: 2025-01-20
Thomas Connolly Estate Agents are delighted to present this four bedroom family home, situated in the highly sought after location of Whitehouse, Milton Keynes. Whitehouse offers an array of local amenities, such as parks and green spaces, an on-site health centre complete with a doctors ...
Updated: 2025-01-17
£ 675,000
MK Property are delighted to offer this spacious, DETACHED, FOUR-BEDROOM property in Whitehouse, North West of Milton Keynes. Ideally located with easy access to the A5 and excellent transport links.
Updated: 2025-01-17
£ 400,000
Situated within the ever sought-after location of Fairfields this three double bedroom semi-detached family home has been well maintained throughout with an accommodation comprising lounge, kitchen/diner, en-suite to main bedroom, family bathroom and additional downstairs cloakroom, gardens and a...
Updated: 2025-01-17
Situated in FULLERS SLADE is this charming TWO bedroom, first floor maisonette with spacious and bright layout, offering a comfortable living space ideal for first time buyers, downsizers, or investors, and private driveway providing convenient off road parking.
Updated: 2025-01-15
£ 1,350 /mo
A modern ground floor two bedroom apartment in this convenient location.
Updated: 2025-01-15
£ 1,000 /mo
**VIRTUAL VIEWING AVAILABLE please email branch to request** RESIDENCY MEMBERSHIP AVAILABLE - INCLUDING NO DEPOSIT OPTION FOR TENANTS AND GREATER PROTECTION FOR LANDLORDS** Offering a well presented top floor, one bed maisonette in the heart of Stony Stratford - close to the high streets local s...
Updated: 2025-01-15
Updated: 2025-01-15
King Estate Agents are delighted to bring to market this quaint, one bedroom end of terraced bungalow with a nice sized wrap around garden in Crownhill. Offered for sale with no onward chai...
Updated: 2025-01-15
OFFERED FOR SALE WITH NO UPPER CHAIN! A four bedroom terrace house. The accommodation downstairs comprises of entrance3 hall, self-contained downstairs flat with bathroom and kitchen, on the first floor has two bedrooms and a bathroom and on the top floor has a further two bedrooms. Outside ...
Updated: 2025-01-15
1184 The Spruce II: We'll give you £16,000 towards your deposit!* This DETACHED home benefits from a GARAGE & driveway! 1184 The Spruce II is a contemporary home full of great features. The sitting room and kitchen/dining area span the full length of the property making them ligh...
Updated: 2025-01-15
A charming 1-2 bedroom Grade II Listed stone built cottage, circa 1863, on this sought-after town center street. The cottage has accommodation set on two floors comprising; a living room with wood burning stove, kitchen and bathroom on the ground floor. On the first floor there is a dou...
Updated: 2025-01-14
1156 The Spruce II: This DETACHED home benefits from a garage with driveway! 1156 The Spruce II is a contemporary home full of great features. The sitting room and kitchen/dining area span the full length of the property making them light, airy and very spacious - ideal for entertain...
Updated: 2025-01-14
LOWER MORTGAGE RATES WITH OWN NEW - CONTACT US TO FIND OUT MORE! 2 double bedroom home with En-suites to both bedrooms Semi-detached property South-facing rear garden Located in a quite no-through road Two allocated parking spaces - This home is freehold tenure - Service charge -...
Updated: 2025-01-14
An EXCELLENT FAMILY HOME, in the sought after location of Crownhill. Located within close proximity to a number of high performing schools, this three double bedroom detached townhouse boasts high specification and flexible living throughout. The ground floor comprises a cloakroom, kitchen/diner...
Updated: 2025-01-13
*** UNEXPECTEDLY BACK TO MARKET on 13/01 - ENQUIRE VIA E-MAIL to REGISTER your INTEREST *** - A 4 DOUBLE BEDROOM home - Benefiting from THREE BATHROOMS - With LANDSCAPED GARDEN - DRIVEWAY to rear : Alexander Lawrence Estate Agents are pleased to offer for sale this 4 (cont.)
Updated: 2025-01-13
A modern three-bedroom detached family home, perfectly located in the sought-after Whitehouse development in Milton Keynes. This property is offered chain-free, presenting an excellent opportunity for families or professionals looking for a hassle-free move. The heart of the home is the bright a...
Updated: 2025-01-13
**360 VIRTUAL TOUR** Michael Anthony Estate Agents are delighted to present this four bedroom detached family home located on the popular Fairfields development. The property is situated at the end of a cul-de-sac and sides onto an open green. The ground floor boasts an entrance hall, Guest cloak...
Updated: 2025-01-11
The Windsor is a sizeable family home with five double bedrooms, two bathrooms, study, separate utility room and substantial living spaces. The open plan kitchen, dining and family room features French doors which open out into the rear garden. Bay windows provide elegance, interest an...
Updated: 2025-01-11
*** THREE BEDROOM DETACHED PROPERTY IN WHITEHOUSE *** With a generous size garden space that features an office cabin, this property is certainly one you will want to view before it is too late.
Updated: 2025-01-10
£ 1,720 /mo
**ZERO BILLS- PETS WELCOME - 150 mbps WIFI INCLUDED ** Cauldwell Property Services are delighted to offer to let this BRAND NEW TWO DOUBLE BEDROOM home known as 'The Shetland', it is a stunning semi-detached, new build home, set over two levels with a private rear garden. The ground floor consist...
Updated: 2025-01-10
£ 1,950 /mo
** PET FRIENDLY - BRAND NEW - WIFI INCLUDED ** Cauldwell Property Services are delighted to offer to let this BRAND NEW house built as 'The Exmoor', It is a beautiful three-bedroom, SEMI DETACHED, new build home, set over three levels with a private rear garden. The ground floor consists of an en...
Updated: 2025-01-10
£ 367,500
Cauldwell Property Services are delighted to offer for sale a three bedroom link detached home located in the desirable area of Crownhill, this delightful home offers comfortable and versatile living, perfect for families or professionals. As you step through into the entrance hall, you’...
Updated: 2025-01-10
£ 1,395 /mo
We are delighted to offer for rent this new top floor, two bedroom apartment located on the Fairfield’s development in Stoney Stratford. Benefits include gas central heating, double glazing, integrated appliances and allocated parking.
Updated: 2025-01-09
The Perilla is a stunning brand new, chain free & energy efficient home, boasting an OPEN-PLAN kitchen & dining area with French doors to the garden, EN SUITE to bedroom 1, plus a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^.
Updated: 2025-01-09
The Valerian is a brand new, chain-free home, featuring an open-plan living and dining area, THREE BEDROOMS with EN-SUITE to bedroom 1 and well-equipped family bathroom, plus a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2025-01-09
The Lavender is a brand new, chain free and energy efficient home, featuring an OPEN-PLAN kitchen and dining area with FRENCH DOORS, two DOUBLE bedrooms, contemporary family bathroom & a 10-year NHBC buildmark policy^
Updated: 2025-01-09
The Daffodil offers THREE STOREY living, with a living area with French doors to the garden, kitchen & dining area, plus EN SUITE bedroom 1. This home is new, chain free & includes a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^.
Updated: 2025-01-09
The Perilla is a stunning brand new, chain free & energy efficient home, boasting an OPEN-PLAN kitchen & dining area with French doors to the garden, EN SUITE to bedroom 1, plus a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^.
Updated: 2025-01-09
The Willow is set over three floors, with a kitchen & dining room, TWO SETS of French doors to garden, FOUR DOUBLE BEDROOMS & en suite to bedroom 1. Plus, is new, chain free & comes with a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2025-01-09
This is a beautiful home featuring an OPEN-PLAN kitchen, dining, and family area, French doors to the rear garden, a front-facing living room, STUDY, and an en suite to bedroom 1. It includes a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2025-01-08
The Harper is a stunning brand new, chain free & energy efficient home, boasting an OPEN-PLAN kitchen & dining area with French doors to the garden, EN SUITE to bedroom 1, plus a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^.
Updated: 2025-01-08
A substantial Georgian townhouse with 6 bedrooms, 5 reception rooms, 3 bathrooms, gardens and parking - located in the heart of the town centre. This prominent Grade II listed property dates back to late C18 and has remained in the same family ownership, and is available for the first ti...
Updated: 2025-01-08
AN EXCEPTIONALLY WELL PRESENTED TWO BEDROOM TWO BATHROOM GROUND FLOOR APARTMENT! The accommodation comprises of entrance hall, Open plan living kitchen area, two double bedrooms with the master benefitting from ensuite, also a family bathroom. Outside benefits from off street parking and amp...
Updated: 2025-01-08
SUPERBLY PRESENTED apartment with a WALK OUT BALCONY with STUNNING COUNTRYSIDE VIEWS. The apartment further benefits from a WALK-IN WARDROBE and PURPOSE BUILT WET ROOM. The development offers EXCELLENT COMMUNAL FACILITIES, including on-site Restaurant and Communal Lounge where SOCIAL EVENTS tak...
Updated: 2025-01-07
A modern one bedroom first floor apartment in the Elizabeth House retirement development for the over 70s. The development has an Estates Manager, 24 hour on site staffing, secure camera entry systems and an emergency call system. There is a residents’ lounge, a restaurant, a launderette, a...
Updated: 2025-01-07
Presenting a modern and stylish semi-detached property located in the vibrant city of Milton Keynes, within the newly developed area of Whitehouse. This new build property offers comfort and convenience with its three bedrooms, including a spacious master bedroom with en-suite bathroom. ...
Updated: 2025-01-07
£ 2,100 /mo
Thomas Connolly Estate Agents are delighted to offer exclusively for rent this four bedroom family home in the sought after new development of Whitehouse Park, within close proximity popular school catchment and a selection of local parks.
Updated: 2025-01-07
£ 2,500 /mo
Cauldwell property Services are delighted to offer to let this stunning FOUR DOUBLE BEDROOM DETACHED HOUSE in the sought after location of Whitehouse which benefits from TWO EN-SUITE SHOWER ROOMS and DOUBLE GARAGE. This wonderful property briefly comprises; entrance hall, DOWNSTAIRS CLOAKROOM, li...
Updated: 2025-01-07
£ 230,000
Experience the best of Hayes living in this delightful Coach House priced at £230,000. With two good-sized bedrooms and a spacious floor area of 548 square feet, this property offers comfortable living spaces for individuals or small families alike
Updated: 2025-01-06
£ 280,000
* 70% DISCOUNTED FIRST TIME BUYER SCHEME - THREE BEDROOM END OF TERRACE WITHIN WHITEHOUSE * Urban & Rural Milton Keynes are delighted to the favoured agents in bringing to the market this truly stunning three bedroom end of terrace family residence which has been very carefully mai...
Updated: 2025-01-06
£ 1,300 /mo
Updated: 2025-01-06
Zero Deposit Guarantee option available** DESIRABLE LOCATION WITHIN EXCELLENT SCHOOL CATCHMENTS, close to main link roads for commuters, LONG TERM LET AVAILABLE, OFFERED PART FURNISHED
Updated: 2025-01-06
Elevation Lettings are proud to present this 5 bedroom detached house in WhitehouseSituated in Whitehouse, in West Milton Keynes, a new area located between Crownhill and Stony Stratford. This detached family home is presented in excellent condition throughout
Updated: 2025-01-03
£ 1,450 /mo
Taylors are pleased to offer this lovely modern two-bedroom flat. The property features a bright open-plan living area, a contemporary kitchen, and two spacious bedrooms.
Updated: 2025-01-02
£ 1,400 /mo
Modern 2 bed top floor apartment. Featuring open plan kitchen/lounge/diner, balcony, En-suite to primary bedroom, second double bedroom, family bathroom! Call Taylor Walsh on to view!
Updated: 2025-01-02
5 Bedroom Double Fronted Family Home | Freeehold | 1800 sqft approx | Large Low Maintentance Rear Garden | New Build Property | Never Lived in | Three Storeys | Private Garage | 10 Year NHBC | Off Street Parking | 3 Bathrooms & WC | Nearby Milton Keynes Central with easy access to London | Ea...
Updated: 2025-01-02
Three Bed Semi Detached property with good size living accommodation, garage and rear garden.
Updated: 2024-12-26
Situated in the modern development of FAIRFIELD'S and with NO UPPER CHAIN is this THREE bedroom apartment offering easy access to local amenities, schools, parks, and excellent transport links. Don't miss the opportunity to make this exceptional property.
Updated: 2024-12-26
AN EXCEPTIONALLY WELL PRESENTED FOUR BEDROOM DETACHED FAMILY HOME! Coming up to five years old and located in the recent development of Fairfields is this fantastic four-bedroom detached family home. This property has great school catchment, both primary and secondary. The a...
Updated: 2024-12-26
£ 1,500,000
**COMING SOON - VIEWINGS AVAILABLE ON THE 23rd NOVEMBER** Stunning River Great Ouse views. Luxurious interiors with modern design. 43' dining/family room and 34' kitchen/breakfast room. Potential for annexe. Double & single garages, spacious garden. Call today to confirm your booking.
Updated: 2024-12-25
The Elfield is a stunning brand new, chain free & energy efficient coach house with an open-plan kitchen, living & dining room, TWO DOUBLE BEDROOMS with an EN SUITE to bedroom 1, plus a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^.
Updated: 2024-12-24
The Wainwright is set over three floors, with an OPEN-PLAN living & dining area with doors to the garden & EN SUITE to bedroom 1. Plus, is new, chain free & comes with a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^ for peace of mind.
Updated: 2024-12-24
The Alnwick is set over three floors with a kitchen & dining area, TWO sets of French doors to the garden, FOUR DOUBLE BEDROOMS & an en suite. Plus, is brand new, chain free & comes with a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2024-12-24
The Wainwright is a stunning 4-bedroom home featuring an OPEN-PLAN living and dining area with French doors to the rear garden, an EN SUITE to bedroom 1, and a second-floor shower room. 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2024-12-24
The Stratton is brand new, chain free & energy efficient home with an OPEN-PLAN living & dining area, allocated parking & a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^ for peace of mind.
Updated: 2024-12-24
The Scrivener is a brand new, chain free & energy efficient home with an OPEN-PLAN kitchen, dining & family area, utility room, living room with a bay window, EN SUITE to bedroom 1, plus a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2024-12-23
1168 The Chestnut II. We'll give you £25,000 towards your deposit!* This home benefits from a garage with driveway! Everyone needs their own space, and that's exactly what you get with 1168 The Chestnut II. There's room for the whole family to relax in the sitting room, and plenty of...
Updated: 2024-12-21
1170 The Nash: Step onto the property ladder in Milton Keynes with Milton Keynes Connected! We are offering an excellent opportunity for buyers if you live or work in Milton Keynes. *Purchasing criteria apply. Price shown is the reduced price. Outside, 1170 The Nash has all the char...
Updated: 2024-12-21
1167 The Cypress: We'll give you £20,000 towards your deposit!* This home benefits from a garage with driveway. 1167 The Cypress is a modern take on a traditional design. This stunning DETACHED house is a home everyone will love. Your family will love the light, airy living room, and ...
Updated: 2024-12-21
1161 The Hazel: We'll give you £20,000 towards your deposit!* This home benefits from a garden shed! 1161 The Hazel is an attractive mid-terrace home with looks to impress. The house has impressive features, such as separate hall and sitting room and a superb naturally lit kitchen/din...
Updated: 2024-12-21
1173 The Hazel: Step onto the property ladder in Milton Keynes with Milton Keynes Connected! We are offering an excellent opportunity for buyers if you live or work in Milton Keynes. *Purchasing criteria apply. Price shown is the reduced price. 1173 The Hazel is an attractive end-ter...
Updated: 2024-12-21
1162 The Spruce II: We'll give you £20,000 towards your deposit!* This DETACHED home benefits from a delightful position at the end of a cul-de-sac! 1162 The Spruce II is a contemporary home full of great features. The sitting room and kitchen/dining area span the full length of the ...
Updated: 2024-12-21
1166 The Spruce II: We'll give you £20,000 towards your deposit!* This DETACHED home benefits from a garage, driveway, & a SOUTH WEST facing garden! 1166 The Spruce II is a contemporary home full of great features. The sitting room and kitchen/dining area span the full length of ...
Updated: 2024-12-21
1154 The Cypress: We'll give you £20,000 towards your deposit!* This home benefits from a garage with driveway. 1154 The Cypress is a modern take on a traditional design. This stunning semi-detached house is a home everyone will love. Your family will love the light, airy living room,...
Updated: 2024-12-21
1145 The Spruce II: We'll give you £20,000 towards your deposit!* This DETACHED home benefits from a garage with driveway! 1145 The Spruce II is a contemporary home full of great features. The sitting room and kitchen/dining area span the full length of the property making them light...
Updated: 2024-12-21
1152 The Chestnut II. We'll give you £25,000 towards your deposit!* This home benefits from a garage with driveway & enjoys a corner position in a cul-de-sac adjacent to a wildlife corridor. Everyone needs their own space, and that's exactly what you get with 1152 The Chestnut II...
Updated: 2024-12-21
1153 The Cypress: We'll give you £20,000 towards your deposit!* This home benefits from a garage with driveway. 1153 The Cypress is a modern take on a traditional design. This stunning semi-detached house is a home everyone will love. Your family will love the light, airy living room,...
Updated: 2024-12-21
£ 2,100 /mo
***What a place to Live***Modern four double bedroom family home set over 3 floors, provides ample living space.
Updated: 2024-12-19
**BRAND NEW SHARED OWNERSHIP APARTMENT**NO PREMIUMS**FLOORING AND APPLIANCES INCLUDED**Elevation is pleased to present 12 BRAND NEW 2 bedroom shared ownership apartment for sale. It is available from a 40% share and is situated on the White House Development which comes with a sp...
Updated: 2024-12-19
**BRAND NEW SHARED OWNERSHIP APARTMENT**NO PREMIUMS**FLOORING AND APPLIANCES INCLUDED**Elevation is pleased to present 12 BRAND NEW 2 bedroom shared ownership apartment for sale. It is available from a 40% share and is situated on the White House Development which comes with a sp...
Updated: 2024-12-19
£ 2,500 /mo
Thomas Connolly Estate Agents are delighted to offer exclusively for rent this four bedroom detached property in Whitehouse Park, set on a generous corner plot offering close proximity popular schooling and a selection of parks.
Updated: 2024-12-17
New to market, this stunning cottage was originally built as two individual cottages. A complete refurbishment in 2005 created the current floor plan. Positioned in the heart of Stony Stratford near the high street, this unique property benefits from gated off-road parking. The accommo...
Updated: 2024-12-16
Cline Court is situated in the highly desirable area of Crownhill, known for its peaceful cul-de-sac locations and family-friendly environment. The area is surrounded by well-maintained green spaces, offering plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities, relaxation, and recreation. Local parks ...
Updated: 2024-12-12
£ 660,000
A beautifully presented and spacious 4 bedroom detached house with an attractive outlook on the sought after Whitehouse development. The property was built by Bellway Homes in 2017, and the immaculately presented accommodation has a spacious feel with high ceilings and accommodation com...
Updated: 2024-12-12
Beautiful GROUND FLOOR retirement apartment with a PATIO enjoying courtyard views, the master bedroom benefits from a WALK-IN WARDROBE, fitted wet room plus a separate guest cloakroom. ALLOCATED CAR PARKING. Apartment 14 is ideally placed, on the ground floor, to the EXCELLENT COMMUNAL FACILI...
Updated: 2024-12-11
Situated in the sought after location of Whitehouse, Milton Keynes is this superb two double bedroom home overlooking the green space of a local park and close to outstanding and good schools. This home is well presented throughout and comprises a good size entrance hall with cloak room, kitch...
Updated: 2024-12-06
"50% Shared Ownership” £5,000 Premium Situated on the popular Whitehouse development and built by the reputable builder Cala Homes in 2018, this fantastic modern apartment boasts a high standard finish throughout, two double bedrooms, off road parking and is offered for sale at ...
Updated: 2024-12-06
***NO UPPER CHAIN*** This charming TWO BEDROOM home is set in the highly sought after market town of STONY STRATFORD and boasts a good size rear garden, two double bedrooms and the opportunity to add your own taste to a property while increasing value.
Updated: 2024-12-05
£ 450,000
A 3 bedroom detached house with garage and gardens, occupying a corner plot, with a scope to extend subject to any necessary consent. The property has been extended and has accommodation comprising; a hall, living room, large dining room and kitchen. On the first floor there are 3 bedroo...
Updated: 2024-12-05
1118 The Hazel: We'll give you £20,000 towards your deposit + we'll include many extras & UPGRADES!~ ALL INCLUDED IN THE PRICE! UPGRADED white gloss kitchen unit doors with chunky chrome handles + UPGRADED square edged worktop * BOSCH appliances: Oven, hood, gas hob, integrated...
Updated: 2024-12-05
NO UPPER CHAIN! POPULAR SHARED OWNERSHIP SCHEME! RARELY OFFERED FOR SALE! IN NEED OF MODERNISATION! THREE BEDROOM DETACHED FAMILY HOME! WRAP AROUND ENCLOSED PLOT/GARDEN! PARKING! **The property is offered for sale with a £20,000 premium** Rarely offered for sale is this three bedroom detached ...
Updated: 2024-12-04
£ 430,000
A well presented detached family home situated in a cul de sac location in the sought after area of Crownhill. Crownhill lies to the south west of the city centre and is well served by the A5 and A421 with the M1 and Milton Keynes Central just a short drive away.
Updated: 2024-12-03
£ 350,000
Updated: 2024-12-03
Bedroom 1 has a comfortable double bed, Bedroom 2 has a comfortable zip-link bed which is set up as two single beds by default or can be zipped together as a king size bed upon request
Updated: 2024-12-02
Calling first-time buyers, 2nd-floor apartment in Fairfields MK11 offers modern living, 35% shared ownership with potential for increasing ownership. 2 bedrooms, fitted kitchen and spacious bathroom
Updated: 2024-11-30
The Windsor is a sizeable family home with five double bedrooms, two bathrooms, study, separate utility room and substantial living spaces. The open plan kitchen, dining and family room features French doors which open out into the rear garden. Bay windows provide elegance, interest an...
Updated: 2024-11-30
With flexible open-plan living space and generously sized bedrooms, the Romsey is an attractive family home. The downstairs benefits from a substantial, bright and airy living room. A versatile kitchen-dining area with ample space for relaxation or play is ideally suited to family life...
Updated: 2024-11-30
The Marlborough is ideally suited to modern family living, featuring ample flexible spaces. The elegant hallway provides access to the central living areas: an open plan kitchen / family / dining area with utility room and a spacious, light-filled living room. Upstairs are four large b...
Updated: 2024-11-30
The Chesham is a generously sized three-bedroom property. Inspired by tradition, it has a double-fronted layout and features an attractive bay window which, together with French doors, make this a beautifully bright property. A welcoming hallway leads to two spacious reception rooms: a...
Updated: 2024-11-28
Modern 2 bed apartment - Set within a private electric gated courtyard set just off of the sought-after Stony Stratford High Street. With modern finish & fittings, allocated parking in the courtyard & unfurnished with white goods. Ready 17th January
Updated: 2024-11-28
“45% Shared Ownership!” Situated on the popular Whitehouse development and built by the reputable builder Bovis Homes in 2019, this fantastic modern property boasts a high standard finish throughout, two double bedrooms, off road parking and is offered for sale at 45% shared ownership!
Updated: 2024-11-27
The Joiner features an OPEN-PLAN kitchen & dining area, French doors to the garden & TWO DOUBLE BEDROOMS. This home is brand new, chain free & comes with a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^.
Updated: 2024-11-26
The Joiner features an OPEN-PLAN kitchen & dining area, French doors to the garden & TWO DOUBLE BEDROOMS. This home is brand new, chain free & comes with a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^.
Updated: 2024-11-26
**NEW BOILER AND WINDOWS WITH WARRANTIES** A beautifully presented and tastefully decorated two bedroom home located in the town of Stony Stratford. The property benefits from a fitted kitchen with a range of appliances, spacious living and dining room with French doors leading onto the rear garden
Updated: 2024-11-26
Save up to £15,000 with Bellway. Brand new, chain free and energy efficient, The Chandler boasts an OPEN-PLAN kitchen & dining area with French doors to the garden, living room with a bay window, EN SUITE to bedroom 1 & a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^.
Updated: 2024-11-25
£ 125,000
Discover this spacious 4-bedroom semi-detached family home, at Meadowside, located in Stony Stratford.
Updated: 2024-11-25
A fabulous much improved and extended 4 bedroom Victorian terraced house situated on the highly sought after Horsefair Green. The property has been extended and had many improvements in recent years including a large kitchen extension and loft conversion. It has accommodation se...
Updated: 2024-11-25
Carters are delighted to offer for sale this well presented two bedroom, two bathroom, top floor apartment with no onward chain. The accommodation comprises, entrance hall, open plan living space including a kitchen, lounge and dining area with balcony, two double bedrooms, ensuite shower roo...
Updated: 2024-11-21
An attractive 1930's style semi detached house in this highly sought after location. The property has accommodation set on two floors comprising, an entrance hall, separate living room and dining rooms, and fitted kitchen. On the first floor, 3 double bedrooms and a bathroom. T...
Updated: 2024-11-21
A 1930s end of terrace 3 bedroom house with large gardens on this popular terrace. The property has accommodation set on two floors comprising; an entrance hall, living room, dining room, and kitchen. On the first floor there are 3 bedrooms and a bathroom. The property does require some ...
Updated: 2024-11-20
£ 120,000
Discover this spacious 4-bedroom semi-detached family home, at Meadowside, located in Stony Stratford.
Updated: 2024-11-20
Situated in the sought after location of Whitehouse, on the West side of Milton Keynes is this extremeley well presented three bedroom semi-detached property. The accommodation briefly comprises: Entrance hall, cloakroom, lounge, kitchen/diner, first floor landing, three bedrooms (en-s...
Updated: 2024-11-20
Leadenhall Estates presents 3-Bedroom Semi-Detached House in Milton Keynes!
Updated: 2024-11-20
£ 585,000
A very well presented detached family home situated on the sought after location of Whitehouse. Whitehouse is situated to the west of the city centre and is well connected by the A5 and A509 with the M1, Milton Keynes Central and Wolverton Station just a short drive away.
Updated: 2024-11-19
A stone built four bedroom detached country house with approximately 1.6 acres of landscaped grounds, outbuildings and a tennis court. The main house has approximately 3,640 sq. ft. of accommodation which includes an entrance porch, reception hall, cloakroom, four further reception rooms, a utili...
Updated: 2024-11-19
A period three bedroom detached house with a garage, driveway parking and an enclosed rear garden, in need of some modernisation and for sale with no upper chain. The property was built in 1924, and has 1,178 sq. ft. of accommodation which includes an entrance hall, a sitting room with a Victoria...
Updated: 2024-11-19
A Grade II* listed early Georgian five bedroom terraced townhouse with a garage and parking in the centre of Stony Stratford. The property has original features and is thought to have been built circa 1703 under Sir Christopher Wren’s guidance with later additions. The house has a sandstone...
Updated: 2024-11-19
A Grade II listed two bedroom mid terrace townhouse with a rear garden and a two storey studio, situated in a historic town. This period property has character features throughout including exposed beams, timbers and stone. The accommodation includes an entrance hall with a storage cupboard, and ...
Updated: 2024-11-19
A four bedroom semi detached house with a carport, garage and driveway parking built by Messr David Wilson Homes in a cul-de-sac location. The property has 1,330 sq. ft. of accommodation over two floors which, on the ground floor, includes an entrance hall, a cloakroom, a sitting room with a bay ...
Updated: 2024-11-19
A Grade II listed former public house, The Old Rising Sun, now a five bedroom house with private enclosed gardens, and annexe potential converting the garage which has a sixth bedroom over. The property is thought to date from the 1740s and has 3,305 sq. ft. of accommodation set over three floors...
Updated: 2024-11-18
A Grade II listed four bedroom house with a mix of residential and commercial use and a link detached barn/annexe and a private courtyard providing off street parking, in the town centre. This 17th century property is in need of some modernisation. It has character features throughout including e...
Updated: 2024-11-18
A modern two bedroom ground floor apartment at the Elizabeth House retirement development. VENDOR WILL CONTRIBUTE UP TO 12 MONTHS TOWARDS SERVICE CHARGE FEES. The development is exclusively for those aged over 70 and has an Estates Manager, 24 hour on site staffing, secure camera entry systems an...
Updated: 2024-11-18
A recently modernised three bedroom detached property with parking for up to five cars, a detached garage and a studio/office/games room, for sale with no upper chain. The property is entered via a porch which leads into an entrance hall with a cloakroom, stairs to the first floor and engineered ...
Updated: 2024-11-18
*** We are hosting earliest SCHEDULED viewing APPOINTMENTS on SATURDAY 23rd NOVEMBER from 1.00pm - 3.00pm : ENQUIRE via E-MAIL to REGISTER your INTEREST *** - Has UPGRADED FINISHES throughout - Benefiting from AIR CONDITIONING - Offering SEPARATE STUDY room - With LANDSCAPED (cont.)
Updated: 2024-11-18
The Sunflower is a brand new, chain free & energy efficient family home with an OPEN-PLAN kitchen & dining area with French doors to the garden, utility room, EN SUITE to bedroom 1 & a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^.
Updated: 2024-11-15
The Bowyer is an energy efficient home with an open-plan kitchen, family & dining area, UTILITY ROOM, dual-aspect living room & EN SUITE to bedroom 1. Plus is new, chain free & comes with a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2024-11-15
The Scrivener is a brand new, chain free & energy efficient home with an OPEN-PLAN kitchen, dining & family area, utility room, living room with a bay window, EN SUITE to bedroom 1, plus a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2024-11-15
*EXTREMELY WELL PRESENTED SIX BEDROOM FAMILY HOME* Set over THREE floors this LINKED DETACHED property offers cloakroom, kitchen/breakfast room, THREE RECEPTION ROOMS, five bedrooms, TWO EN SUITES, family bathroom, DRESSING ROOM, shower room, FRONT and REAR GARDENS, GARAGE and OFF ROAD PARKING.
Updated: 2024-11-14
Situated in the modern development of FAIRFIELD'S is this TWO bedroom COACH HOUSE. This property is part of the affordable housing scheme which means you will own 100% of the property but you will only need to pay 80% of the value.
Updated: 2024-11-14
** SPACIOUS FIVE BEDROOM FAMILY HOME WITH STUNNING VIEWS** This DETACHED home benefits from living room, cloakroom, KITCHEN/DINER, TWO EN SUITES, family bathroom, front and rear gardens, SINGLE CARPORT.
Updated: 2024-11-14
A Modern and Spacious Two-Bedroom Apartment in Fairfields, Milton Keynes – 55% Shared OwnershipDiscover contemporary living in this well-maintained two double bedroom apartment, perfectly situated in the highly desirable Fairfields area of Milton Keynes. Located on the upper floor...
Updated: 2024-11-14
No summary available.
Updated: 2024-11-13
We are proud to offer this Two Bedroom Detached Bungalow with 50% SHARED OWNERSHIP – all interest and OFFERS are INVITED.*Guide Price £142,500 - £135,000*
Updated: 2024-11-13
This is a truly stunning detached one bedroom house, designed with vibrant, light-filled spaces that create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Velux windows throughout the home invite ample natural light into each room, enhancing its lively character. The open-plan living area on the gro...
Updated: 2024-11-09
1223 The Spruce: We'll give you £16,000 towards your deposit!* This DETACHED home benefits from a GARAGE with driveway! 1223 The Spruce is a contemporary home full of great features. The sitting room and kitchen/dining area span the full length of the property making them light, airy...
Updated: 2024-11-09
1188 The Cypress: We'll give you £16,000 towards your deposit!* This DETACHED home benefits from a garage with driveway. 1188 The Cypress is a modern take on a traditional design. This stunning house is a home everyone will love. Your family will love the light, airy living room, and ...
Updated: 2024-11-09
1185 The Cypress: We'll give you £16,000 towards your deposit!*This DETACHED home benefits from a garage with driveway. 1185 The Cypress is a modern take on a traditional design. This stunning house is a home everyone will love. Your family will love the light, airy living room, and w...
Updated: 2024-11-09
1187 The Cypress: We'll give you £16,000 towards your deposit!* This semi-detached home benefits from a garage with driveway. 1187 The Cypress is a modern take on a traditional design. This stunning house is a home everyone will love. Your family will love the light, airy living room,...
Updated: 2024-11-09
1186 The Cypress: We'll give you £16,000 towards your deposit!* This semi-detached home benefits from a garage with driveway. 1186 The Cypress is a modern take on a traditional design. This stunning house is a home everyone will love. Your family will love the light, airy living room...
Updated: 2024-11-09
£ 475,000
A spacious 4 bedroom semi detached house with good size gardens and carport, on this popular development. The property has a accommodation set over two floors comprising; an entrance hall, cloakroom, kitchen/dining room and a lounge/dining room. On the first floor there are 4 double bedr...
Updated: 2024-11-08
10% less then market value (first time buyers only) - a Modern one double bedroom ground floor apartment which has been carefully maintained by its current owners to allow any purchaser to move straight in. The apartment is located in the new established area of Fairfields. It is situated on t...
Updated: 2024-11-07
The Willen at Meadowside, located in a stunning village setting, walking distance into the High Street.
Updated: 2024-11-07
£ 230,000
Updated: 2024-11-07
A very well presented detached home situated in the sought after area of Fairfields. Fairfields lies to the west of the city centre and is well served by the A5 and A509 with the M1 and Milton Keynes Central just a short drive away.
Updated: 2024-11-05
Discover this spacious 4-bedroom semi-detached family home, at Meadowside, located in Stony Stratford.
Updated: 2024-11-04
ENJOY LUNCH ON US WHEN YOU TAKE A TOUR OF ELIZABETH HOUSE - BOOK NOW! *** ALL REASONABLE OFFERS INVITED*** Well presented ground floor EX -SHOW APARTMENT benefitting from a spacious living room with PATIO AREA and GARDEN VIEWS. The development offers excellent COMMUNAL FACILITIES includin...
Updated: 2024-11-04
*** We are hosting SCHEDULED viewing APPOINTMENTS on SATURDAY 09th NOVEMBER from 9.30am - 11.30am : ENQUIRE via E-MAIL to REGISTER your INTEREST *** - A 3 bedroom SEMI DETACHED home - With DRIVEWAY TO SIDE - Situated ON A CORNER PLOT - An ideal FIRST TIME BUY : (Pri (cont.)
Updated: 2024-11-04
A WELL PRESENTED, ground floor retirement apartment with PATIO area enjoying GARDEN VIEWS. Modern kitchen with built in appliances, Double bedroom with a WALK-IN WARDROBE and a CONTEMPORARY SHOWER room completes this lovely apartment. ALLOCATED CAR PARKING space is included. The development...
Updated: 2024-11-04
* STUNNING & UPGRADED FOUR BEDROOM SEMI * - HUGE MASTER BEDROOM WITH DRESSING ROOM * OFF ROAD PARKING * CHAIN FREE * Urban & Rural Milton Keynes are delighted to bringing to the market this truly fabulous four bedroom semi-detached family residence which provides modern and v...
Updated: 2024-11-02
A rarely available five bedroom barn conversion with some fabulous architectural features and versatile accommodation, in this highly sought after village setting. This stunning property was sympathetically converted in 2008 and is of mainly stone construction with a part slate and part ...
Updated: 2024-11-01
A modern and spacious 4-bedroom semi-detached home at Meadowside available through Shared Ownership.
Updated: 2024-10-31
Boost your deposit this autumn. The Bowyer is an energy efficient home with an open-plan kitchen, family & dining area, UTILITY ROOM, dual-aspect living room & EN SUITE to bedroom 1. Plus is new, chain free & comes with a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2024-10-31
Supercharge your deposit this autumn. The Perilla is a stunning brand new, chain free & energy efficient home, boasting an OPEN-PLAN kitchen & dining area with French doors to the garden, EN SUITE to bedroom 1, plus a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^.
Updated: 2024-10-30
*** We are hosting SCHEDULED viewing APPOINTMENTS on SATURDAY 02nd November from 12.00 noon - 2.00pm : ENQUIRE via E-MAIL to REGISTER your INTEREST *** - A 2 bed END TERRACED home - With MODERN open plan layout - Benefiting from LANDSCAPED GARDEN - Offering CARPORT & off r (cont.)
Updated: 2024-10-28
* FOUR BEDROOM DETACHED FAMILY HOME* Set over two floors this property offers, cloakroom, living/diner, KITCHEN/UTILITY ROOM, family bathroom, SHOWER ROOM, front and rear gardens DRIVEWAY and GARAGE.
Updated: 2024-10-28
King Estate Agents are delighted to bring to the market this semi detached, former show house, offering four double bedrooms and three bathrooms, boasting high specification upgrades throughout along ...
Updated: 2024-10-26
With flexible open-plan living space and generously sized bedrooms, the Romsey is an attractive family home. The downstairs benefits from a substantial, bright and airy living room. A versatile kitchen-dining area with ample space for relaxation or play is ideally suited to family life...
Updated: 2024-10-25
Rare and interesting opportunity to purchase a single building plot with full planning for the construction of a detached bungalow
Updated: 2024-10-24
Boost your deposit this autumn. The Alnwick is set over three floors with a kitchen & dining area, TWO sets of French doors to the garden, FOUR DOUBLE BEDROOMS & an en suite. Plus, is brand new, chain free & comes with a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2024-10-23
This beautifully presented ONE BEDROOM FIRST FLOOR APARTMENT in a desirable RETIREMENT LIVING PLUS DEVELOPMENT FOR THE OVER 70'S - with easy access to the lovely Stoney Stratford town centre offering an array of facilities.
Updated: 2024-10-23
Save up to £25,000 with Bellway. The Bowyer is an energy efficient home with an open-plan kitchen, family & dining area, UTILITY ROOM, dual-aspect living room & EN SUITE to bedroom 1. Plus is new, chain free & comes with a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2024-10-22
£ 700,000
Luxury 4-bed detached house with spacious living areas. Modern kitchen, en-suite, utility room, and garden with lawn, patio, and decking. Energy-efficient with garage and parking. Built in 2016.
Updated: 2024-10-21
** CASH BUYERS ONLY** ** RARELY AVAILABLE ** A fantastically well kept 50% Shared Ownership property with Orbit in a well sought after area of Crownhill in Milton Keynes. In brief the property comprises; Driveway for 3 Cars, Entrance Hall, Kitchen, Living Room, Large Re...
Updated: 2024-10-21
Elevation are pleased to present for sale this immaculate two double bedroom first floor apartment in the desirable location of Whitehouse. In short this property comprises of entrance hall, two double bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen/ living room with a large balcony . This property also benefi...
Updated: 2024-10-21
Updated: 2024-10-19
Save up to £10,000 with Ashberry. The Daisy is a new, chain free & energy efficient home featuring an OPEN-PLAN kitchen/dining area & FRENCH DOORS. TWO double bedrooms plus one single with an EN-SUITE to bedroom 1, plus a 10-year NHBC buildmark policy^
Updated: 2024-10-19
Save up to £15,000 with Ashberry. The Valerian is a brand new, chain-free home, featuring an open-plan living and dining area, THREE BEDROOMS with EN-SUITE to bedroom 1 and well-equipped family bathroom, plus a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2024-10-19
A spacious 2 bedroom first floor apartment (lift in block) in the sought-after Elizabeth House development offering retirement living for those aged 70 and over. This lovely apartment also has an allocated parking space. The apartment is located on the first floor and it has private acco...
Updated: 2024-10-18
£ 350,000
Located within the ever sought after location of Whitehouse this three-bedroom terraced family home offers excellent school catchment with an accommodation comprising a lounge, kitchen/diner, downstairs cloakroom, en-suite to main bedroom, family bathroom, rear garden and a carport to the rear. ...
Updated: 2024-10-16
* FOUR BEDROOM DETACHED DOWN PRIVATE ACCESS ROAD - NO UPPER CHAIN * Urban & Rural Milton Keynes are delighted to the favoured agents in bringing to the market this four bedroom detached family residence located down a quiet private road of only two houses - which has been very care...
Updated: 2024-10-15
*DETACHED FOUR BEDROOM FAMILY HOME* This modern property is set over two floors. The property offers CLOAKROOM, Living room , FITTED KITCHEN/DINER/FAMILY ROOM, UTILITY ROOM, family bathroom, EN SUITE, FRONT and REAR gardens. DRIVEWAY PARKING and GARAGE.
Updated: 2024-10-15
£ 310,000
"Impressive Interior" Situated on the popular Whitehouse development and built by the reputable builder Bovis Homes in 2019, this fantastic modern property boasts a high standard finish throughout, two double bedrooms, off road parking and is also offered for sale at 40% shared ownershi...
Updated: 2024-10-08
£ 277,500
***** 75% SHARED OWNERSHIP SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE ***** Impeccably presented home in Fairfields, boasting idyllic setting and favourable features, such as an attractive double fronted look, spacious accommodation and a South-West facing garden. Ideal for First Time Buyers & Families alike!
Updated: 2024-10-07
Thomas Connolly Estate Agents are thrilled to offer this 4 double bedroom detached family home, situated in the sought after Fairfields development, which now has its own school and other planned amenities. It is just a short distance from Stony Stratford, which offers many shops and restauran...
Updated: 2024-10-04
**GREAT INVESTMENT OPPERTUNITY**Exceptional opportunity with a spacious 3-bed semi-detached house featuring a 30ft lounge, tranquil bedrooms, garden office, and workshop. Close to amenities, Complete with a landscaped garden. Ideal for investors or families.
Updated: 2024-10-03
GREAT FOR FIRST TIME BUYERS AND INVESTORS! An exceptionally well presented two-bedroom ground floor apartment! The accommodation comprises of entrance hall, open plan kitchen living area. TWO DOUBLE BEDROOMS, AND FAMILY BATHROOM. Outside benefits from off street parking and a front gar...
Updated: 2024-10-03
Offered to the market with no onward chain is this stunning five-bedroom family home, perfectly located in the sought-after Whitehouse development of Milton Keynes, overlooking green space and the Whitehouse lake to the front. Spanning four floors, this spacious residence is ideal for modern fami...
Updated: 2024-10-02
£ 124,000
“40% Shared Ownership!” Situated on the popular Whitehouse development and built by the reputable builder Bovis Homes in 2019, this fantastic modern property boasts a high standard finish throughout, two double bedrooms, off road parking and is offered for sale at 40% shared ownership!
Updated: 2024-09-30
“A Plot and Garden to Impress” Set back from the road and positioned within a popular residential location, this fantastic semi-detached, property is sure to impress boasting a fantastic garden, two bedrooms, a garage and off-road parking! Located within the popular area of Crow...
Updated: 2024-09-30
Communal entrance, once inside the property the hallway with two storage facilities, light and airy open planned kitchen/lounge/diner with French doors to balcony a family bathroom, double bedroom with floor to ceiling windows. Externally the property offers allocated parking and visitor space.
Updated: 2024-09-19
VIEWING IS ESSENTIAL TO APPRECIATE THIS PROPERTY AND TRANQUIL LOCATION. Situated off the popular High Street of Stony Stratford, in a rarely-available location overlooking fields but within easy walking distance of the towns shops, this 3 bedroom home features off-street parking and large gardens.
Updated: 2024-09-19
A well presented EXTENDED FIVE BEDROOM DETACHED WITH A STUDY , situated within the popular location of Crownhill, situated on the West side of Milton Keynes. The property currently falls within the Grange Farm and Shenley Church End catchment areas for primary and secondary school. Central Milto...
Updated: 2024-09-17
The Puxley is the perfect first home with an open-plan living space with access to the rear garden. Plus, is brand new, chain free, energy efficient & comes with a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^ for peace of mind.
Updated: 2024-09-11
The Puxley is the perfect first home with an open-plan living space with access to the rear garden. Plus, is brand new, chain free, energy efficient & comes with a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^ for peace of mind.
Updated: 2024-09-11
A beautifully presented two bedroom first floor retirement maisonette for the over 60's nestled in the heart of Stony Stratford. Offered with no upper chain, the property has a fitted kitchen with a range of appliances
Updated: 2024-09-10
Save up to £10,000 with Bellway. Brand new, chain free and energy efficient, The Chandler boasts an OPEN-PLAN kitchen & dining area with French doors to the garden, living room with a bay window, EN SUITE to bedroom 1 & a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^.
Updated: 2024-09-10
£ 650,000
Stunning 4-bed detached house in prestigious area, built in 2017. Boasts double garage, elegant interior with 3 reception rooms, open-plan lounge and dining room, kitchen/breakfast room, two en-suites, and expansive garden. Ideal for families seeking luxury and comfort.
Updated: 2024-09-06
Indulge in luxury living with this stunning five-bedroom detached home in the desirable Whitehouse area of Milton Keynes. Boasting expansive living spaces adorned with high-end finishes and modern amenities. Step inside to discover a open reception that leads to a spacious living room, perfec...
Updated: 2024-09-06
King Estate Agents are delighted to bring to the market this immaculate three bedroom semi detached house which is the former show home for the area, boasting upgraded features throughout, an ensuite ...
Updated: 2024-09-05
The Harper is a stunning brand new, chain free & energy efficient home, boasting an OPEN-PLAN kitchen & dining area with French doors to the garden, EN SUITE to bedroom 1, plus a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^.
Updated: 2024-08-31
NO CHAIN!! An exceptionally well presented four king-sized bedroom DETACHED FAMILY HOME! The accommodation downstairs comprises of entrance hall, lounge, kitchen diner with fully integrated appliances and WC. On the first floor this property boasts a spacious master bedroom ...
Updated: 2024-08-30
"As Good As New" Built in 2018 by the reputable builder Barratt Homes, this fantastic four bedroom detached home boasts an immaculate interior throughout, situated within the desirable area of Fairfields, and offered for sale with NO UPWARD CHAIN! Conveniently located within wa...
Updated: 2024-08-21
Save up to £10,000 with Bellway. The Tanner is a new, chain free & energy efficient home with an open-plan kitchen & dining room, TWO SETS of French doors to the garden, dual-aspect living room, EN SUITE to bedroom 1 & 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^.
Updated: 2024-08-17
Save up to £15,000 with Bellway. Brand new, chain free and energy efficient, The Chandler boasts an OPEN-PLAN kitchen & dining area with French doors to the garden, living room with a bay window, EN SUITE to bedroom 1 & a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^.
Updated: 2024-08-17
* A MODERN ONE BEDROOM GROUND FLOOR APARTMENT * BALCONY * ALLOCATED PARKING * Urban & Rural Milton Keynes are delighted to be marketing this stunningly presented, only five years old ground floor apartment located within the new established estate of Whitehouse. Whitehouse is a ne...
Updated: 2024-08-16
A very well presented, first floor retirement property, just off Stony Stratford High Street. Fegans Court is a popular retirement development and offers a well attended community centre and residents parking area. The accommodation briefly comprises: entrance hall with stair lift to first f...
Updated: 2024-08-15
“Attention First Time Buyers!” Situated on the popular Whitehouse development and built by the reputable builder Bovis Homes in 2019, this fantastic modern property boasts a high standard finish throughout, two double bedrooms and off road parking. Conveniently located within cl...
Updated: 2024-08-14
An immaculate and large 5 bedroom townhouse with versatile accommodation on this most sought after and exclusive modern development close to both the town centre and picturesque riverside meadows. This beautifully presented and substantial townhouse has versatile accommodation set over t...
Updated: 2024-08-12
A spacious 1 bedroom apartment in the sought-after Elizabeth House development offering retirement living for those aged 70 and over - the property has been competitively priced to sell. The apartment is located on the first floor with access via a lift and it has private accommodation c...
Updated: 2024-08-09
Shenley Apartments is a brand new, chain free & energy efficient home featuring an OPEN-PLAN kitchen, living & dining room, PRIVATE BALCONY & a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^ for peace of mind.
Updated: 2024-08-08
Save up to £20,000 with Ashberry. The Jasmine is a new, chain free & energy efficient home with an OPEN-PLAN kitchen/family/dining area, FRENCH DOORS & utility. TWO double bedrooms & one single with EN-SUITE to bed 1 & a 10-year NHBC buildmark policy^
Updated: 2024-08-01
A RARELY AVAILABLE FREEHOLD DETACHED COACH HOUSE!! An exceptionally well presented and spacious two-bedroom coach house. The accommodation comprises of entrance hall, open plan living area with integrated appliances, two generously sized bedrooms, a family bathroom and ensuite to maste...
Updated: 2024-07-30
Offered to the market with no onward chain and situated overlooking green spaces away from the road is this first floor apartment that is in great condition, floods with natural light, has great room sizes and very impressive storage space. An ideal first time buy or investment, the property is s...
Updated: 2024-07-23
Introducing a stunning period terraced house, boasting timeless charm and character. This delightful property offers two spacious bedrooms, providing ample room for a growing family or professionals seeking additional space. Upon entering, you are greeted by a beautifully designed living area, fe...
Updated: 2024-07-16
A particularly spacious two bedroom family home benefitting double glazing and central heating. The accommodation briefly comprises, entrance hall, kitchen, inner hallway, lounge/diner and bathroom. The first floor benefits from two double bedrooms. Outside there is driveway and carport prov...
Updated: 2024-07-16
Beautifully presented GROUND FLOOR TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT in a DESIRABLE RETIREMENT LIVING PLUS DEVELOPMENT for the over 70'S - easy access to Stony Stratford Town Centre.
Updated: 2024-07-12
A lovely end of terrace 2 Double bedroom house with a garden and 2 parking spaces.Its a 50% Shared ownership.Ground Floor: Entrance Hall, Living Room, Kitchen with sink base and wall units, Cloakroom with WCFirst Floor: Landing, Bedrooms x 2, Bathro...
Updated: 2024-07-09
Updated: 2024-07-09
1144 The Sylvie: We'll give you £15,000 towards your deposit* + we'll include an UPGRADED kitchen with stunning STONE worktops & BOSCH kitchen appliances: an oven, hood, gas hob, integrated fridge freezer, dishwasher & washing machine + FLOORING throughout! This modern home is...
Updated: 2024-07-06
1143 The Sylvie: We'll give you £15,000 towards your deposit* + we'll include an UPGRADED kitchen with stunning STONE worktops & BOSCH kitchen appliances: an oven, hood, gas hob, integrated fridge freezer, dishwasher & washing machine + FLOORING throughout! This modern home is...
Updated: 2024-07-06
£ 625,000
Updated: 2024-07-05
£ 96,000
Updated: 2024-07-05
£ 230,000
Knights MK are delighted to offer this 3 Storey, 3 bedroom townhouse in the popular area of Fullers Slade, a short distance from Stony Stratford. The accommodation has been refurbished to a very high standard. The property is currently rented out at £1075 to professional tenants on an AS
Updated: 2024-07-02
A very well presented 2 bedroom terrace house on this popular street, just a short walk from the town center. The property has accommodation set on two floors comprising; an entrance porch, hall, separate lounge and dining rooms, and a larger than average refitted kitchen/ breakfast room...
Updated: 2024-06-19
£ 180,000
Stunning 4-bed terraced house on a quiet street with spacious kitchen diner, allocated parking, large rear garden. Great school catchments. Shared ownership scheme from £180,000. Tranquil outdoor retreat, convenient city living. Book viewing 22nd June 2024.
Updated: 2024-06-17
EXCEPTIONALLY WELL PRESENTED, two bedroom, retirement ground floor maisonette. Located just off the highly popular Stony Stratford High Street, the accommodation briefly comprises: Entrance hall, lounge diner, recently refitted kitchen, two bedrooms, recently refitted shower room and private bal...
Updated: 2024-06-12
1220 The Chestnut: This DETACHED home benefits from a garage & driveway! Everyone needs their own space, and that's exactly what you get with 560 The Chestnut. There's room for the whole family to relax in the sitting room, and plenty of space to work in the study. The open-plan ki...
Updated: 2024-06-12
Charming 2-bed flat in sought-after area with 75% shared ownership. Modern open-plan kitchen/lounge, double glazing, designated parking, vibrant community, close to amenities. Ideal for first-time buyers or commuters. Must-see property!
Updated: 2024-06-08
SPACIOUS APARTMENT, in LOVELY CONDITION & in a GREAT LOCATION. This rarely available property offers OPEN PLAN LIVING with kitchen diner & lounge area, THREE DOUBLE BEDROOMS, master with EN-SUITE, cloakroom, family bathroom and ALLOCATED PARKING.
Updated: 2024-05-20
The Scrivener is a brand new, chain free & energy efficient home with an OPEN-PLAN kitchen, dining & family area, utility room, living room with a bay window, EN SUITE to bedroom 1, plus a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2024-05-17
Welcome to your cozy abode nestled in Whitehouse, Milton Keynes. This charming 2-bedroom apartment offers a perfect blend of comfort and convenience, ideal for those seeking a tranquil retreat within the bustling city.Step inside to discover a well-appointed living space adorned ...
Updated: 2024-05-09
Located in the modern development of Fairfield's. The area has wide roads, green open-spaces, play area and Fairfield's Primary School for ages 4 to10 years. The historic market town of Stony Stratford is less than1 mile away with many shops, bank, restaurants, health centre and library.
Updated: 2024-05-08
RARELY AVAILABLE - BRAND NEW - INCENTIVES AVAILABLEA spacious 2 bedroom apartment situated in the desirable location of Whitehouse Park. The apartment consists of a spacious open plan kitchen/living area. There are a rang...
Updated: 2024-04-12
Elevation is proud to present you a beautiful 3 bedroom semi detached property in a sought out area of Whitehouse.As you step inside, you are greeted by the heart of the home is the expansive open-plan kitchen and breakfast area, where sleek countertops, high-end appliances, and ...
Updated: 2024-04-08
Save up to £25,000 with Bellway. The Bowyer is an energy efficient home with an open-plan kitchen, family & dining area, UTILITY ROOM, dual-aspect living room & EN SUITE to bedroom 1. Plus is new, chain free & comes with a 10-year NHBC Buildmark policy^
Updated: 2024-03-19
£ 2,600 /mo
Thomas Connolly Estate Agents are delighted to offer for rent this immaculately presented four bedroom detached property in Whitehouse Park, offering close proximity popular schooling and a selection of parks.
Updated: 2024-03-14
A spacious 2 bedroom ground floor apartment in the sought-after Elizabeth House development offering retirement living for those aged 70 and over. This lovely apartment also has allocated parking. The apartment is located on the ground floor and it has private accommodation comprising; a...
Updated: 2024-03-11
555 The Maple: This home benefits from a garage & driveway. The moment you enter 555 The Maple, you get a unique sense of space. The hallway is open and airy. A large bay window bathes the sitting room with natural light. The separate utility frees up space in the kitchen, and the...
Updated: 2024-01-31
1112 The Juniper: We'll include BOSCH appliances! This home is benefits from a GARAGE, driveway & overlooks open space! Outside, 1112 The Juniper has all the character of a traditional home; inside it's everything a 21st Century property should be. Stylish. Modern. Well-appointe...
Updated: 2024-01-12
562 The Birch: This home benefits from a DOUBLE WIDTH GARAGE & is situated on a private shared drive! 562 The Birch is a home with a difference. You'll notice it the moment you step through the door; the light, the layout, the sense of space in every room. From the front-facing s...
Updated: 2024-01-12
563 The Lime: We'll include kitchen appliances: Oven, hood, GAS hob, fridge freezer & dishwasher. This home is situated in a superb position at the end of a private shared drive overlooking open space & benefits from a DOUBLE WIDTH garage! 563 The Lime is an outstanding family ...
Updated: 2024-01-12
***OWN A PIECE OF HISTORY*** Centrally located on the old A5, now Stony Stratford's High Street, this Grade II listed Victorian four bedroom townhouse is filled with character features including a unique and original spiral stone staircase within a tower.
Updated: 2024-01-06
£ 400,000
3-bed house with contemporary design, spacious layout, and en-suite shower room. Band A energy rating ensures low bills and minimal environmental impact. Perfect for comfortable and convenient living. Arrange a viewing today!
Updated: 2023-11-14
*** Competitively Priced by a Motivated Seller *** A one bedroom apartment in the sought-after Elizabeth House development offering retirement living for those aged 70 and over. The apartment is located on the first floor with access via a lift and it has private accommodation c...
Updated: 2023-09-06